Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2006 A Major Change to Legislation
Responsible Person Who owns the premises or Has control over the business/activity 2 or more ie Tenant/Landlord
Employee Contractors Casual worker Self Employed
Competent Person Anyone employed by the responsible person Fire Warden Fire alarm service engineer
Inspector Person employed by the enforcing authority: Hampshire Fire & Rescue Health & Safety Executive Ministry of Defence (MoD) Local Authority
Enforcement Failing to comply with articles 8 through 21 & 38 may result in a fine or up to two years in prison 8 to 21 cover Risk Assessment, Maintenance and Training
Fire Risk Assessment The corner –stone of the Order and must be reviewed regularly and amended as necessary If there are 5 or more employees or the premises licensed or the inspector requires it then the Fire Risk Assessment must be formally recorded
You as the Responsible Person Must ensure the safety of your employees and any person who comes into your premises or may be affected Where you share premises you must co- operate by sharing information and collaborating in providing measures HOW?
You Must Provide Means of Escape Escape Routes & Exits Signs & Notices Emergency Lighting Compartments & Doors
Training Induction training (refresher where changes or building alterations are made) Action to be taken notices Fire drills/exercises Fire Wardens Competent:duties, contact ES, help in evacuation
Definition of “Competent” Someone who has had Training Experience Qualification/knowledge
Employees Rights & Responsibilities You Provide them with information instruction & training You must consult with them on fire safety issues You cannot charge for training or equipment If you employee looses money he can recover the costs from you
Documents & Records Policy Procedures Arrangements Fire Risk Assessment Records
Enforcement Enforcement Authority HSE: Nuclear or construction sites, ships Fire Brigade Shops, Offices, Public buildings etc Local Authority Sports grounds, stadia etc MoD Military establishments
Inspectors have the right to: Enter at any reasonable time Inspect & copy any documents and records Take statements and evidence Make enquiries as to who the “Responsible people” are Take Samples
Penalties If convicted of failing to comply with Articles 8-21 and 38 you may be subject to a fine or imprisonment not exceeding two years