Medical Geology Lynn Chyi, Ph. D. Department of Geology The University of Akron
Online Access Only class members can access via WebCT
Medical Geology Home Page Students have access to course content and communication from anywhere, anytime
Course Syllabus The syllabus covers course objectives, contact information, class schedule, grading rubric, course policies, and expectations.
Course Content The online course content contains graphics, animations, case studies, links to external web resources, and quizzes.
Online Course Content Students can choose from one of six online modules
Sample Module: Dose Response Each module starts with an introduction
Course Content Each module covers the sources, …..
Access to Additional Information Additional information is available through popups and links to external web sites.
Module Quiz At the end of each module, students take an online multiple choice quiz.
Proctored Quizzes Students can only take the quizzes at the proctored Geology Computer Lab.
Other Online Tools: Calendar The calendar reminds students of upcoming topics, assignments, and quizzes.
Other Online Tools: Communication Communications tools include: , chat, threaded discussions, and virtual office hours.
Other Online Tools: Virtual Office Hours VOH allows remote students to synchronously communicate with the instructor or GA using voice, video or text chat.
Other Online Tools: WebCT Overview Students new to WebCT have access to an in- depth overview on how to use WebCT.
Link to Content Modules