DISTANCE EDUCATION TOPICS Single Point of Contact (SPOC) List Versus DE-all List Distance Education Annual Survey Distance Education Student Satisfaction Survey Online Education Initiative (CVC Online Course Exchange) Changeling Topics
SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT (SPOC) LIST VERSUS DE-ALL LIST SPOC List Official liaison between the college and Chancellor’s Office on all things distance education De-all List DE-all list is an alias list serve for anyone interested in distance education
DISTANCE EDUCATION ANNUAL SURVEY Institutional survey about issues related to distance education Conducted in the Fall term of each year Information that is not collected through the Chancellor’s Office Management Information System (COMIS)
DISTANCE EDUCATION STUDENT SATISFACTION SURVEY Survey issued to students who enroll and complete a distance education course Surveys student interactions in five areas Student to content interaction Student to faculty interaction Student to student interaction Student to technology interaction General interactions
ONLINE EDUCATION INITIATIVE (CVC ONLINE COURSE EXCHANGE) Request for Application Process Improve graduation and transfer of CCC students Initial focus is on Associate Degree for Transfer students Other evolving areas include other credit programs and courses, basic skills courses, and credit by examination
ONLINE EDUCATION INITIATIVE (CVC ONLINE COURSE EXCHANGE) Allows students to swirl between colleges Reciprocal agreements between colleges Assessments Prerequisites Registration priorities Intra-college articulation Foothill-DeAnza selected as the district to implement program
CHANGELING TOPICS Proctoring State authorization Student authentication Student retention and success Echo Gap Effect Accreditation issues
LIBRARY AND LEARNING RESOURCES TOPICS Library and Learning Resources Annual Data Survey Library and Learning Resources Student Technology Engagement Survey
LIBRARY AND LEARNING RESOURCES ANNUAL DATA SURVEY Conducted in the Fall term of each year Collect comparative information Required by CCR Title 5
LIBRARY AND LEARNING RESOURCES STUDENT TECHNOLOGY ENGAGEMENT SURVEY Pilot conducted in 2012 Expanded for distribution this Fall term of 2013 Surveys student technological engagement with the library and learning resources areas Collects information to improve services
FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATORS MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS UPDATE Revisions to the “Disciplines List” BOG first reading was in September 2013 Second reading will be at the BOG November meeting Revised handbook will be published in January 2014
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TOPICS Flexible Calendar Submissions Professional Development Legislative Proposal for 2014
FLEXIBLE CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Activity submissions will be February 2014 Colleges are required to: Assess their needs Plan activities Implement activities Evaluate activities Process to change the number of days
FLEXIBLE CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Issues to consider Flex time is in lieu of instruction Proportional release time Faculty not in classrooms have no Flex obligation No double dipping activities
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL FOR 2014 Student Success Task Force Recommendation #6 Re-envision and revitalize professional development in the CCC System Professional Development Committee 30 members 22 organizations 6 months
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL FOR recommendations Vision statement Name change All staff participate Professional development fund Stronger leadership in Chancellor’s Office for professional development Advisory committee Centralized web resources
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL FOR 2014 BOG Report in September 2013 Legislative Task Force Committee October Consultation November BOG Legislative Agenda 2014 Legislative Session Implementation in if successful