June 2013 Raise your hand: Click the hand icon as seen under the Participants window. When we call your name: Click the Talk button and speak into your microphone. Lower your hand It’s the same as step 1 Give yourself a checkmark
Producer: [your name and library system here] Facilitator: [your name and library system here] Your hosts:
How to communicate in BBC When to have online meetings Technical requirements & troubleshooting Best practices Nuts and bolts: Uploading slides Sharing web sites, applications Lots of practice
Yes / No Poll {Practice} Give me a check if you ate breakfast today. Give me an X if you did not eat breakfast today ( )
Raise your hand to talk {Practice} Raise your hand and when I call on you, click the talk button and tell me what your favorite breakfast food is. ( )
Chat in the Chat window Chats display here Options menu {Practice} In the chat window, tell the group where your favorite breakfast restaurant is and what you recommend to order there. ( )
Selector tool Pointer tool Pen tool Textbox tool Filled Square Empty Square Line tool Screen Capture Clip Art
Use the text tool, type your name and tell us one question you have about meeting online.
Online, VoIP collaboration & learning software Provided by DLDS 11 BBC rooms are available (4 are private) BBC room calendar (aka virtual calendar) Contact the BBC room admin to reserve We’ll this info in a PDF after class
Must haves: Headset with microphone High-speed Internet A computer with up-to-date Java Troubleshooting: Bookmark this page: Always run the audio set-up wizard Consult the audio troubleshooting guide (in PDF)
Book a BBC room early room info 1 week in advance Always have a producer A list of eligible producers will be ed Start tech checks 15 minutes prior Make conference call number available 2 hour+ meeting? Include a 10 min break.
Use the text tool, type your name and tell us one thing that didn’t go well in an online meeting for you.
Directions: Raise your hand or use the chat window to share questions you have right now.
Take care of the technology first Book a BBC room Book a producer Get a headset w/microphone Update your computer’s Java Run BBC’s audio set-up wizard Then create your content and have the meeting: Content is PowerPoint generated Share BBC room info with attendees 1 week in advance Run tech checks 10 minutes prior to meeting Review BBC tools before meeting begins Record the meeting Have the meeting All done!
Directions: Raise your hand or use chat to share any lingering questions or comments with the group. *Please complete a short evaluation of this training* [insert surveymonkey url here]