Online Classrooms Katherine Carswell Holly Academy Middle School
Did you know? Did you know that 50% of 21 year old in the US have created web content (Fisch, 2007)? Did you know that 50% of 21 year old in the US have created web content (Fisch, 2007)? According to the Media Literacy Clearinghouse, a special interest group that collects and monitors media use data, 95% of US teens, ages 12-17, are online and fully 80% of teens participate in user based social networking (Baker, 2010). It is also noted that 0-8 year old children in the US are spending an average of two hours and forty-four minutes per day using digital media sources, while they are read to on average 23 minutes per day (Baker, 2010). In this digital age it is critical that educators respect, employ, and excel in media use in the classroom. According to the Media Literacy Clearinghouse, a special interest group that collects and monitors media use data, 95% of US teens, ages 12-17, are online and fully 80% of teens participate in user based social networking (Baker, 2010). It is also noted that 0-8 year old children in the US are spending an average of two hours and forty-four minutes per day using digital media sources, while they are read to on average 23 minutes per day (Baker, 2010). In this digital age it is critical that educators respect, employ, and excel in media use in the classroom.
How I use the online classroom: I use my online classroom as a place for students to find a class calendar, copies of every file (notes, assignments, videos, etc), and extension resources for my courses. I use my online classroom as a place for students to find a class calendar, copies of every file (notes, assignments, videos, etc), and extension resources for my courses. There are many ways to further integrate your classroom and online classroom. There are many ways to further integrate your classroom and online classroom.
Some limitations: Although online classrooms have nearly limitless capabilites and applications, I limit my class in a variety of ways because: Although online classrooms have nearly limitless capabilites and applications, I limit my class in a variety of ways because: The law and the “grey” area The law and the “grey” area Student and parent surveys Student and parent surveys On the job training in web design and online classroom use On the job training in web design and online classroom use
How to make a wiki Click on “teachers” 3. Click on “sign up and start” 4. Create a username, password, and provide your address. 5. You will need to choose a name for your wikis, for example “MsCarswell” 6. Under “wiki type” choose “K-12 education” 7. Make sure that the circle next to “yes” for “create a wiki now” is highlighted. 8. Click “join”
Widgets Everything on the internet is coded for webpage display. Most of the code is up for grabs. Everything on the internet is coded for webpage display. Most of the code is up for grabs. You probably have seen this code many times, perhaps without recognizing it. If you have ever clicked “share” on a youtube video you have been shown the code to embed that youtube video in a website (like the video at the start of this presentation). You probably have seen this code many times, perhaps without recognizing it. If you have ever clicked “share” on a youtube video you have been shown the code to embed that youtube video in a website (like the video at the start of this presentation). Any code that can be borrowed, embedded, viewed, and used on a website is called a widget. Any code that can be borrowed, embedded, viewed, and used on a website is called a widget.
YouTube videos If you find a video you want to have viewable on your page: At the bottom of the YouTube video find the “share” button. At the bottom of the YouTube video find the “share” button. By default you will be presented with a web address for the video. Next to the web address is the word “embed;” click on “embed.” By default you will be presented with a web address for the video. Next to the web address is the word “embed;” click on “embed.” Where the web address was located you will now see a box containing all of the code for the video; copy the code. Where the web address was located you will now see a box containing all of the code for the video; copy the code. When in the “edit” option of your wiki, click on “widget.” When in the “edit” option of your wiki, click on “widget.” Choose “video” from the menu. Choose “video” from the menu. Paste the code into the box. Paste the code into the box. Click “save.” Click “save.”
Maps Google maps, and most map programs, are widgets. If you would like to embed a Google map into your wiki: 1. At the top of your map there is a button that looks like 2. When you click on the button, you will again choose “embed.” 3. Copy the code. 4. While in the “edit” option of your wiki, choose “widget.” 5. From the menu, click on “map” and paste the code into the box. 6. Click “save.”
Pictures Adding pictures to your wiki is very easy! Adding pictures to your wiki is very easy! In the “edit” option of your wiki, you can simply copy and paste the picture to the page, just like a word document. In the “edit” option of your wiki, you can simply copy and paste the picture to the page, just like a word document. OR, in the “edit” option of your wiki, click on the “file” button, choose “external image,” find the picture file on your computer, and click “load.” OR, in the “edit” option of your wiki, click on the “file” button, choose “external image,” find the picture file on your computer, and click “load.”
Files Uploading files is very simple. It is also a great way to back up your hard work! Uploading files is very simple. It is also a great way to back up your hard work! 1. In the “edit” portion of your wiki click on “file.” 2. Select “insert file.” 3. Click on “+ upload file.” 4. Browse your computer and click on the file you want to upload. 5. The file will show an upload box, when that disappears, click on the file. 6. The file will be embedded in your wiki as a link to download that file.
Hyperlinks If you have ever used Wikipedia, you have probably noticed the hyperlinks that can take you to related pages. You can hyperlink any word or phrase in your wiki to any webpage you wish. If you have ever used Wikipedia, you have probably noticed the hyperlinks that can take you to related pages. You can hyperlink any word or phrase in your wiki to any webpage you wish. 1. In the “edit” portion of your wiki type in the text you wish to hyperlink. 2. Highlight the text and click on “link.” 3. You will have the option of hyperlinking to a page within your wiki or an external website. If you wish to link within your wiki, just choose the page or click “create new page.” If you wish to link to an outside website, just copy and paste the web address into the box.
Other wiki capabilities Locking your wiki space and/or wiki pages. Locking your wiki space and/or wiki pages. Tracking changes Tracking changes Membership vs. public Membership vs. public Discussion boards Discussion boards Slideshows Slideshows Google Api’s Google Api’s RSS feeds RSS feeds