Begin $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Key Terms Legislature CongressElections Political Parties/Media Misc.


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Presentation transcript:


$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Key Terms Legislature CongressElections Political Parties/Media Misc.

C1-$100 - $100 What compromise set the bicameral structure of Congress? The Connecticut or Great Compromise

C1-$200 - $200 What court case established the power of judicial review in 1803? Mabury v. Madison

C1-$300 - $300 What are demographics? Statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it

C1-$400 - $400 What do Federalists Papers 10 and 51 discuss? 10- factions and how they supress the rights of minorities 51- defines the relationship among the 3 branches of the government as independent

C1-$500 - $500 Describe privileges and immunities. A state cannot unreasonably discriminate against citizens of other states

C2-$100 - $100 What are interest groups? Groups with a common interest that try to influence the government

C2-$200 - $200 What three groups make up an iron triangle? Interest group, committee, government agency

C2-$300 - $300 What are the two primary regulations held on lobbying? Must register, must disclose expenditures

C2-$400 - $400 What is the pluralist theory? The theory that a variety of groups govern the U.S. rather than the people.

C2-$500 - $500 Why are sound bites used? The media can use them in broadcasts and twist the meaning of the candidate ’ s words to make the candidate look bad.

C3-$100 - $100 How many electoral votes does a candidate need to win a presidential election? 270 votes

C3-$200 - $200 What did U.S. Term Limits v. Thorton establish? It is unconstitutional to set term limits for congressional members; an ammendment is required

C3-$300 - $300 Which age group has the lowest voter turnout? years old

C3-$400 - $400 What are the factors of voting turnout? Geography, time, coattail effect, political party, issues

C3-$500 - $500 What component of parties is the most powerful and what does this component consist of? Party in electorate: voters who elect candidates

C4-$100 - $100 What amendment changed the way senators were elected to office? 17 th Amendment (1913)

C $200 Why was a bicameral structure set for the Congress? Moderate the power of the legislative branch

C3-$300 - $300 What are the qualifications for a member of the House? The Senate? House: 25 years old, citizen for 7 years, resident of state they are representing Senate: 30 years old, 9 years of citizenship, resident of state they are representing

C3-$400 - $400 What is the point of gerrymandering? To give a candidate ’ s party an advantage in winning congressional elections

C3-$500 - $500 What fraction vote and what kind of vote is needed to end a filibuster? 3/5 vote of cloture

C4-$100 - $100 What kind of grant gives states a good deal of discretion in spending money that has been given to them by the federal government? Block grant

C4-$200 - $200 What is the Supremacy Clause? The authority that the federal government holds over state governments

C4-$300 - $300 What fraction of votes, and from who, are needed to propose an amendment? 2/3- Senate 2/3- Congress

C4-$400 - $400 What fractions of votes, and from who, are needed to ratify an amendment? ¾- state ¾- state constitutional convention

C4-$500 - $500 Describe the type of democracy that the framers intended that America be. Representative democracy: a government in which leaders make decisions by winning a competitive struggle for the popular vote

C4-$100 - $100 Define political culture. The widely shared beliefs, values, and norms that citizens share about their government

C4-$200 - $200 In what type of election is there a long term change in party alignment? Realigning ( “ critical ” ) election

C4-$300 - $300 What is federalism? Sharing national power with the states

C4-$400 - $400 What term is given to the process in which a presidential nominee chooses a vice presidential running mate who has different qualities in order to attract more votes for the ticket? Balancing the ticket

C4-$500 - $500 What type of interest group raises funds and donates them to election campaigns? Political Action Committee (PAC)