WoodWisdom-Net Towards a common strategic research direction Competitiveness from sustainable and innovative forest-based products, processes and services Leena Paavilainen Programme Director, D.Sc.(Tech.) Wood Material Science Programme, Centre of Expertise for Wood Products, Project Manager WoodWisdom-Net, Networking and integrating the national research activities in the area of wood material science and engineering
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels2 ERA-NETERA-NET is a spesific programme in the EU´s 6th FP strenghtening the foundations of the ERA To step up the cooperation and coordination of national or regional research activities through networking of programmes including their mutual opening and the development and implementation of joint activities partners are programme owners such as ministries and research councils, in some cases programme management organizations or coordination bodies
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels3 The objective of WoodWisdom-Net is to network and integrate the national research activities in the area of wood material science and engineering in order to enhance the efficiency of programme management and optimise the use of research funds create a common research platform that will promote the competitiveness and sustainability of European forestry and forest-based industry The final goal of the WoodWisdom-Net project is to prepare and implement a joint programme launch a joint call of a transnational programme in the year 2007
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels4 Human knowledge and competence are fundamental for the forest clusters future success How to keep the Forest Cluster competitive? Investments in people and know-how new innovative, sustainable products and processes New business opportunities building co-operation e.g. with ICT and biotechnology Joining the forces to strengthen the innovation system in the European forest cluster and promoting knowledge and technology transfer in order to transform the R&D investments into a competitive egde for the cluster.
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels5 Multidiciplinary research in wood material science promotes the forest cluster´s competitiveness Wood material research plays key role in developing innovative, cost-competitive, eco-efficient products, processes and services, e.g. radically reduce the use of raw material in fibre and wood products create new functionalities for wood-based products improving wood and fibre properties Multidisciplinary research is essential in the forest cluster - besides conventional technologies and material science also biotechnology and ICT knowledge are vital for innovations.
Competitive and sustainable forestry and forest-based industry New innovative, eco-efficient cost competitive products, processes and services Wood Wisdom –Net, Common research platform with optimized use of research funds, Transnational programme Finnish-Swedish Wood Material Science Programme knowledgebase National programmes with specific goals
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels7 Finnish-Swedish Wood Material Science and Engineering programme promotes the development of innovative, eco-efficient, cost-competitive products, processes and services Sub-programme 1, basic research module on generates new strategic knowledge about the material properties of wood and the means how to affect them Sub-programme 2, Innovation-targeted Research and Development Module focuses on modification and processing of wood raw material into innovative, eco-efficient products
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels8 Structure of the Finnish-Swedish Research Programme Theme 1 & 2 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Formas Tekes Academy of Finland Project Theme 3 VINNOVA Tekes
Competitive and sustainable forestry and forest-based industry New innovative, eco-efficient cost competitive products, processes and services Wood Wisdom –Net, Common research platform with optimized use of research funds, Transnational programme, first call 2007 Finnish-Swedish Wood Material Science Programme knowledgebase National programmes with specific goals
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels10 WoodWisdom-Net consortium consists of 12 participating partners from 5 countries The National Technology Agency, Tekes (Coordinator, FINLAND) Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, MMM (Finland) Academy of Finland, AKA (FINLAND) Danish Forest and Nature Agency, DFNA (DENMARK) The Danish Technical Research Council, STVF (DENMARK) Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany, BNBF (GERMANY) Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, FZJ-PTJ (GERMANY) The Research Council of Norway, RCN (NORWAY) Innovation Norway, SDN (NORWAY) Nordic Forest Research Co-operation Committee, SNS (NORWAY) The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, Formas (SWEDEN) Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, VINNOVA (SWEDEN)
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels11 The main activities of the WoodWisdom-Net Benchmarking and dissemination of good practices Identification of complementary research activities Identification of practical networking and opening mechanisms for future cooperation Identification together with stakeholders (e.g. industry) the research areas and instruments needed to improve competitiveness and sustainability of the forest cluster Implementation of joint evaluation and foresight activities Implementation of transnational research programme to improve competitiveness and sustainability of the forest cluster
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels12 WoodWisdom-Net focuses on the following research topics Wood raw material properties, their formation and variation Means to affect the material properties of wood (e.g. silvicultural methods, breeding, genetic engineering) Modification and processing of wood raw material into innovative, eco-efficient products Sosio-economic aspects related to material-scientific innovations
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels13 National research activities or programmes of WoodWisdom-Net partners running in the area of wood material science and engineering – Volume around 200 million euros Wood Material Science and Engineering ( ), by Tekes, Academy of Finland, Ministry of Agriculture an Forestry in Finland, Formas and VINNOVA Wood Wisdom II ( ), Tekes, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Ministry of Internal Affairs in Finland Wood Energy Programme ( ), Tekes in Finland Product Development Scheme for Forestry and Wood Working Industry (1994-), Danish Forest and Nature Agency Production and material technology including wood ( ), The Danish Technical Research Council Solution Oriented Concepts for Sustainability – Sustainable Forestry ( ), Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels14 National research activities or programmes running in the area of wood material science and engineering include..... Forest – resources and value creation ( ), The Research Council of Norway The Wood Programme ( ), The Norwegian Industrial and Regional Development Fund Forest Research Programme, Forest Research Networks; Nordic Forest Research Cooperation Committee Green Materials from renewable resources ( ), VINNOVA in Sweden Wood Manufacturing ( ), VINNOVA in Sweden.
European forest research - outlook for the future Brussels15 Launching a European research programme in the area of wood material science and engineering in the year 2007 National module / interest Trans-national programme