Congregation “Notre Dame de Sion” The Sion Community in Egypt
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion2 Religious life in Sion is to live like the first Christian Community in Jerusalem.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion3 Charisma of the Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion Fr. Theodore founded the congregation of our Lady of Sion to witness in the Church and in the world that God continues to be faithful in his love for the Jewish people and to hasten the fulfilment of the promises concerning the Jews and the Gentiles. Constitutions of NDS given to a sister when she takes vows.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion4 Charism of the Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion Psalm 89: “I shall not revoke my covenant, I shall not withdraw the word once spoken.”
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion5 Mission of the Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion is to love as God loves without condition every people and every person at any place and time.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion6 Mission of the Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion is to work and pray to build the Kingdom of God, of justice, peace and love
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion7 Mission of the Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion is to give witness in the church and in the world that God continues to be faithful in his love to the Jewish people.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion8 Mission of the Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion is to build bridges between peoples, religions and cultures.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion9 Mission of the Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion is to live with people on the edges of the society.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion10 The Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion put the word of God at the center of their lives.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion11 The Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion Study the Bible with others
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion12 The Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion Live from the Word of God Search constantly in the Jewish roots and traditions for the interpretation of the Bible. Sr. Maureena Fritzs nds, founder of Batkol Institute
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion13 The Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion are called to develop a special sensitivity to the marginalised the rejected the persecuted and the outsiders among and within our societies.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion14 The Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion are called to be women who respect differences. are called to be women who build bridges towards the other.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion15 The Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion are called to be women of reconciliation and peace – among ourselves and among those with whom we work.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion16 How do the Sisters of Sion live this mission? in Community in their ministry in their prayer
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion17 The founder of Notre Dame de Sion is Theodore Ratisbonne December – January
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion18 Wisdom of Father Theodore A Sister of Notre Dame de Sion should have a heart bigger than the world
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion19 Wisdom of Father Theodore A sister of Notre Dame de Sion should have strength and patience
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion20 Wisdom of Father Theodore A Sister of Notre Dame Sion should have respect for all cultures nationalities and beliefs.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion21 Wisdom of Father Theodore The work of Sion is a reality of the moment.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion22 Wisdom of Father Theodore To pray is to love. When I speak about prayer I am speaking about love.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion23 Wisdom of Father Theodore Love is the fundamental mystery transmitted through Scripture, and found in Scripture.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion24 Wisdom of Father Theodore Reconciliation happens when people get to know each other and appreciate each other.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion25 Wisdom of Father Theodore I am established in Sion! In giving us this motto, the Holy Spirit wanted to show us the need for permanence, for steadfastness without which nothing is solid.
March 2009Notre Dame de Sion26 Pax – Shalom – Salam