English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) Spring 2008 Administration Teleconference at Wayne RESA February 5, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) Spring 2008 Administration Teleconference at Wayne RESA February 5, 2008

Spring 2008 ELPA  2 February 5, 2008 Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction Phil Chase, Department Specialist Assessment of English Language Learners Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability (OEAA) 

Spring 2008 ELPA  3 February 5, 2008 Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction Questions? Fax: 

Spring 2008 ELPA  4 February 5, 2008 Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction To download today’s Power Point, go to 

Spring 2008 ELPA  5 February 5, 2008 Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction To order videotapes or DVDs contact Brenda Hose Phone: 

Spring 2008 ELPA  6 February 5, 2008 Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction  Teleconference Overview  Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction  Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA  Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum  ELPA Calendar ELPA Calendar

Spring 2008 ELPA  7 February 5, 2008 Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction What is the ELPA? The ELPA is Michigan’s assessment of the English language that is based on its standards for proficiency in English.What is the ELPA? The ELPA is Michigan’s assessment of the English language that is based on its standards for proficiency in English. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  8 February 5, 2008 Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction What is the purpose of the ELPA? It is used to determine, on an annual basis, the progress that English language learners (ELLs) are making in the acquisition of English language skills.What is the purpose of the ELPA? It is used to determine, on an annual basis, the progress that English language learners (ELLs) are making in the acquisition of English language skills. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  9 February 5, 2008 Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction Who takes the ELPA? The ELPA is given to all Michigan students who are enrolled in grades K-12 and who are eligible for ELL services. All public and charter schools are included. Private schools are also included depending on agreements with local educational agencies or LEAs.Who takes the ELPA? The ELPA is given to all Michigan students who are enrolled in grades K-12 and who are eligible for ELL services. All public and charter schools are included. Private schools are also included depending on agreements with local educational agencies or LEAs. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  10 February 5, 2008 Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction When is the ELPA administered? It is given every year during a six-week testing window in the spring.When is the ELPA administered? It is given every year during a six-week testing window in the spring. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  11 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA OverviewOverview – Updates to Kindergarten (Level I) assessment – Five Assessment Levels – ELPA Domains – Points and Items – Projected Times – Assessment Materials – Reports 

Spring 2008 ELPA  12 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Updates to Assessment Level I for KindergartenersUpdates to Assessment Level I for Kindergarteners – Only one form for Spring 2008 – Test is shorter by five points in each domain – More items for beginning learners 

Spring 2008 ELPA  13 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA ELPA Assessment Levels  Color Assessment Level Grade Level(s) IK II1-2 III3-5 IV6-8 V9-12

Spring 2008 ELPA  14 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA ELPA DomainsELPA Domains – Listening – Reading – Writing – Speaking Domains may be administered in any orderDomains may be administered in any order 

Spring 2008 ELPA  15 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Comprehension, a fifth domain, is reported to meet Title III requirementsComprehension, a fifth domain, is reported to meet Title III requirements Comprehension score is taken from a composite of selected Listening and Reading standardsComprehension score is taken from a composite of selected Listening and Reading standards 

Spring 2008 ELPA  16 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Listening, Reading, and Writing domains assessed as individual sectionsListening, Reading, and Writing domains assessed as individual sections – Untimed – Group-administered – Separate, continuous sections 

Spring 2008 ELPA  17 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Listening Domain FeaturesListening Domain Features – Variety of discourse styles (passage length and difficulty level) – Academic and social contexts – Audio CD has directions, passages, prompts, items, and item options 

Spring 2008 ELPA  18 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Reading Domain FeaturesReading Domain Features – Variety of passage styles Literary/NarrativeLiterary/Narrative Informational/Content-BasedInformational/Content-Based – Modes of comprehension assessed LiteralLiteral InferentialInferential Vocabulary, multiple meanings, idiomsVocabulary, multiple meanings, idioms 

Spring 2008 ELPA  19 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Writing Domain FeaturesWriting Domain Features – Two sections can be assessed in separate sessions for ease of planning – Writing Conventions: multiple-choice items that assess knowledge of standard English – Writing: performance-based items Short AnswerShort Answer Extended ResponseExtended Response 

Spring 2008 ELPA  20 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Speaking domain assessed as individual sectionSpeaking domain assessed as individual section – Untimed – Individually-administered – Completed in one session 

Spring 2008 ELPA  21 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Speaking Domain FeaturesSpeaking Domain Features – Five separate speaking activities – Student responses are scored at time of administration using a scoring form and rubrics 

Spring 2008 ELPA  22 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Points and Items per Level  ELPA Level PointsItems Level I 6855 Level II 8062 Level III 8364 Level IV 8566 Level V 8667

Spring 2008 ELPA  23 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA  Section Projected Time (min.) Number of Points Listening Reading Writing Speaking Level I

Spring 2008 ELPA  24 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA  Section Estimated Time (min.) Number of Points Listening Reading Writing Speaking Level II

Spring 2008 ELPA  25 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA  Section Estimated Time (min.) Number of Points Listening Reading Writing Speaking Level III

Spring 2008 ELPA  26 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA  Section Estimated Time (min.) Number of Points Listening Reading Writing Speaking Level IV

Spring 2008 ELPA  27 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA  Section Estimated Time (min.) Number of Points Listening Reading Writing Speaking Level V

Spring 2008 ELPA  28 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Younger students (grades K-2) record their answers directly in their test booklets, which are scannable. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  29 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA These levels have a reusable Speaking booklet. The teacher or proctor records Speaking scores in the students’ test booklets at the time of administration. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  30 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Older students (grades 3-12) have test booklets, but record their answers in separate answer documents. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  31 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Each Assessment Level has its own Directions for Administration, with scripts for directions and Listening prompts and items. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  32 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Assessment Level II (Grades 1-2) has two forms, Form 1 and Form 2.Assessment Level II (Grades 1-2) has two forms, Form 1 and Form 2. Assessment Levels III, IV, and V (Grades 3- 5, 6-8, and 9-12) have three forms, Forms 1, 2, and 3.Assessment Levels III, IV, and V (Grades 3- 5, 6-8, and 9-12) have three forms, Forms 1, 2, and 3. Each form has some items that are different from other forms.Each form has some items that are different from other forms. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  33 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA Each form’s directions are located in that level’s Directions for Administration manual.Each form’s directions are located in that level’s Directions for Administration manual. Each form has a separate section which is separated by different tabs.Each form has a separate section which is separated by different tabs. Assessment administrators and proctors should make sure which form students have been assigned.Assessment administrators and proctors should make sure which form students have been assigned. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  34 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA A student’s test booklet will show the form that has been assigned.A student’s test booklet will show the form that has been assigned. Read only the directions from the appropriate section in the Directions for Administration manual.Read only the directions from the appropriate section in the Directions for Administration manual. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  35 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA At Levels III, IV, and V, the first sample answer for each domain changes by form.At Levels III, IV, and V, the first sample answer for each domain changes by form. On form 1, these answers are all “A”.On form 1, these answers are all “A”. On form 2, these answers are all “B”.On form 2, these answers are all “B”. On form 3, these answers are all “C”.On form 3, these answers are all “C”. This is a way that assessment coordinators and proctors can be sure that the correct section of the Directions for Administration manual is being used.This is a way that assessment coordinators and proctors can be sure that the correct section of the Directions for Administration manual is being used. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  36 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA ELPA ReportsELPA Reports – Individual Student Reports and Parent Reports posted first in electronic (.pdf) format according to ELPA Cycle selected by district – No preliminary reports will be posted; reports will show overall performance levels 

Spring 2008 ELPA  37 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA ELPA Reports (cont.)ELPA Reports (cont.) – Paper reports will be shipped to districts Individual Student ReportsIndividual Student Reports Parent ReportsParent Reports Class RostersClass Rosters Student LabelStudent Label Summary Reports for district (Overall, Domain, Demographic)Summary Reports for district (Overall, Domain, Demographic) 

Spring 2008 ELPA  38 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA ELPA Reports (cont.)ELPA Reports (cont.) – Summary reports also will be available at ISD and State levels – All reports will be made available in.pdf and paper formats – Parent Report has new domain graphic 

Spring 2008 ELPA  39 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA New Parent Report Graphic Sample 

Spring 2008 ELPA  40 February 5, 2008 Features of the ELPA Features of the ELPA ELPA Reports (cont.)ELPA Reports (cont.) – Parent Report translations will be available at the public ELPA Web site, SpanishSpanish ArabicArabic JapaneseJapanese 

Spring 2008 ELPA  41 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Meeting Federal RequirementsMeeting Federal Requirements Identification of StudentsIdentification of Students Assessment AccommodationsAssessment Accommodations SecuritySecurity Staff RolesStaff Roles Preparation for AssessmentPreparation for Assessment

Spring 2008 ELPA  42 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Message from Linda Forward, Title III Supervisor, Office of School Improvement (OSI)Message from Linda Forward, Title III Supervisor, Office of School Improvement (OSI)

Spring 2008 ELPA  43 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA How does the ELPA meet federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requirements? Title I requires the annual assessment of all ELLs enrolled in grades K-12 who are eligible to receive services.How does the ELPA meet federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requirements? Title I requires the annual assessment of all ELLs enrolled in grades K-12 who are eligible to receive services.

Spring 2008 ELPA  44 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA How is eligibility determined? The Home Language Survey (HLS) is used to determine eligibility for assessment of English acquisition.How is eligibility determined? The Home Language Survey (HLS) is used to determine eligibility for assessment of English acquisition.

Spring 2008 ELPA  45 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA What does the HLS ask? (1) Is your child’s native tongue a language other than English? (2) Is the primary language used in your child’s home or environment a language other than English?What does the HLS ask? (1) Is your child’s native tongue a language other than English? (2) Is the primary language used in your child’s home or environment a language other than English?

Spring 2008 ELPA  46 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Home Language Survey (cont.) If either answer is “yes,” then the LEA must assess the English language proficiency of the student.Home Language Survey (cont.) If either answer is “yes,” then the LEA must assess the English language proficiency of the student.

Spring 2008 ELPA  47 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA How does the ELPA meet Title III requirements? The ELPA is used for annual Title III reporting and shows progress on the attainment of ELP standards. At least three levels of performance must be reported: Basic, Intermediate, and Proficient.How does the ELPA meet Title III requirements? The ELPA is used for annual Title III reporting and shows progress on the attainment of ELP standards. At least three levels of performance must be reported: Basic, Intermediate, and Proficient.

Spring 2008 ELPA  48 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Michigan’s ELPA reports five performance levels:Michigan’s ELPA reports five performance levels: – Basic – Low Intermediate – High Intermediate – Proficient – Advanced Proficient

Spring 2008 ELPA  49 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Title III identification Starting fall 2007, the ELPA Initial Screening is now used to assist schools in identifying a new student’s eligibility for services. The results of the ELPA Initial Screening and the Spring ELPA now provide annual counts of eligible students for yearly LEP subgrants.Title III identification Starting fall 2007, the ELPA Initial Screening is now used to assist schools in identifying a new student’s eligibility for services. The results of the ELPA Initial Screening and the Spring ELPA now provide annual counts of eligible students for yearly LEP subgrants.

Spring 2008 ELPA  50 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA How do we determine if a student with a disability (SWD) is eligible for an accommodation for the ELPA? Use of an accommodation is based on documentation in school record. Decisions are made on an individual-student basis.How do we determine if a student with a disability (SWD) is eligible for an accommodation for the ELPA? Use of an accommodation is based on documentation in school record. Decisions are made on an individual-student basis.

Spring 2008 ELPA  51 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Which accommodations can be offered? The Accommodations Summary Table is located in Appendix A of any Directions for Administration manual. For specific concerns, please contact the OEAA at (877) 560-TEST (8378).Which accommodations can be offered? The Accommodations Summary Table is located in Appendix A of any Directions for Administration manual. For specific concerns, please contact the OEAA at (877) 560-TEST (8378).

Spring 2008 ELPA  52 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Assessment SecurityAssessment Security – ELPA test materials must be carefully monitored. – ELPA test booklets and answer documents may not be photocopied. – All materials must be kept in locked storage before and after each session.

Spring 2008 ELPA  53 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Assessment Security (cont.)Assessment Security (cont.) – Only the students taking the ELPA may view their test booklets and answer documents. – Original copies of the ELPA Security Compliance Form must be filled out for all personnel administering the ELPA for each role.

Spring 2008 ELPA  54 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Staff RolesStaff Roles – District Coordinator – Building Coordinator – Assessment Administrator – Assessment Proctor

Spring 2008 ELPA  55 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA District CoordinatorDistrict Coordinator – Chooses ELPA Cycle – Makes and tracks ELPA orders – Aids in training personnel – Receives and distributes test materials – Collects test materials at end of testing window – Checks packaging for return to Harcourt – Makes shipment on date according to cycle

Spring 2008 ELPA  56 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Building CoordinatorBuilding Coordinator – Trains personnel – Ensures security of testing materials – Prepares material for return to District Coordinator at end of testing window – Handles and resolves concerns

Spring 2008 ELPA  57 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Assessment CoordinatorAssessment Coordinator – Administers the test – Oversees Assessment Proctors – Must hold teaching certificate Assessment ProctorAssessment Proctor – Aids in the administration of the test – May be paraprofessional or support staff

Spring 2008 ELPA  58 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Preparation for AssessmentPreparation for Assessment – Ask students to put away all books, notes, and papers – Make sure students have the correct documents – Make sure students have a #2 pencil – Special situations: please see Directions for Administration manuals

Spring 2008 ELPA  59 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Packaging and Returning MaterialsPackaging and Returning Materials – Refer to the new Packing Poster for help in organizing and packaging materials for return – Diagrams and step-by-step instructions are also found in the Directions for Administration manual

Spring 2008 ELPA  60 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.)Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.) – Building Coordinators should separate scorable test booklets and answer documents from non-scorable materials – Create units of materials within the same Assessment Levels. Grade levels may be mixed within each unit.

Spring 2008 ELPA  61 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.)Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.) – Complete optional Class/Group ID sheets if you would like students listed by class or group on reports – Complete one original School Level-Grade Span Header Sheet for each Assessment Level unit. Do not photocopy these forms.

Spring 2008 ELPA  62 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA

Spring 2008 ELPA  63 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.)Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.) – Bundle each Assessment Level together with its School Level-Grade Span Header Sheet using a white paper band provided in your Test Coordinator’s Kit – Place Class/Group ID sheets, Security Compliance Forms, and Special Handling envelopes in the bottom of the same box in which materials were shipped.

Spring 2008 ELPA  64 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.)Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.) – Stack Assessment Level units in ascending order from top to bottom – Level I will be above Level II, for example – Place non-scorable materials in a separate box – Use orange label for scorable materials; green label for non-scorable materials

Spring 2008 ELPA  65 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Note the difference in scorable materials between Levels I-II and III-V as shown in the diagram.Note the difference in scorable materials between Levels I-II and III-V as shown in the diagram.

Spring 2008 ELPA  66 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.)Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.) – District Coordinators should aid building coordinators and check correct packaging of materials – District Coordinators seal each box and affix shipping labels – Shipping labels are found in the Test Coordinator’s Kit

Spring 2008 ELPA  67 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.)Packaging and Returning Materials (cont.) – The district’s return shipment is to be made as one shipment on or before the district’s ELPA Cycle date

Spring 2008 ELPA  68 February 5, 2008 Administration of the ELPA Administration of the ELPA Questions? Fax: ? ?

Spring 2008 ELPA  69 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators Tina Foote Technical Support Staff Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability (OEAA) 

Spring 2008 ELPA  70 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators OEAA Secure Site:OEAA Secure Site: Pre-Identified (Pre-ID) Student ListPre-Identified (Pre-ID) Student List Pre-ID Mass UpdatesPre-ID Mass Updates Mass Demographics UpdateMass Demographics Update Barcode LabelsBarcode Labels Tested RosterTested Roster 

Spring 2008 ELPA  71 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators The pre-identification of students for the Spring 2008 ELPA came from:The pre-identification of students for the Spring 2008 ELPA came from: – ELPA 2007 Initial Screening (Basic to Proficient) – Spring 2007 ELPA – Single Record Student Database (SRSD) 

Spring 2008 ELPA  72 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators The Pre-ID list that is accessible via the OEAA Secure Site is a list that the state provides to assist in organizing and planning for the ELPA.The Pre-ID list that is accessible via the OEAA Secure Site is a list that the state provides to assist in organizing and planning for the ELPA. Each student on the list will receive test materials from Harcourt with labels pre- printed and pre-applied.Each student on the list will receive test materials from Harcourt with labels pre- printed and pre-applied. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  73 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators To generate a list:To generate a list: – Click on Pre-Identified Students from the menu at the left after logging in – Select ISD, district, school and test period (Spring 2008 ELPA), and click the Submit button 

Spring 2008 ELPA  74 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators You can make updates to the Pre-ID list for whole groups using the Mass Pre-ID Updates function, for example:You can make updates to the Pre-ID list for whole groups using the Mass Pre-ID Updates function, for example: – Unassigning a group of students for a test cycle – Moving a group of students from one building to another within a district 

Spring 2008 ELPA  75 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators Examples (cont.)Examples (cont.) – Changing the grade level field for a group of students – Assigning a new test cycle to a group of students 

Spring 2008 ELPA  76 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators To make updates:To make updates: – Click on Pre-Id Mass Updates from the menu at the left after logging in – Select ISD, district, school, test period (Spring 2008 ELPA), and grade to be updated, and click the Submit button 

Spring 2008 ELPA  77 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators In Update Fields, select any combination of fields that will be changed. In Search Results, select all or a sub-group of students using checkboxes. Click Save.In Update Fields, select any combination of fields that will be changed. In Search Results, select all or a sub-group of students using checkboxes. Click Save. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  78 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators Mass Demographic UpdatesMass Demographic Updates – You can use the Mass Demographic Update function at any time through the end of the Tested Roster period. – Click on Mass Demo Updates from the menu at the left after logging in 

Spring 2008 ELPA  79 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators To generate a list of all the students assigned to the Spring 2008 ELPA, select your ISD, District, School and the test cycle from the drop-down menus. Then click the Search button.To generate a list of all the students assigned to the Spring 2008 ELPA, select your ISD, District, School and the test cycle from the drop-down menus. Then click the Search button. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  80 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators After performing your search, the Update Fields section will appear. By selecting “Yes” for any combination of pull-down menus, you will change that information for the students you select in the next step.After performing your search, the Update Fields section will appear. By selecting “Yes” for any combination of pull-down menus, you will change that information for the students you select in the next step. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  81 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators Select the students you want to update as by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the student’s name (the first column).Select the students you want to update as by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the student’s name (the first column). Click “Save” to complete the process.Click “Save” to complete the process. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  82 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators Barcode LabelsBarcode Labels – District or building coordinators should print barcode labels for students who did not receive pre- identified test materials. – Click on Barcode Labels from the menu at the left after logging in 

Spring 2008 ELPA  83 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators To generate a list of all the students assigned to the given test cycle, select from the drop down menus the ISD, District, School, Grade and Test cycle. Then click the Search button.To generate a list of all the students assigned to the given test cycle, select from the drop down menus the ISD, District, School, Grade and Test cycle. Then click the Search button. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  84 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators Above the list of student names, you have the option to select the number of labels that you want to print for the selected students as well as the starting position on the labels.Above the list of student names, you have the option to select the number of labels that you want to print for the selected students as well as the starting position on the labels. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  85 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators You may use the Select All button to select all of the students listed.You may use the Select All button to select all of the students listed. When you have selected the students and are ready to print, click the Submit button. Adobe Acrobat will open a new window and display an image of your labels.When you have selected the students and are ready to print, click the Submit button. Adobe Acrobat will open a new window and display an image of your labels. If everything looks correct, click on the printer icon, which normally is located near the top left corner of the window.If everything looks correct, click on the printer icon, which normally is located near the top left corner of the window. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  86 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators Make sure Avery Label #5161 is used. These have labels that are 1 inch by 4 inches with 20 labels to a page.Make sure Avery Label #5161 is used. These have labels that are 1 inch by 4 inches with 20 labels to a page. On the Printer Dialog window that appears next, ensure the Shrink Oversized Pages or Fit To Page (depending on your version of Adobe) option is NOT checked.On the Printer Dialog window that appears next, ensure the Shrink Oversized Pages or Fit To Page (depending on your version of Adobe) option is NOT checked. If you have an Auto-Rotate And Center Pages option, make sure that is checked.If you have an Auto-Rotate And Center Pages option, make sure that is checked. Click OK to print.Click OK to print. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  87 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators After testing is complete and test materials have been scanned by Harcourt, the Tested Roster report can give you a complete listing of:After testing is complete and test materials have been scanned by Harcourt, the Tested Roster report can give you a complete listing of: – students whose test materials were received by Harcourt – student demographic information pooled by the demographic form on the test materials and from the OEAA Web site 

Spring 2008 ELPA  88 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators It provides a last opportunity to:It provides a last opportunity to: – verify that all answer folders were received and accountable by the contractor – request to research any missing students and or missing assessments – update student demographic information before reports are printed and the AYP file is created 

Spring 2008 ELPA  89 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators To access the Tested Roster:To access the Tested Roster: – Click on Tested Roster from the menu at the left after logging in – Select ISD, District, and Spring 2008 ELPA from the Test Cycle, as well as any other optional criteria that you want to appear in the report. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  90 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators You can download this data into a format that is readable by Excel. This will help you sort students for review.You can download this data into a format that is readable by Excel. This will help you sort students for review. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  91 February 5, 2008 Online Tools for Coordinators Online Tools for Coordinators Instructions for website usage can be found on the Announcements page of the secure site by clicking on the link “OEAA Secure Site User Manual,” found under Assessment Documents.Instructions for website usage can be found on the Announcements page of the secure site by clicking on the link “OEAA Secure Site User Manual,” found under Assessment Documents. 

Spring 2008 ELPA  92 February 5, 2008 ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum Chad Barrett Program Manager Harcourt Assessment, Inc. (HAI)

Spring 2008 ELPA  93 February 5, 2008 For the Spring 2008 ELPA, districts will register for one of three ELPA Cycles:For the Spring 2008 ELPA, districts will register for one of three ELPA Cycles: – Pilot Cycle – Priority Cycle – Regular Cycle ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  94 February 5, 2008 Pilot CyclePilot Cycle – ELPA materials delivered by February 25 – District ships back to Harcourt on or before April 18 – Individual Student Reports and Parent Reports will be available in electronic.pdf format during the first week of June ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  95 February 5, 2008 Priority CyclePriority Cycle – ELPA materials delivered by February 25 – District ships back to Harcourt on or before April 25 – Individual Student Reports and Parent Reports will be available in electronic.pdf format during the first week of June ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  96 February 5, 2008 Regular CycleRegular Cycle – ELPA materials delivered by March 3 – District ships back to Harcourt on or before May 2 – Individual Student Reports and Parent Reports will be available in electronic.pdf format during the second week of June ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  97 February 5, 2008 Testing may begin immediately upon receipt of materialsTesting may begin immediately upon receipt of materials District plans a normal six-week window for testingDistrict plans a normal six-week window for testing Eligible ELLs who arrive after testing is completed and materials are shipped back should be assessed using the current ELPA Initial ScreeningEligible ELLs who arrive after testing is completed and materials are shipped back should be assessed using the current ELPA Initial Screening ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  98 February 5, 2008 To aid districts in selecting and registering for an ELPA Cycle, proposed Cycle Calendars are available for download at aid districts in selecting and registering for an ELPA Cycle, proposed Cycle Calendars are available for download at ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  99 February 5, 2008 Registration for an ELPA Cycle closes February 11Registration for an ELPA Cycle closes February 11 District coordinators can register for an ELPA Cycle by logging in to the Harcourt Spectrum Web siteDistrict coordinators can register for an ELPA Cycle by logging in to the Harcourt Spectrum Web site ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  100 February 5, 2008 To access the Spectrum site:To access the Spectrum site: – Click on ELPA - Harcourt from the menu at the left after logging in – Log in to the Spectrum site. Your User ID is the same as your OEAA User ID, but passwords may be different. ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  101 February 5, 2008 Click on Customer Service > Survey > MI ELPA Spring 2008 Cycles.Click on Customer Service > Survey > MI ELPA Spring 2008 Cycles. ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  102 February 5, 2008 Complete each field and select an ELPA Cycle. Then click “Submit”.Complete each field and select an ELPA Cycle. Then click “Submit”. ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  103 February 5, 2008 Use the Spectrum Web site to order materials for your districtUse the Spectrum Web site to order materials for your district Your district’s name will appear as if it were a separate schoolYour district’s name will appear as if it were a separate school You may then order ELPA materials for the district as a back-up supplyYou may then order ELPA materials for the district as a back-up supply ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  104 February 5, 2008 Click on Order Management > Order Tracking > Place Additional Order.Click on Order Management > Order Tracking > Place Additional Order. ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum Select 2008 Spring MI ELPA.Select 2008 Spring MI ELPA. The first “school” is your district office.The first “school” is your district office.

Spring 2008 ELPA  105 February 5, 2008 Use the tabs to select specific Assessment levels. Enter in quantities desired in the open boxes. Click “Place Additional Order” when finished with all tabs.Use the tabs to select specific Assessment levels. Enter in quantities desired in the open boxes. Click “Place Additional Order” when finished with all tabs. ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  106 February 5, 2008 Use the Spectrum Web site to track materials coming to your district and schoolsUse the Spectrum Web site to track materials coming to your district and schools Click on Order Management > Order Tracking > Find An Order.Click on Order Management > Order Tracking > Find An Order. ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  107 February 5, 2008 Follow the instructions to find the status of an order of ELPA materials.Follow the instructions to find the status of an order of ELPA materials. ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  108 February 5, 2008 Questions or problems using the Spectrum Web site or placing ELPA orders can be resolved by calling the Harcourt Customer Support number atQuestions or problems using the Spectrum Web site or placing ELPA orders can be resolved by calling the Harcourt Customer Support number at (800) ELPA Cycles and Spectrum ELPA Cycles and Spectrum

Spring 2008 ELPA  109 February 5, 2008 ELPA Calendar ELPA Calendar Phil Chase, Department Specialist Assessment of English Language Learners Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability (OEAA) 

Spring 2008 ELPA  110 February 5, 2008 February 11February 11 – Last day to select ELPA Cycle February 25February 25 – ELPA Materials arrive for Pilot and Priority Districts ELPA Calendar ELPA Calendar 

Spring 2008 ELPA  111 February 5, 2008 March 3March 3 – ELPA Materials arrive for Regular Cycle Districts March 17March 17 – Regular Testing Window Begins ELPA Calendar ELPA Calendar 

Spring 2008 ELPA  112 February 5, 2008 April 18April 18 – Pilot Districts ship materials April 21April 21 – Last day to make additional orders April 25April 25 – Priority Districts ship materials ELPA Calendar ELPA Calendar 

Spring 2008 ELPA  113 February 5, 2008 May 2May 2 – Regular Cycle districts ship materials ELPA Calendar ELPA Calendar 

Spring 2008 ELPA  114 February 5, 2008 First week of JuneFirst week of June – Pilot and Priority districts can access reports Second week of JuneSecond week of June – Regular Cycle districts can access reports ELPA Calendar ELPA Calendar 

Spring 2008 ELPA  115 February 5, 2008 Want to get involved?Want to get involved? – Rangefinding Feb – Content Review March 4 – Detroit Area Location – Application Form ELPA Calendar ELPA Calendar 

Spring 2008 ELPA  116 February 5, 2008 ELPA Calendar ELPA Calendar Questions?  ? ?

Spring 2008 ELPA  117 February 5, 2008 Reminder To download today’s Power Point, go to

Spring 2008 ELPA  118 February 5, 2008 Reminder To order videotapes or DVDs contact Brenda Hose Phone:

Spring 2008 ELPA  119 February 5, 2008 Contact Information Phil Chase, Department Specialist Assessment of English Language Learners Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability (OEAA) (517)

Spring 2008 ELPA  120 February 5, 2008 Contact Information Linda Forward, Supervisor Title III Programs Office of School Improvement (OSI) (517)

Spring 2008 ELPA  121 February 5, 2008 Contact Information Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability (OEAA) Main Telephone Line: (517) 560-TEST General ELPA

Spring 2008 ELPA  122 February 5, 2008 Contact Information Harcourt Assessment, Inc. (HAI) Customer Support: (800) ELPA Web site: OEAA Secure Site:

Spring 2008 ELPA  123 February 5, 2008 Special Thanks Wayne RESAWayne RESA Michigan ISDsMichigan ISDs MAISA’s network of teleconference sitesMAISA’s network of teleconference sites