1 CFUG Book Library Part 2 Troy Pullis 3/3/2004
2 Checkout Button Click to request the selected book for checkout. Book Info/Reviews Click to see more details about the selected book. Checkout History Shows books you have checked out and then returned. Request List Shows books you have requested for checkout, but are not yet in your possession. Checkout List Shows books you currently have checked outand in your possession. Main Page Filter by Category Narrows the book select list. Search Opens page to search library by title, author, and/or ISBN.
3 Database Schema
4 Let’s look at the CF code: index.cfm 1)get_books query – are we filtering on a category? 2)Javascript to preload images – to view thumbnails when clicking inside combo box 3)Cancel code – set Date_Cancelled field in BookRequests table, send confirmation to both user and librarian 4)Checkout code – insert new record into BookRequests, send confirmation to both user and librarian 5)Checkout list – list books checked out with DateReturned = NULL 6)Request list – list book requests not cancelled and not yet checked out, shows expected wait time! 7)Checkout history – shows all prior checkouts, past review ranking or link to review and rank each book.
5 Library Admin Tools Menu
6 Librarian Tool Checkouts This is a list showing who has which books checked out. We can see when each book is checked out, when it is due back, and this is where a book is returned to inventory or renewed for another month. Reservations This is a list of who wants what book. Note that Gary is at 2 book limit. If David is at the meeting, we will checkout a book to him.
7 Let’s look at the CF code: book_librarian.cfm 1)Checkouts – list all books currently checked out, who has them, date checked out and date due back, link to return or renew. 2)Requests – list all books that user’s wish to checkout, shows book availibility, link to checkout from inventory. Users are limit to 2 checkouts at a time, system will not allow more by hiding checkout link. 3)Checkout process – insert record into BookCheckouts table, update BookInventory and BookRequests with new checkout ID. Send confirmation to user that book is in their hands. 4)Return process – set Date_Returned field in BookCheckouts table and clear checkout ID in BookInventory. Send confirmation to user, includes link to review/rank the book. 5)Renew process – add a month to the Date_Due field in BookCheckouts and send confirmation to user.
8 If time permits, look at user rank/reviewing and librarian confirming review text.
9 Thank you – any questions?