Adventures in Learning! Mary Evans Elementary August 25th, 2015
Mary Evans Elementary Mission Statement All students, with support of staff, parents, and community, will be provided a safe, nurturing, and engaging learning environment that empowers them with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be lifelong learners and citizens of good character who are prepared to contribute to an ever-changing, global society.
Mary Evans Elementary Vision Mary Evans’ students will be able to think critically and creatively, solve problems, and will learn to communicate effectively. Our students will learn to work effectively as individuals and as group members, develop self-confidence, self-discipline, and respect for others, recognize the contributions of individuals, groups and cultures in society, and demonstrate civic responsibility.
Mary Evans Elementary Beliefs We hold ourselves accountable for: –Creating a safe environment where each member is valued is paramount to establishing an exemplary school –Setting high academic and behavioral expectations yield high student achievement –Developing strong relationships, clear communication, and continuous reflection among all members of the Evans learning community is basic to the success of our school –Establishing the connection between academic objectives and real life application is fundamental in creating life learners –Accepting a role in developing citizenship in all students is essential to their life long success and the future of our country.
5 th Grade Teachers Our conference time is from 8:20-9:05 Jean Anderson– Science Kyla Yakabowskas –Reading and Writing Dianna Love– Math Rose Ford -Social Studies
C are about others and be honest. O bey teacher and adult directions. R espect all people and property. K eep all body parts and objects to myself. Y earn to be punctual and prepared daily. 9 weeks Report Card Equivalent: Outstanding 0-4 signatures Satisfactory 5-7 signatures Needs Improvement 8-11 signatures Unsatisfactory 12+ signatures
Communication Rider Communication Chart – calendar of monthly events and conduct signatures (sign daily) Daily Agenda (sign daily) “Wednesday Folder” – Weekly communication and graded papers will be sent home in this folder. Grades that will be recorded in the grade book will be circled. (sign weekly) s and phone calls will be returned after instructional time or during our planning period. 5 th grade teacher planning period is 8:20-9:05am daily. 5 th
Assessment Calendar Dates: –Math Benchmark November –Reading Benchmark November –Science Benchmark November –Math Simulation: February 2 nd –Reading Simulation: February 3 rd –Science Simulation: February 24 th –Math STAAR: March 29 th –Reading STAAR: March 30 th –Science STAAR: May11 th ***AISD Assessment Calendar subject to change as mandated by TEA***
Grades Grade Average- 60% of your child's average comes from daily work and homework; 40% comes from tests, quizzes, and projects. Late work - For each day an assignment is late, 10 points will be deducted. Make up work - For each day of an excused absence, one day will be given to complete the assignment(s). Absences- If your child is absent for any reason, please send a note of explanation or call the office. Absences without notes are considered unexcused. Please send a note within 3 days of the absence. Grading Period- Report cards will be sent home every 9 weeks.
Daily Schedule 7:50amPick up students in cafeteria 7:55am-8:15 amHomeroom & Announcements 8:20am-9:05 amSpecials 9:05am-10:15amBlock 1 10:15am-11:20amBlock 2 11:20am-12:10pmBlock 3 12:15pm-12:45pmLunch 12:45pm-1:15pmRecess 1:15pm-1:35pmBlock 3 1:35pm-2:40pmBlock 4 2:40pm-2:55pmPack up/Dismissal 5 th
5 th Grade Field Trips and Activities November 18 th,19 th,20 th : Sky Ranch December: Science Fair April 25 th or 26 th : Enterprise City
A “Volunteer Background Check” is required for all volunteers and field trip chaperones. This includes Sky Ranch. Please register quickly online at
5 th Grade Expectations Report Cards and Progress Reports – sign and return the next day Agenda – homework, tests, and projects – daily parent signature Check the website weekly for “Currently We’re Working On.”
Skyward Gradebook Gradebook is easily accessible to students and their families using Skyward. Login using your family access information to view your student’s calendar and grades. You will find a link on the Evans webpage.
Math Daily homework Math journals used to reinforce objectives Math Textbooks issued in 5 th grade Practice multiplication facts nightly.
Reading and Writing Develop good reading habits at home –Make 20 minutes of daily reading part of your daily routine Reading and Writing journals used daily Reading logs
Social Studies United States History Map Skills States and Capitals 1565-Present
Science Science journals Quizzes and study guides Science Fair in December Life Science; Physical Science; Earth Science Stemscopes
Sky Ranch November 18 th - 20 th Students will receive a packet of information in September including cost, what to bring, and other important information. Parent chaperone meeting in late October or early November
5 th Grade Website Visit Select a school…Evans Elementary Click on Faculty Web Sites Select 5 th Grade – Team Page Things to look for: Calendars and “Currently We’re Working On” Test study guides and projects Links for online textbooks & resources Science Fair Information Sky Ranch Information
Instagram Teachers will be posting pictures of classroom activities, field trips and other events through Instagram. Permission slips will be going home with your child soon.