Redesign of a Traditional Introductory Language Course Presented by Kristy Britt University of South Alabama
Challenges that caused us to consider Redesign Large number of classes (uniformity and continuity among the various instructors of the courses) Large number of students per class (effective, timely feedback to many students/ instructor morale and quality of life) Limited contact time / various course formats (MWF/TR/15 weeks/8 weeks/4 weeks) Limited lab space (limited seating and hours) Homework (how to grade it---uniformity and continuity /timely feedback) Student Population (very diverse/ working/ parenting/ traditional and non—they need flexibility with time and have limited financial resources)
Results Increased student resources Increased student flexibility Improved student performance Cost reductions and other advantages Instructor morale & quality of life
Increased student resources and flexibility Before Redesign: LRC Tutoring Printed lab manual Homework activities Audio tapes/CDs After Redesign: LRC Tutoring MySpanishLab Homework activities Audio available online Review activities Online flashcards with audio Practice tests Extra audio/video/web resources Online grammar tutorials Due date flexibility Course calendar Integrated features Improved clarity regarding progress Readiness checks eBook (online and for iPad) Glossary with audio Verb charts Integrated, immediate feedback
Improved student performance Before Pilot: Fall 07 & Spring 08 (Grades awarded / overall %) A- 18 / 37.5% B- 17 / 35.4% C- 9 / 18.8% D- 1 / 2% F- 2 / 4% F*-1 / 2% Number of students/sections: 48/2 Adoption: Totals: 08, 09, 10, 11 (Grade awarded / overall %) A- 97/ 38.3% B- 71/ 28.1% C- 58/ 22.9% D- 14/ 5.53% F- 5/ 1.97% F*- 8/ 3.16% Number of students/sections: 253/12
Cost reductions and other advantages Reduced cost to students (50% less!) Before Pilot: paper text and paper workbook After Pilot: paper text, eBook, electronic SAM, glossary with audio, verb charts, audio available online, review activities, online flashcards with audio, practice tests, extra audio/video/web resources, online grammar tutorials, due date flexibility, course calendar, integrated features, improved clarity regarding progress, readiness checks, immediate feedback Anywhere there is internet, a student may access his/her MySpanishLab account to: Study Refer to eBook Work on assignments See calendar Refer to syllabus Contact instructor Receive technical support from Pearson Monitor his/her progress
Instructor morale & quality of life More options for student support and assistance More adequately prepared students Ease of contacting students Ease of monitoring student progress 24/7 live chat help feature for technical issues so the instructor isn’t the technical troubleshooter! More consistency in grading of homework Less time spent grading homework
What’s next? Utilize oral component of the program with our goal being online oral testing Incorporate writing into regular assignments Revise quantity of assignments given (*we are finding that students are spending so much more time on task than before, we want to find the optimal amount) Search for better ways to bring on board the part-time faculty Explore offering virtual office hours
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