The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering Hany H. Ammar, Professor, LANE Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA. Visiting Professor Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering, Management and Science University, Shah Alam, Malaysia, The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 1 A Keynote Presentation The Dean’s List Awards, Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering, Management and Science University, Shah Alam, Malaysia, December 28, 2010 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله ، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 22 OUTLINE Research and Innovation The Center Project Funding Agency The Project team The proposed mission statement The proposed Center Activities The Project Phases Software Architecture Risk Assessment Conclusions
Research and Innovation The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 3 According to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), The status of research an innovation in the Islamic world was lagging much behind the rest of the world. Across the 57 countries of the OIC, R&D spend averages just 0.38% of GDP5, compared with a global average of 1.7% There are 402 researchers per million people compared with a global average of 1,544
Research and Innovation The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 4 In 2005, 17 Arab-speaking countries together produced 13,444 scientific publications; fewer than the 15,455 achieved by Harvard University alone. According to a 2009 UNESCO Report, OIC countries contribute just 4.18% of the total papers in world scientific publications.
Research and Innovation The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 5 This picture is now starting to change. Eye catching developments in several countries suggest the potential for a wider renaissance in the science and innovation capabilities of the Islamic world. Countries like Malaysia, Turkey, Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are investing at such a scale that their future contribution to global science deserves serious and sustained attention “A new golden age? The prospects for science and innovation in the Islamic world,” The Royal Society Science Policy Centre, UK. June 2010
Research and Innovation The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 6 According to OIC, Malaysia is amongst the more sophisticated champions of science and technology, largely as a legacy of former Prime Minister Mahatir’s ‘Vision 2020’. Extensive investments in human capital and research are gradually starting to yield results. In 2004, the number of R&D personnel reached 31,000—an increase of 270% since Patent applications have also grown, with Malaysia now producing the highest number of applications across the OIC. Qatar aims to spend 2.8% of its GDP on research by 2015—which equates to approximately US$1.5 billion.
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 77 OUTLINE Research and Innovation The Center Project Funding Agency The Project team The proposed mission statement The proposed Center Activities The Center Project Phases Software Architecture Risk Assessment Conclusions
The Center Project Funding Agency The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 8 Qatar National Research Fund National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) Objective: This program is intended to support the overarching goal of Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), which is to foster a research culture in Qatar. Specifically, the grants offered through the National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) will: Build human capital in Qatar Fund research to benefit the nation, the region, and the world Raise Qatar’s profile within the international research community
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 99 OUTLINE Research and Innovation The Center Project Funding Agency The Project team The proposed mission statement The proposed Center Activities The Project Phases Software Architecture Risk Assessment Conclusions
The Project team The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 10 Lead PI Hany H. Ammar, West Virginia University, Co-Lead PI Osama Shata, Qatar University, PI Abdelkarim Erradi, Qatar University, PI Mohamed Salah Hamdi, Ahmed Bin Mohammed Military College, Co-PI Tim Menzies, West Virginia University, Co-PI Walid M. Abdelmoez, Arab Academy for Science and Technology (AAST) Post-Doc at QU, 7 Research Associates/Assiatants
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 11 OUTLINE Research and Innovation The Center Project Funding Agency The Project team The Proposed Mission The Proposed Center Activities The Project Phases Software Architecture Risk Assessment Conclusions
The Proposed Mission The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 12 To bring together international researchers to work on research problems in a tightly coupled fashion through virtual meeting environments.
The Proposed Mission (Cont.) The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 13 To perform collaborative research on challenging issues of software engineering technology using artificial intelligence techniques that is critical to support the development, operation and maintenance of modern software-centric systems. To provide cutting-edge technological support to the software industry in Qatar and the Arab world.
The Proposed Mission (Cont.) The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 14 To enhance the competitiveness of member organizations from academia and industry by conducting collaborative research programs, developing joint R&D proposals to compete for funding, and delivering high-quality educational and training programs both on-campus and off-campus.
The Proposed Mission (Cont.) The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 15 To foster an environment of excellence for faculty, students, and industry colleagues for exploration of state of the art software engineering technology and artificial intelligence techniques through hands-on projects using modern tools. To disseminate research results to the research community by conducting virtual workshops and conferences.
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 16 OUTLINE Research and Innovation The Project Funding Agency The Project team The proposed mission statement The Proposed Center Activities Software Architecture Risk Assessment Conclusions
The Proposed Center Activities The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 17 Conduct weekly research meeting on-line between the center researchers to develop collaborative research projects. Develop proposals for attracting research funding for center projects
The Proposed Center Activities (Cont.) The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 18 Conduct four virtual workshops each year to disseminate research results to industry collaborators and the research community.
The Proposed Center Activities (Cont.) The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 19 Organize an annual conference at Qatar University to bring together researchers from academia, industry, and government organization. Conduct on-line courses on Software Engineering
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 20 OUTLINE Research and Innovation The Project Funding Agency The Project team The proposed mission statement The proposed Center Activities The Center Project Phases Software Architecture Risk Assessment Conclusions
Project Phases The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 21 Phase 1. Define the short term and long term goals of the center and determine the center organizational structure. Identify a mechanism and an environment for weekly virtual meetings between center researchers
Project Phases (Cont.) The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 22 Phase 2. Conduct collaborative research projects on applying artificial intelligence techniques to software engineering and on architecture quality measurements and risk assessment.
Initial Research Agenda The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 23 Project I: Architecture Quality Measurements and Risk Assessment Project 2: Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering use the machine learning algorithms developed by Artificial Intelligence research to learn predictors of software quality
Project Phases (Cont.) The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 24 Phase 3. Organize quarterly virtual workshops and prepare for an annual conference hosted by Qatar University.
Project Phases (Cont.) The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 25 Phase 4 Identify and offer on-line courses or course units in software engineering. To help software companies to introduce metrics programs and to use collected metrics in their quality management processes The center organization will coordinate with the software development companies to offer training opportunities for software developers.
Project Phases (Cont.) The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 26 Phase 5 Identify target funding agencies and develop collaborative proposals in order to secure funding for the research and teaching activities of the center.
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 27 OUTLINE The Project Funding Agency The Project team The proposed mission statement The proposed Center Activities The Project Phases Software Architecture Risk Assessment Conclusions
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 28
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 29 For NASA Programs RISK MANAGEMENT: An organized, systematic decision-making process that efficiently identifies risks, assesses or analyzes risks, and effectively reduces or eliminates risks to achieving program goals. RISK: A Program “Risk” is any circumstance or situation that poses a threat to: crew or vehicle safety, Program controlled cost; Program controlled schedule; or major mission objectives, and for which an acceptable resolution is deemed unlikely without a focused management effort
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 30 Identify: Identify that a risk exits and give it a meaningful name. Analyze: Determine the severity of the risk according to the risk matrix. If the risk is negligible (low to medium severity, low likelihood of occurrence), stop here. However, if the risk could cause damage to the system or the system's users, continue. Plan: Decide how to combat the risk based on the risk's severity and likelihood of occurrence. Risk Management Cycle
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 31 Risk Management Cycle Mitigate: Follow the plan formulated in the previous phase as closely as possible to combat the risk. If this approach does not work, return to the previous phase and make a new plan. If the plan does work, continue analyzing the risk to determine whether it has been reduced to an acceptable severity level. Track: Once the risk has been mitigated to an acceptable severity level, the risk should be tracked to ensure the continued control of the risk. If at any time the risk seems to resurface, the risk management cycle should begin again, starting with the analysis phase.
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 32 Risk Definition For software intensive systems, a risk is a combination of a likelihood of occurrence of an abnormal event or failure and the potential consequences or severity of that event or failure to a system's operators, users, or environment
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 33 Risk Matrix Severity Likelihood of Occurrence ProbableOccasionalRemoteImprobable CatastrophicHigh High- Medium Medium CriticalHigh High- Medium Medium Medium- Low Marginal High- Mediu m Medium Medium- Low Low NegligibleMedium Medium- Low Low
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 34 NASA Independent Verification & Validation Facility NPD C NPD C for Software IV&V Policy states: "Task the IV&V Facility in Fairmont, West Virginia to manage the performance of all IV&V for software identified per the established criteria, and for any other safety critical software (as defined in NASA-STD )"
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 35 Software Architecture Risk Assessment: Importance / Benefits Improve allocation of development and IV&V resources based on quantitative assessment of product metrics Identify the high risk components of the system in terms of Reliability/Maintainability/Performance Components Risk Factor Components Risk
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 36 Software Architecture Risk Assessment Methodology Requirements ModelSystem Architecture Model Scenarios/Components Risk Factors Maintainability- based Risk Analysis Performance- based Risk Analysis Reliability- based Risk Analysis Software Architecture Risk Assessment Components Ranking
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 37 OUTLINE Research and Innovation The Center Project Funding Agency The Project team The proposed mission statement The proposed Center Activities The Project Phases Software Architecture Risk Assessment Conclusions
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 38 Conclusions There are indications of a new golden age of Research and innovation in Islamic Countries Funding for research is increasing and many funding opportunities are available The International Center of Excellence funded by QNRF is an example of these indications
The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering 39 Acknowledgements Funding –NSF, NASA Faculty –Ali Mili, Prof., NJIT –Amir Zaid, Assistant Prof. (Visiting, Spring and Summer 2005) –Mark Shereshevsky, Research Assistant Prof. –Katerina Guseva, Assistant Prof. –Vittorio Cortellessa, Assistant Prof. (Visiting) Graduate Students: –Ph.D students: Sherif Yacoub*, Khaild Lateef*, Walid Abdelmoez*, Fadi Haj-Said, Ahmad Hassan*,, –Masters students: Kalaivani, Rajesh Gunnalan, Wang, Swetha, Khader, Israr