Wednesday October 15th, 2014
1.Credit Union Participation 2.LMCUR Stats 3.What’s New 4.Partner Updates – GM – Credit Union Auto Club – Sprint – TurboTax 5.Wrap-Up and Questions 2
Credit Unions 3 Love My Credit Union Rewards Program Participation As of September 2014 Love My Credit Union Rewards Overall3,410 Auto2,869 Sprint1,908 TurboTax1,335 Credit Union Auto Club440 Bundle Enrollment ParticipationAs of September 2014 ALL Bundle145 Home Bundle5 Auto Bundle5 IIA Bundle3
Check on the status of your credit unions with the League Reports at: Credit Unions Sales (thru 09-30) Member Savings (thru 09-30)* Total Sales3,680,549Total Savings> $1 Billion Sprint Activations1,253,911Sprint Savings> $485 million Auto Sales713,794Auto Savings> $610 million Turbo Tax Returns1,806,527TurboTax Savings> $9.5 million Credit Union Auto Loans (thru 9-30) Auto Loans Funded353,740Auto Loan Value> $7.9 billion 4 *Sprint numbers through August
Love My Credit Union Rewards Webinars 6
ALL Bundle Marketing Materials Available Updated League Sales Kit 7
Home, Auto, and Invest in America Bundle Marketing materials Marketing Materials Order Page: Until this page is posted, all orders to Custom Web Banner Request Form: Until this page is posted, all requests to Client Support. Partner Center Revamp Project: Task force sessions completed, mapping out new and improved features 8
Cadillac Cadillac rejoins LMCU Rewards! November – December pilot Marketing Support – Dedicated GSTV spot – Inclusion of Cadillac in rotation of GM banner – Unique static Cadillac banner tying to a TBD holiday promo – Home page banner welcoming Cadillac back – Save page banner welcoming Cadillac back – B2C copy for CUs – B2B copy for Leagues – B2C Newsletter copy for CUs Success means Cadillac may rejoin LMCU Rewards permanently!!! 11 Cadillac Sales YTD Car69,665103,25364,727 Truck80,11779,29063,110 Total149,782182,543127,837
GM Program Growth Continues to Accelerate 76% increase in sales September 2014 YTD vs. September 2013 YTD – September fifth best month all-time – May, June, July, august and September all best months since 2009 Since September 2013 instant auto loan lead launch: – Potential for 150,000 instant auto loan leads – 264 new CU Premium enrollments or upgrades total Premium CUs CU member discount sales represent 3.7% of total GM retail sales – Up from 3.0% full year 2012 Action Requested – Participating Leagues Assist CUs marketing support of Cadillac Follow-up with enrolled CUs to ensure marketing requirement compliance Continue to work with non-premium CUs for enrollments and upgrades by promoting the value of instant loan leads 12
Credit Union Auto Club League Participation Non-participating leagues forfeiting marketing reimbursements of $5 to $9 440 enrolled CUs nationally – over 100 new since we last met Q Product Enhancements to Differentiate Offer $500 auto insurance deductible reimbursement (ADR) 50 or 100 mile supplemental towing radius option Q Actions to Increase CU Engagement and Awareness Webinar based CU training on how to promote program internally to members Contests focused on exceeding enrollment benchmarks based on CU size Action Requested – Participating Leagues Follow-up with enrolled CUs to ensure marketing requirement compliance Continue with efforts to enroll CUs in the program – drive your marketing reimbursements 14
Sprint Contract Year & Marketing /2015 Contract Year: October 2014 – December 2015 Ongoing Marketing Requirements Must be continuously displayed for as long as the credit union is enrolled in the program. Website Promotion Place program banner/link on credit union website, preferably home page, within 30 days of enrollment. Lobby Promotion Place program materials (paper or digital) in all credit union lobbies within 30 days of enrollment. Employee and SEG Communication Include program information in human resources new hire and member employee group packets within 60 days. Contract Year Updates Contract Year Marketing Reimbursement - Paid out in December Contract Year: October 2014 – December 2015 Marketing Reimbursement to be paid in Q Beginning in 2016, the Contract Year will move to Calendar Year (January 1 – December 31)
Sprint Quarterly Marketing Requirements 2014/2015 Contract Year: Along with the Ongoing Marketing Requirements, credit unions must complete at least one (1) member Quarterly Communication Tactic in at least three (3) of the five (5) quarters to be eligible to receive the Sprint Marketing Reimbursement. Approved logos and program discount information MUST be included. Credit union will need to fulfill all ongoing and quarterly marketing requirements each contract/calendar year to receive the marketing reimbursement for that contract/calendar year. Quarterly Communication Tactics Quarterly paper statement inserts or e-statement onsert. Text only statement messaging is not acceptable. Must reach at least 95% membership. Direct mail promotion. Must reach at least 75% membership. Quarterly newsletter article/ad. Must reach at least 95% membership. blast. Can be used to fulfill one (1) quarterly requirement if credit union reach is at least 50% membership. If reach is 75% membership or greater, tactic may be used multiple times. Program banner and URL link on home banking/online banking pages for at least one (1) quarter. May only be used to fulfill one (1) quarterly marketing requirement. This banner option is in addition to the home page banner requirement. Invite Sprint (through CUSG) to participate in a lobby event at the credit union - providing Sprint space to set up information. (Must have at least 5,000 members). Can be used to fulfill one (1) quarterly requirement. 17
Additional Marketing Suggestions Additional Banner Locations 18 Additional Communication Tactics Utilize social media to enhance quarterly marketing requirement: Facebook, Twitter, blogs, mobile app marketing… Member Discount Page Member Benefits Page Home Equity Loan Page Home Mortgage Page Home Banking Page All marketing materials are provided FREE of charge!
Sprint Marketing Reimbursement /2015 Reimbursement Schedule NEW participating credit unions in their 1st Contract/Calendar Year will be paid a percentage of their reimbursement pool portion based on the first quarter that the credit union completes their initial quarterly communication tactic of the credit union’s choice. October 2014 = 100% November 2014/December 2014/January 2015 = 80% February 2015/March 2015/April 2015 = 60% May 2015/June 2015/July 2015 = 40% August 2015/September 2015/October 2015 = 20% After October 2015, they will be eligible for 100% of the 2016 calendar year In following Calendar Years, assuming all requirements are fulfilled, participating credit unions will receive 100% regardless of what month(s) they complete their quarterly communication tactics.
Enhance Online Banking Services: 81% of TurboTax users also use online banking Build Member Loyalty: 95% of members felt favorable toward their credit union for making a TurboTax discount available Retain Members: 64% of credit union members would go to Turbo Tax direct or go to another financial institution if it was no longer offered by their credit union Provide a Member Appreciated Discount: 52% of members purchased TurboTax through their credit union instead of another source due to the discount Increase Assets: Over 90% of customers used the direct deposit feature in TurboTax; 88% deposited on average a $2,700 tax refund with the host financial institution Cross-Sell Products & Services: Drive traffic your website to increase awareness about your other products and services... cross-sell IRA’s financial planning, CD’s, etc. Benefits of TurboTax TurboTax can help credit unions achieve their strategic goals
TY14 Program Overview Member Discounts Co-branded Cross Promotional Microsite – Credit unions have the opportunity to co-brand and cross-sell their products and services on the tax microsite Cross-sell banners have a 3% click through rate and IRA links have a 6% click rate Sweepstakes – Promoter Level enrolled credit unions and members – “$25,000 Giveaway” $15,000 Grand Prize and 10 first prizes of $1,000 each 22 Promoter LevelParticipant Level $5 off Federal Deluxe Edition $10 off Federal Premier Edition $15 off Federal Home & Business
2014 Marketing Strategy The focus for TY14 is growing member use and credit union participation – Client managers working with high value CUs to develop marketing strategies and implementation timelines – Need League assistance to connect to all enrolled credit unions to encourage and support more marketing and communication of the program to members – TY14 the incentive to Leagues is being enhanced to 20% of sales from all enrolled credit unions in your state Previously Leagues earned 20% of sales from only new CUs enrolled in the program 23
24 Co-Branding & Cross-Selling Credit Union Logo New microsite design Improved co-branding placement Elevated offer message
Co-Branding and Cross-Selling 25 Credit Union Logo 120 x 90 Cross- Sell Banner on every tax page Credit union logo and cross-sell banner are present on every screen in the TurboTax Online products.
Exit Page Cross-Selling Banners 26
New Credit Union Enrollment We are targeting to add 200 new credit unions to the TurboTax program this year A direct mail piece was distributed the week of 9/29 to credit unions not enrolled in the TurboTax program that have greater than 10,000 members – A follow-up campaign will begin the week of October 13th Webinars are scheduled each week to present the benefits of the TurboTax program to new and enrolled credit unions. Below are the webinar links: 1.Thursday, October 16th - 3:00pm Eastern TimeThursday, October 16th - 3:00pm Eastern Time 2.Thursday, October 23th - 3:00pm Eastern TimeThursday, October 23th - 3:00pm Eastern Time 3.Wednesday, October 29th – 11:00am Eastern TimeWednesday, October 29th – 11:00am Eastern Time 4.Wednesday, November 5th – 1:00pm Eastern TimeWednesday, November 5th – 1:00pm Eastern Time We need assistance from the Leagues to increase credit union participation in the TurboTax program 27
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 28 Upcoming League Update Webinars Wednesday January 21 st 2015 – 3pm EST Wednesday April 15 th 2015 – 3pm EST