... Part b of Chapter 1 This is the beginning of Part b file of Chapter 1... See Part a file for slides that come before these for Chapter 1 Had to split in half because BC’s PC couldn’t handle the size of the whole file together Also, maybe they will download faster than just one big Chapter 1 file
Art, Popular Culture & Kitsch
Popular to Hi Art
Commonplace popular mass produced product elevated to level of fine art Green Coca-Cola Bottles Oil on canvas 1962 Jasper Johns Painted Bronze (Ale Cans) Painted Bronze 1960 Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can Oil on canvas 1964
Tim Hawkinson BEAR Stone 2005
Jeff Koons Puppy (at Madison Square Garden ) c 1995 Flowers on wire frame Commonplace subject elevated to art level
Lo Art to Hi Art
Jeff Koons Puppy 1991 Art in Public Places Madison Square Garden Installation Roy Lichtenstein Popular art elevated to fine (high) art level Drowning Girl 1962 Oil on Canvas Whaam 1962 Oil on Canvas 5-8 x 13-6
Takashi Murakami Tan Tan Bo Puking Acrylic on canvas 2002
Tan Tan Bo Puking Acrylic on canvas 2002 Takashi Murakami
Homage to Francis Bacon.Study of Isabel Rawsthorne Acrylic on canvas 2003 Takashi Murakami Homage to Francis Bacon.Study of George Dyer Acrylic on canvas 2003
José Guadalupé Posada Political Graphics Newsprint and posters 1907
José Guadalupé Posada Political Graphics Newsprint and posters 1907
Barbara Kruger Your body is a battleground 1989 Photographic silk screen on vinyl 112” x 112” Between high art and popular culture
Kitsch ?
Lava Lamp
Plastic inflatable Zebra Chair
Art Styles. Idealized Art Naturalistic Style Cultural Abstract Nonobjective Surreal(ist) Expressionist style (aka Expressive) Classic(al)
Idealized Art Style
Ma Yuan Apricot Blossoms Ink 10” sq. 13th century Southern Son g Dynasty, China Idealized art
Polykleitos Doryphoros (spearbearer) BCE Marble (Roman copy of Greek sculpture) Idealized figures Olowe of Ise Veranda Post: Female Caryatid and Equestrian Figure Wood & pigment 71” Yoruba 1938
Each a Venus and each an idealized version of real life
Venus De Milo (Aphrodite of Melos) Marble 2nd Century BCE Greece Hellenistic Art
Venus of Willendorf Stone 25,000 BCE Movie
Naturalistic Style
Jan Bruegel Little Bouquet in a Clay Jar c.1600 Oil on wood panel Naturalistic
Mary Cassatt Mother and Child Paste on paperl 1897 Naturalistic
Mary Cassatt Mother and Child Paste on paperl 1897 Naturalistic
Cultural style
Kwakiutl Transformation Mask Northwest Coast Territory Native American Painted wood 1917 Cultural Style
Northwest Coast Territory Native American Shared cultural style
Grand Mosque Djenne, Mali Badshahi Mosque Lahore, Pakistan Cultural Style
Abstract Style
Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles D’Avignon, 1907 Oil on canvas Abstract Cultural style Ceremonail Masks (Mboom or Bwoom) Wood, beads, shells, cloth. (Head sized) 19th - 20th Century Kuba, Central Zaire
Yoruba, Nigeria (Olowe of Ise) Palace Sculpture Wood and pigment ? style
Nonobjective (nonrepresentational) art style
Frank Stella Abra III Acrylic on canvas 1968 Marriage of Reason and Squalor Enamel on canvas ’7 x 11’1 Madinat as - Salam I Polymer & flourescent paint on canvas ’10 x 25’ ? style
Nonobjective vs. Abstract Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles D’Avignon, 1907 Oil on canvas Wassily Kandinsky Improvisation Number 28 Oil on canvas 1912
Jackson Pollock One (Number 31, 1950) Oil on canvas 1950 ? style
Surreal(ist) style
Surrealism Yves Tanguy Mama, Papa is Wounded Oil on canvas 1927 Salvador Dali The Persistence of Memory Oil on canvas 1931 Surreal
José Miguel Soares Drink-me-by Hair Meret Oppenheim Object Fur Surreal
Expressionistic style (aka Expressive)
? style
Expressionist style (aka Expressive) Edvard Munch The Scream Casein on paper 1893
Kathe Kollwitz The Outbreak (from The Peasants War series) Etching Print 1903 Expressionist
Classic(al) style
Polykleitos Doryphoros (Spearbearer) c BCE Marble (Roman Copy of the original Greek bronze) Michelangelo Buonarroti David Marble Galleria dell’Accademia, Florence, Italy Classical
Olowe of Ise Veranda Post: Female Caryatid and Equestrian Figure Wood & pigment 71” Yoruba 1938
Artists’ Styles (Movements)
La Moulin de la Galette Oil on canvas 1876 Impressionism Pierre-Auguste Renoir Luncheon of the Boating Party Oil on canvas
Impressionism Mary Cassatt At the Theatre Pastel 1879 Edgar Degas Dancer on Stage Pastel 1878
Agony in the Garden Oil on canvas 1889 Post-Impressionism Paul Gauguin Fatata Te Miti (By the Sea) Oil on canvas 1892
Self-Portrait with Bandage Oil on canvas Starry Night Oil on canvas 1889 Post-Impressionism Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh Crows in the Wheat Field Oil on canvas 1890 Post-Impressionism
Style (Movement) ? Who are these artists ?
Paul Gauguin Woman in a coffeehouse, Mme. Ginoux iun the Café de la Gare in Arles Oil on canvas 1888 Vincent Van Gogh Mme. Ginoux (L’Arlesienne) Oil on canvas 1889 Post-Impressionism
At the Moulin Rouge Oil on canvas 1892 Jane Avril Oil on cardboard 1892 Post-Impressionism Toulouse Lautrec
Still-Life with Basket of Apples Oil on canvas c Post-Impressionism Paul Cezanne Ascending the Mountain Oil on canvas c
The Kiss Marble The Birth of Modern Sculpture Auguste Rodin Le Penseur (The Thinker) Beonze1880
Georges Seurat A Sunday on the Island of La Grande Jatte Oil on canvas Post-Impressionism Pointillist Style of painting
The End of Chapter 1 Now to the Language of Art and Architecture (Chapter 2)