ITEC1001 Outside Sources Collaboration
Work together, esp. in some literary, artistic, or scientific undertaking (from Collaboration is a structured, recursive process where two or more people work together toward a common goal—typically an intellectual endeavor that is creative in nature—by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus. (from
Collaboration Tools MediaWiki Outlook web calendar features WebCT File Management software
Collaboration within MediaWiki Information sharing Collaboration platform Who is using wiki? GGC wiki: See more at mers.jsp
Wiki To use GGC Wiki: 1. To View information: All you need to do is visit 2. To edit information: You need to apply for username and password. (All editing history recorded, malicious users will be banned)
Wiki Is wiki the right tool for me? Go to Main page of GGC wiki, Left side of your screen: How To Guides How to decide if this wiki is the right tool for you to use
Wiki Keep in mind Wiki is open to all Internet users. Everyone sees what you post
Outlook Web Calendar Check available time for group meetings You have control over who can view your calendar How to Share: (Microsoft Office Outlook) Click Share My Calendar New Appointment New Meeting Request Share calendar with coordinators
Features Create subfolders Search (by keyword/SendTo/From) Automatically filtering messages/rules (e.g. based upon sender) Adding signature Etiquette (how is different from chat), Having a subject Group Project collaboration (Is this the best choice?)
Exercise for students Describe 3 potential drawbacks you could see in using attachments for group project collaboration? (MSWord and Powerpoint)
WebCT Collaboration Students Instructor Students Students Instructor Instructor
File Management Software Google Docs – An online document sharing/editing tool Video: Tutorial: eeze/DocsSpreadsheets/index.html
Exercise for Students Describe 3 benefits of using online document sharing/editing over sending attachments of Microsoft Word? Does Google Docs have the 3 drawbacks you listed for (Your answer for the question on slide 10)? explain how or why the drawback does or does not exist when using Google Docs.
Exercise for students Register for Google Docs and invite some of your classmates to edit a document with you. Gain some hands on experience with what works well and what is more difficult to use. Answer the following questions: Can you export documents and spreadsheets to PDF? Can you upload and edit Word and Excel documents? Can you save the documents and spreadsheets as Word and Excel formats respectively? How do you know if other people are editing the document at the same time you are? What happens when concurrent edits are saved? Why?
Collaboration Tools MediaWiki Outlook web calendar features WebCT Google Docs More: SharePoint Shared folders