Disciple Making FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST a study in
The Man of Peace © Sonlife Classic Phase1 THE FATHER’S AGENDA
Implications: 1. Am I __________ in understanding the context and culture where God has placed me? 2. Am I discerning ________________ for these people I am ministering among? 3. Is there a ____________________, that God has prepared for this time and place? ENGAGED GOD’S AGENDA PERSON OF PEACE
The Person © Sonlife Classic THE SON’S STRATEGY
How real is your Jesus? Hebrews 3:1 “Think a lot about Jesus”
What would it have been like to grow up with Jesus? Did He ever get hurt on the playground and come home crying? Did He ever make a mistake? Do you think He used His God powers? Did He ever get a “B” score? Did He ever question what to do next? Did He ever get sick? Did He ever have a bad day spiritually where His Father seemed far away? When did He discover that He was the Messiah... and how did He learn of it?
1. The Humanity of Jesus HISTORICALLY How real is your Jesus? “If Christ did not become fully human, then His redemption of man could not have been fully complete.” -St. Gregory “If you diminish His humanity, then you diminish what He did for us. If you make Him less than human, our salvation is less than complete” - Augustine
Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD. Ebionism – denied deity Docetism – denied humanity Arianism – denied full divinity Apollinarianism – denied full humanity “two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, and without separation” How real is your Jesus? The Defining Orthodox Statement
2. The Humanity of Jesus Theologically /Practically How real is your Jesus? How does this work...fully God and fully man? God chose to temporarily veil (cloak) His deity so that His humanity could find full expression.
Conclusion #1: Jesus did not __________________ to live out His humanity. 10 DIP INTO HIS DEITY How real is your Jesus? Ryrie – Never less than God, but chose to live His life, never more than man. Bruce Ware – Deity was unexpressed, so that His humanity could be fully expressed Grudem – Jesus refused to rely on His divine nature to make obedience easier for Him.
Conclusion #2: The ____________ that were available to Jesus are the same resources available to you and me. Spirit of God Prayer Word of God RESOURCES How real is your Jesus?
“So many people minimize or demean the obedience of Christ by saying ‘of course Jesus obeyed, He was God and had God’s nature in Him, He had no choice.’ Scripture does not allow us to draw this conclusion. It presents Christ as a man who faced every temptation and succeeded, not because He relied upon His divine nature, but because He relied upon the Word, prayer and the Spirit. And He succeeded all the way to the cross--even death on the Cross.” - Bruce Ware (Southern Seminary) © Sonlife Classic
Conclusion #3: Jesus is our ________ for life and ministry. MODEL How real is your Jesus? “He was man as God intended him to be.” -Ian Thomas
Conclusion #4: We ____________________ what God wants to do through us. How real is your Jesus? UNDERESTIMATE “O unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long will I put up with you?”...”if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:17,20 “Until now you have asked for nothing--ask and you shall receive” John 16:23
Phase2 Ministry Foundations © Sonlife Classic THE SON’S STRATEGY
© Sonlife Classic About 30 Years18-21 Months6-9 MonthsAbout 15 Months
Relationships take time… Jesus imparted His life to His disciples over three-and-a-half years Jesus’ two main objectives during the Foundational Phase 1. Create a relational, God-centered _______________ for producing disciples. 2. Begin to identify, ____________________________, a team of like-minded individuals committed to being involved in ministry. ENVIRONMENT THROUGH RELATIONSHIPS
Priority # 1 - PRAYER Personally: Study the _____________ of Jesus in a Harmony and seek to “walk as Jesus walked”. For the next 30 days, set aside ___________ each day of focused prayer for friends, neighbors, and your ministry. Whole Ministry: Devote a monthly or quarterly ___________ to times of prayer. PRAYER LIFE MEETING ONE HOUR
Priority # 2 - OBEDIENCE to a Kingdom Agenda Personally: Study the Scriptures which speak of God’s Kingdom agenda. Teach the role of ________________, _____________, and ____________ in obedience to Kingdom values. Whole Ministry: Preach and teach filled with ________ because of the greater message of God’s agenda. Are we calling people to understand their context and culture, and to partner with God’s Kingdom agenda in their country? SERVANTHOOD SUFFERING SACRIFICE VISION
Priority # 3 - Ministry of the WORD Avoid common Mistakes in Handling God’s Word: 1. Talking ABOUT the Bible but rarely using it. 2. Using the Bible to support my convictions versus shaping my convictions. 3. Teaching verses without an understanding of their context. 4. Overuse of certain favorite topics. 5. A lack of creativity. Personally: Whole Ministry: What habits are necessary over time, to teach God’s Word with authority.
Priority # 4 - EXALTING THE FATHER (worship) Applying this Priority to Your Ministry Personally: Does the _____________________ exalt Christ as my source of strength and honor? How am I training our people in biblical worship? Whole Ministry: Does our ministry truly ______________ who God is, what He has done for us, and who we are in Christ? What can be done to emphasize this more? PATTERN OF MY LIFE EMPHASIZE
Priority # 5 - RELATIONSHIPS expressed through GREAT COMMANDMENT love. Personally: Evaluate our ____________. Evaluate our ability to _________________ love. Whole Ministry: Create situations in which love can be _____________. Are we training, resourcing and encouraging for relational ministry? Are we serving our community with sacrificial acts of service? OWN LIVES COMMUNICATE EXPRESSED
Priority # 6 - DEPENDENCE ON THE HOLY SPIRIT Personally: Do we consider the Holy Spirit our ______________? Are we training our people in a deepening way about the role of the Holy Spirit? Whole Ministry: Are we dependent upon the Holy Spirit for guiding us into new ministry opportunities? Are we communicating the ongoing role of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life? BEST FRIEND
Six Distinctives of a Discipled Person 1.__________________________ 2.___________ 3.___________________ 4.______________________ 5.______________ 6._________ Love God and Know His Word Love others Dependent on Prayer Dependent on Holy Spirit Life as Worship Bear Fruit