Library Services Amended by GD 12/09/2009 Welcome to Moorgate Library
Where can I find Moorgate Library? u Moorgate is at the heart of the City of London on the corner of Moorgate and London Wall u Moorgate Library is on the 3rd and 4th floors of Moorgate. Access is via the 3rd floor.
When is Moorgate Library open? TERM TIME Opening hours Monday 09:00 to 21:00 Tuesday 09:00 to 21:00 Wednesday 09:00 to 21:00 Thursday 09:00 to 21:00 Friday 09:00 to 21:00 Saturday 11:00 to 16:00 Sunday CLOSED HOLIDAYS: Check the Library Website for more information Note: service points close and equipment is turned off 15 minutes before the library closes
How do I use the Library? u Your university ID card is your library card u Undergraduates can borrow 16 items at a time u Postgraduates can borrow 20 items at a time u 4 short loan items at a time can borrow be borrowed
How do I find a book on the catalogue? u Go to the library catalogue homepage: u For books on your READING LIST use, Author, Title or Author/Title search u For books on a TOPIC use a Keyword search
How do I find a book on the shelves? u Find the book details on the library catalogue u Check in which library it is held u Check that the item is available u Look for the Classmark: e.g LAU
How do I find a book on the shelves? u Books are classified from 001 to 999 u Go to the shelves to find the book u Look for your classmark: LAU
How do I use e-books? u Go to the Library Services page u Click on Find Online Resources u Do an e-books search u Login with your I.T account details u Read on screen or print selections to read at a later date
Where can I find electronic resources? u Go to Library Services page u Click on "Find Online Resources" u You can search Online Resources by keyword or name u Login with your I.T. account details u You can search Online Resources specific to your subject
How do I reserve a book? u Find the book details on the library catalogue u Check that the item is NOT available u Check for additional copies u Click RESERVE at the top of the page
How do I reserve a book? u Login with your IT username and password u Select a location for pick up e.g. Moorgate
How do I take a book out? u Use the self service machines u Press 1 on keypad u Place your ID card u Scan items one at a time u If you have any problems go to the Desk
How do I return a book? u Use the self service machines u Press 2 on keypad u Scan items one at a time u Drop items in coloured book bins u Note that you don't need your ID card u If you have any problems go to the Desk
How do I renew my books? u Log into your library account using your IT username and password
How do I renew my books? u Click on RENEW ALL u Check status of your items (RENEWED) u Log out Please note: Short loan items cannot be renewed You cannot renew if your items have been reserved
What happens if I bring my books late? u If it is a one week loan you are charged 50p per day u If it is a short loan item you are charged 50p per hour u See details on the Library Website for further information
How do I pay my library fines? u Online: go to Londonmet homepage: u Click on PAY ONLINE u Click on PAY NOW u In person: go to the Service Desk
Where can I find past exam papers? u Past exam papers are available online u Go to: papers/ papers/ u For any queries ask at the Service Desk
Where can I find past dissertations? u Most PhD theses can be found online u Go to: u For any queries about undergraduate projects and postgraduate dissertations ask your tutor or School Office
What other resources are there? u Londonmet's Special Collections u Women's Library u TUC Library Collections Please check the Library Services Website for information about access and admission
Where can I find individual study space? u There are plenty of individual study desks in all libraries u Look for the "Quiet Study" or "Silent Study" signs u Individual study PCs are also available
Where can I find group study space? u Group study desks are available in all libraries u Group PCs are available in all libraries
Where can I find group study space? u Study rooms can be booked from the Library catalogue u All study rooms have PCs u Ask at the Desk for help booking a room u Be sure to book in advance – rooms are very popular
Where can I find most books? u The main collection is located on the 3rd floor u Class marks: 001 to to 350 to to to 999
Where can I find journals? u On the 4th floor From A to J From J to Z Note: access to the 4th floor via stairs located in library lobby
Where can I find the Language Centre? On the 4th floor u Language PCs u Books u Journals Note: access to the 4th floor via stairs located in library lobby
Where can I find Short Loan items? u On the 3rd floor Note: Short loan items can be borrowed for 3 hrs during the day and overnight after 5pm Note: short loan items can be booked in advance
Where can I find newspapers? u On the 3rd floor Note: We keep copies of the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal and Guardian for the current week Note: other newspapers are also available online
Note: access to the 4th floor via stairs located in library lobby Where can I find statistics and market research books? u On the 3rd floor Note: statistics are also available online
Where can I find computers? u On the 3rd floor u On the 4th floor Note: access to the 4th floor via stairs located in library lobby
Where can I photocopy and print? u On the 3rd floor u On the 4th floor Note: access to the 4th floor via stairs located in library lobby
How can I photocopy and print? u Print your work on the printers called "followme mono" or "followme colour" u Copying/printing is done by crediting your student account To use the equipment place your student card on top of the reader See instructions near printers for further details
What is my IT account? u What is my username? – at the top of student card (eg: "abcd1234") (eg: "abcd1234") u What is my password? – date of birth (eg: "010389") u What is my university ? – (eg:
Can I use wireless in the library? u You can access wireless Internet on your laptop where you see this sign: u First, go to Metranet u Click on the link for more information and to register
Where can I find help? Library Website: click on "Help for my subject" u Library Desk u Your Subject Librarian u LDU