PR1510 Telling the Story Luther Seminary
Logos ( text, Jesus ) Pathos Ethos (Congregation) (Preacher) THE PREACHING TRIANGLE
“The convergence of text and reader brings the literary work into existence.” Wolfgang Iser Self-interpretation critical for biblical interpretation What glasses are you wearing? Through what lenses do you see? Contextuality, large and small. Large, who are you in the larger society? Small, e.g., The Good Samaritan – title, never called good in the parable We all have points of view Milton—sin is being blind to ourselves and our limited point of view, but it is also just the case for mortals Do you like God in the epic? Why not? Sin INTERPRETING OURSELVES…
All people are theologians/Christians are particular theologians A process and a craft – working with various resources, applying certain skills Doing theology, not just having a theology Theology – study of God totality of things having to do with religious life function of God knowing of God, rather than about God, not just about doctrine THINKING THEOLOGICALLY
Embedded theology verses deliberative Day-to-day decisions based on embedded theology Deliberative theology emerges from a process of carefully reflecting on embedded theological convictions, usually crisis DOING THEOLOGY
What is God doing in this text? What is God’s particular word to us in this text? What is God up to? Who is God? THEOLOGICAL
How does this text speak to the human condition? How does the text talk about our brokenness or sin? What are we in need of? HUMAN CONDITION/LAW
How does the text contribute to an understanding of the person and work of Christ? What has Christ done for us? What does Christ continue to do for us? What is the portrait of Christ that is being presented? CHRISTOLOGICAL
What does this text claim about our salvation or atonement? How does the text convey an understanding of salvation? What are the saving acts of God? SOTERIOLOGICAL
What does this text say about the end times? What does this text communicate about our future life with God? ESCHATOLOGICAL
What does the text communicate about the church? What is the nature or meaning of the church, the community of the faithful, the work of the church? What does it say about living as a community in Christ? ECCLESIOLOGICAL
What does the text say about Holy Spirit? Who or what is the Holy Spirit? What is the Holy Spirit up to? PNEUMATOLOGICAL
What does the text say about living out our faith? What does this text have to say about living life before God? Is there a called for response to what God has done? How does the text speak about being a disciple of Jesus? EMBODYING THE GOSPEL