Turkey Turkey By: Ross Rogers
Population -Turkey’s population is 77,804,122 million. The growth rate of Turkey is 1.272% There are births /1,000 population The death rate is 6.1 deaths/1,000 population
Ethnic Makeup The ethnic groups for Turkey is Turkish, Kurdish, and other minorities.
Language The main language in Turkey is Turkish, however some people speak Kurdish, and Arabic.
More Language English and German are also spoken in Turkey. Some letters in Turkish have distinct markings on them.
Religion The main religion in Turkey is Islam which is about 99.8% Other religions, include Christianity, and Jewish.
Holidays Official holidays include New Year's Day, National Sovereignty and Children's Day, Labor and Solidarity Day, Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day, Victory Day, Republic Day, Ramadan Feast, and Sacrifice Feast
More Holidays New Years Day is celebrated on the first day of the Gregorian new year. A Gregorian year, is different then what our year is. One year in Turkey is equal to 354 days, 8 hr, and 48 min
Greetings Friends and family, would greet each other with either one or two kisses on the cheek. Elders are always respected by kissing their right hand then placing the forehead onto the hand.
More Greetings At social and business gatherings, greet the person closest to you, then work your way around the room or table anti-clockwise. Greet people with either the Islamic greeting of 'Asalamu alaykum' (peace be upon you) or 'Nasilsiniz' (How are you.
Gestures It is rude to point at something with your foot except animals. It is rude to sit with the sole of your shoe raised and pointing at someone because the sole of the foot is the lowest part of the body and is considered unclean. Kissing the back of an elders hands and raising it to your forehead for a brief touch shows respect, it can even be done to a mother or father.
Rites of Passage One tradition of rites of passage is the celebration of a child’s birth. Marriage is another important celebration in the rites of passage. Men are usually married to one woman, but there are a few men who live with two wives.
Food Soup is a common dish that is served for dinner and lunch.
More Food Beef, Pork, Chicken, fish, and more are common meats that people eat in Turkey. Vegetables and fruit are commonly used to eat.
Traditional Clothing The traditional dress of Turkey has changed slowly; this is important because it informs us about the people who produced it. The décor, like beads symbolize like a way of communication. Many of the styles have come from Persia, Iraq, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe.
Modern Clothing Female dress casually when going places. Wear European designs. Most woman wear head scarves, and even some woman cover there whole body up.
Recreation/Sports Soccer is the most popular sport. Marksmanship and Hunting, Track and Field, Basketball, Horseback Riding, Bicycling, Boxing, Badminton, Ice Sports, Billiards, Bridge, Gymnastics, Mountaineering, Fencing, Wrestling, Golf, Weightlifting, Handball, Scouting, Judo, Karate, Skiing, Rowing, Table Tennis, Archery, Automobile Sports, Underwater and Water Skiing, Chess, Tennis, Taekwondo, Volleyball, Body building, Swimming, and Sailing
Art The art varies from western style, to a Koran style depending on a human form. The art is graceful and valued.