Summary of Session 1: International Operational Safety Peer Reviews 1 Dominique Miniere EdF, France IAEA International Conference on Operational Safety Vienna International Centre June 2015
International Atomic Energy Agency 2 Key points from presentations, posters and panel discussions Member States –International Peer Reviews are a powerful tool for safety improvement. Regulatory Inspections, OSART and WANO peer reviews are essential elements of the global nuclear safety governance. –Many plants have performed plant self assessment prior to the missions which allowed them to better focus on plant specific issues and improve plant safety. –Preparation for peer reviews is equally important as the mission itself; This is essential to the credibility of peer review activities. –IAEA and WANO missions are complementary rather than competitive missions. AFI: There is a room for improvement of the coordination of these missions to ensure reduction of the burdens to the plants and cost effective use of plant resources;
International Atomic Energy Agency 3 Key points from presentations, posters and panel discussions IAEA –Revision of the IAEA OSART methodology to address lessons learned from Fukushima; Leadership and Management for Safety; Accident Management and Human, Technology & Organization Interaction are now standard part of OSART missions. Full transparency to all stakeholders is an unique feature of the OSART missions which makes these reviews a necessary complement to all other international NPP operational safety review services. WANO –Increased number of international peer reviews. WANO has made significant and commendable efforts to enlarge and strengthen its peer review programme and to “design-informed” its assessment methodology.
International Atomic Energy Agency 4 Key points from presentations, posters and panel discussions –OSART missions and WANO peer reviews are seen by many plants as opportunity for improvement rather than as a burden; Missions are most effective when they are seen as learning opportunity for continuous improvement. The peer reviews are as strong as reviewers are. –transparency of international peer reviews services is helping to build public confidence in nuclear industry. –Post Fukushima increased international cooperation with focus on operational safety.
International Atomic Energy Agency 5 –An IAEA/WANO working mechanism to communicate and coordinate different international peer review services shall be established to ensure an effective way of performance of peer reviews and to allow plants to optimize the use of their resources –The IAEA and WANO in cooperation with the nuclear power plant operating countries are encouraged to develop a long term planning for OSART and WANO missions to minimise duplications and ensure that resources are used to the best interests of all stakeholders –The IAEA shall support the development and implementation of operational safety self-assessment tools –IAEA Safety standards on operational safety shall regularly be updated to reflect the state-of-the-art in operational safety as defined during peer reviews Potential areas for further improvements
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