Milano Project Meeting WP5 Unchain 9 th September 2010 Nicoletta Trentinaglia, Centro METID - Politecnico di Milano
Centro METID Role in Unchain Project: WP5 Leader WP5 Objective: to enhance e-cooperation in the Unchain Network Through the following steps in WP5: 5.1 Enhancement of the IT infrastructure of the MEDA universities 5.2 Design and customization of the online tools Ongoing: 5.3 Technological/methodological training in e-cooperation for enhancing University (UE and MEDA) – Enterprise networking Ongoing: 5.4: Online activity Management: e-collaboration tools available to partnership to support all project activities (included the network creation university-enterprise) Outcome 5: Quality Control of the Virtual Environment: users on line survey en correspondence to e-collaboration training and close to the conclusion of the project Centro METID – activities
Centro METID WP5 Training Calendar 2010 The calendar of training in MEDA Universities has been decided on the basis of the result of testing of Internet Connection Speed: - DSL/HDSL connection with dedicated band, suggested of 5 Mb in downstream and 640 Kb in upstream assured or - in case the lab is realized within an existing university network it will be necessary to require to the responsible of network services to enable full time and without the necessity to book a QOS on the part of network related to the lab that assures a minimal band of 640 kbps towards the network of the lab. CAIRO: March 2010 Casablanca: March 2010 Sfax: April 2010 Beirut: April 2010 Aleppo: November 2010 in connection with Aleppo project meeting
Centro METID Training Draft Agenda Introduction: - presentation of the training - Web 2.0 approach Content Sharing Web 2.0 tools Wiki (Deki wiki): presentation and practical application Google applications: Documents: presentation and practical application Lunch Break Google Calendar, Sites, Survey: presentation and practical application C-map: presentation and practical application Tools for Source Management and collaborative creation of common bibliography Feed RSS, Delicious Conclusion
Centro METID Training Draft Agenda Tools to realize easily and quickly Audio and Video CamStudio (open and free software): presentation and practical application Media Sharing Web 2.0 tools YouTube: presentation and practical application (Unchain Tube) Flickr: presentation and practical application Web conference and Video Conference Systems: differences, advantages and disadvantages Lunch Break Web conference: Adobe Connect, Connect Now, Dim Dim Small group project work: application of the above presented tools to a specific context/task Presentation made from participants of the results of the small group project Discussion on the presented results of the small group projects Conclusion
E-collaboration tools always in progress: for example YouTube in Unchain: the Unchain Tube
Centro METID Centro METID proposal for Aleppo, Nov November: Workshop on Innovation 4-5 November: Project Meeting After this: e-collaboration training to Aleppo University Waiting for confirmation from Hussein Al Mohammad We would like to complete everything with 1 trip to Aleppo (to save budget and also time)
TODAY: Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Do you agree on the proposed planning? OK: AGREEMENT with partnership on the proposed PLANNING. Centro METID – Planning