Books for Understanding Sanctification and the Christian Life World View Theology of Being Human Theology of the Holy Spirit 1. The Transformation of the Inner Man (1982) ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Healing the Wounded Spirit (1985) ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Deliverance and Inner Healing (1992) ISBN-10: ISBN-13: The Holy Spirit and You : A Study-Guide to the Spirit-Filled Life (1987) ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Trinity of Man (1987) ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Christianity with Power: Your Worldview and Your Experience of the Supernatural (2005) ISBN-10: ISBN-13: The Collapse of the Brass Heaven: Rebuilding Our Worldview to Embrace the Power of God (1994) ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Receiving the Power: Preparing the Way for The Holy Spirit (1996) ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Sanctification & the Christian Life 1. Real Presence: The Christian Worldview of C. S. Lewis as Incarnational Reality (1995) ISBN-10: X ISBN-13: The Healing Presence: Curing the Soul Through Union with Christ (1995) ISBN-10: X ISBN-13: Dr. Karl Lehman, Christian, psychiatrist and leader in faith based emotional healing. (Evangelical) The Immanuel Approach to Emotional Healing- Brain Science, Psychological Trauma & The God Who Is With Us. Science, Psychological Trauma & The God Who Is With Ushttp:// 2. Outsmarting Yourself- understand the people in your world, including yourself, and develop realistic, psychologically sound, Christ-centered tools for becoming a joyful, life-giving person with thriving relationships. Elijah House: John, Paula, Mark SandfordDennis & Rita BennettLong & McMurry Charles Kraft Leanne Payne 1. The Life Model: Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You.. 2. The Complete Guide to Living With Men. 3. Neurotheology. All at 4. Webinars- How Western Christianity Failed the Church. g3s8u95ta9 g3s8u95ta9 E. James Wilder (Evangelical) (Presbyterian) (Anglican) Related to The Life Model
Elements of Understanding Sanctification and the Christian Life Our life perspective may be affected by a wide range of events that damage our human spirit so that it cannot see God or life correctly. This damage tilts our basic perception of reality so that the whole of life, including our emotional life, is dysfunctional. Our human spirit can be deceived, or brought into spiritual captivity and bondage by false teaching. It can also be damaged through sin, folly, trauma or spiritual attack. Curses can bring immense emotional pain and a feeling of constant struggle and futility. Spiritual healing may require that we renounce the idol-gods of our fathers (Judges 6:25-26) [See “Renouncing False Gods and Appropriating the Holy” by Leanne Payne.] All of the above have scriptural remedies and can be dealt with and fixed. They are not necessarily permanent. Christians can have their emotional life redeemed so that it is transformed to mirror the emotional life of Jesus Christ. This involves renewing seven key aspects of our selves: 1.our basic perceptions of reality and our perspective on life. 2.our individual belief system. 3.the purposes and intents of our heart. 4.our physical bodies and their influence on our emotions. 5.our ability to be aware of and to understand our own emotions. 6.our ability to understand others’ emotions. 7.our ability to appropriately express emotion according to the desire of the Holy Spirit. These statements are excerpted from the Biblical EQ document on the Downloads page of my website. [