Status of the R&D on MAPS in Strasbourg and Frankfurt Outline: Operation principle of MAPS (a reminder) Fast readout Radiation hardness System integration and material budget Summary and Conclusion S. Amar, G. Bartone, J. Baudot, A. Besson, G. Claus, C. Colledani, M.Deveaux, A. Dorokhov, G. Dozière, W. Dulinski, C. Dritsa, X.Fang, J.C. Fontaine, I. Fröhlich, M. Goffe, D. Grandjean, S. Heini, A. Himmi, C. Hu, M. Koziel, K. Jaaskelainen, F. Morel, C. Muentz, N. Pillet, C. Schrader, A. Shabetai, J. Stroth, M. Szelezniak, I. Valin, B. Wiedemann, M. Winter (Project coordinator MAPS)
The operation principle of MAPS Particle trajectory ~20µm Preamplifier (one per pixel) Diffusing free electrons A Minimum Ionising Particle creates ~80 e - /h-pairs per µm in Si Collection with build in voltages and thermal diffusion ~ 30µm Diode P++ P- N P++ = Highly P-doped
The MIMOSA - Technology Minimum Ionizing Particle MOS Active Pixel Sensor Features of the MIMOSA – detectors: Single point resolution 1.5µm - 2.5µm Pixel – pitch µm Thinning achieved µm S/N for MIPs 20 – 40 Detection efficiency > 99% Radiation hardness: 1MRad ; 2 x n eq /cm² Produced in various commercial CMOS-Processes MIMOSA IV
Main R&D Directions Fast readout and good time resolution Improvement of analog electronics Integration of zero suppression Radiation hardness Search for improved sensors (pixel design, production process…) System integration and reliability Study complex sys- tems composed of numerous chips Thinning and material budget Thinning of Chips Feasibility studies on thin support structures
Column parallel readout is demonstrated but needs improvement. Data sparsification logic remains to be developed. Goal: A readout time of ~ 10µs for CBM Pixel array ~1000 on - chip discriminators Data sparsifi- cation logic Output: Cluster information (zero suppressed) Concept: Sensor Blind area Fast readout and good time resolution Improvement of analog electronics Integration of zero suppression
Fast readout and good time resolution Improvement of analog electronics Integration of zero suppression MIMOSA-16 Designed in AMS-0.35µm Opto 32 columns of 128 pixels (25 µm pitch) On-pixel CDS On-chip discriminator Improved version of the successful MIMOSA-8 Pixel array ~ On - chip discriminator Data sparsifi- cation logic Beam test at CERN – SPS in early September CAD – Layout of MIMOSA-16 Some results are labelled „Private and preliminary“: Data is roughly 2 weeks old, very preliminary analysis. Only the few results shown are stabilized (might still get better).
Fast readout and good time resolution Improvement of analog electronics Integration of zero suppression MIMOSA-16 Detection efficiency [%] Good reference design (4.5 x 4.5 µm² diode) Collection diode too small (2.4 x 2.4 µm²) Detection efficiency of reference design is > 99 % For some pixels, the collection diode was chosen to small (insufficient CCE) Fake hit rate at typical discriminator threshold (> 4 mV) < O(10 -4 ) S/N (MIMOSA-8) = ~ 8-9 S/N (MIMOSA-16) = ~ Note: Spatial resolution: 5-6 µm Digital resolution: 7.2 µm Clustering helps despite of digital output A. Besson
MIMOSA-16 Fast readout and good time resolution Improvement of analog electronics Integration of zero suppression Mean number of firing pixels/hit varies between 2.5 and 6 A. Besson Significant pixels / hit
Fast readout and good time resolution Improvement of analog electronics Integration of zero suppression MIMOSA-16 Pixel multiplicity in clusters has a wide distribution. One can hardly accept only clusters with >1 significant pixel! IPHC-Strasbourg CEA-Saclay 3.5 mV 7.8 mV A. Besson (modified) 4.5 x 4.5µm² - diode
Pixel array ~ On - chip discriminator Data sparsifi- cation logic Next generation prototype MIMOSA-22 under preparation : Coll. length = 640 pixel (needs different design of steering and readout busses) Pixels smaller (18.4 x 18.4 µm²), needs smaller discriminators Slow control with JTAG 128 colls. digital, (+ 8 analogue for debugging/test purpose) Submission planned for 27. October 2007 Tests planned February 2008 Fast readout and good time resolution Improvement of analog electronics Integration of zero suppression MIMOSA-16 works very well... but leaves room for improvement: Too short col. lengths Pixels still too big (25 x 25 µm²) => limited radiation hardness
Fast readout and good time resolution Improvement of analog electronics Integration of zero suppression Pixel array ~ On - chip discriminator Data spasifi- cation logic First test of on-chip implementation Close to hardware but inflexible Only digital part, (not yet combined with sensor) Not (yet) designed for beam tests FPGA-based solution Flexible for testing different strategies Use existing chips as sensor Compatible with HADES – DAQ Test in HI-experiment is possible (MVD demonstrator) See talk of C. Schrader SUZE – 1 chip
Fast readout and good time resolution Improvement of analog electronics Integration of zero suppression The readout architecture of SUZE-1: Integrated logic: -Step 1 (inside blocks of 64 colls) identify up to 6 series of up to four significant pixels / line -Step 2 Read-out outcome of step-1 in all blocks, keep up to 9 series of four pixels Surface: ~ 3.6 x 3.6 mm² Still too slow for CBM but sufficient for STAR-HFT and EUDET (FP6) Submitted for fabrication, back from foundry in October Test completed by end of year Next generation chip is scheduled for 2008 (faster logic) 4 output memories ( 512 x 16 bits)
Fast readout and good time resolution Improvement of analog electronics Integration of zero suppression MIMOSA-22 sensor + discriminator: 640 pixels per coll. x 1088 colls (more than Mi-22, surface ~1 x 2 cm²) Pixel pitch 18.4 x 18.4 µm² Integration time ~ 100 µs + SUZE-1 data sparsification logic Pixel array ~ On - chip discriminator Data spasifi- cation logic MIMOSA-22+ = MIMOSA-22 + SUZE-1 Final sensor for EUDET - Telescope Submission planned October 2008
Radiation hardness Study of pixel designs Study of dedicated production processes Cryogenic detector operation Limitation of the non-ionizing radiation hardness: Reduced charge carriers lifetime => Signal electrons recombine before being collected Strategy to improve: A) Speed up charge collection time B) Use thicker sensor, produce more initial signal C) Recover lifetime of electrons How to do it: A) Reduce pixel pitch, shorter way, faster collection 40 µm => ~10 11 n eq / cm², 20 µm => ~10 12 n eq / cm² (MIMOSA-9) Try to modify pixel structure for faster collection (MIMOSA-21) B) Use sensors with thicker epitaxial layer (20µm instead 14µm) C) Try cryogenic detector operation Main concern for CBM: Non-ionizing radiation hardness
Radiation hardness Study of pixel designs Study of dedicated production processes Cryogenic detector operation Study of MIMOSA-18 Smaller pixels, thicker sensor Status: First beam tests: June 2007 (DESY) – non irradiated chips Irradiated samples now available Systematic studies of irradiated chips: In Frankfurt by the end of the year MIMOSA-18 Designed: x 512 pixels 10µm pixel pitch (faster charge coll.) Sensor thickness: 14µm and 20µm
Radiation hardness Study of pixel designs Study of dedicated production processes Cryogenic detector operation Study of MIMOSA-18: Thicker sensor, beam test at Desy (June 2007) Room for Mi18 Beamtest results S/N Electrons ENC [electrons] [ENC] Results show no clear preference C. Dritsa (preliminary) C. Dritsa (preliminary) C. Dritsa (preliminary)
Radiation hardness Study of pixel designs Study of dedicated production processes Cryogenic detector operation Additional charge is observed in the periphery of the clusters only. Benefit of thick sensor is smaller than expected. Next step: Confirm with irradiated chips => Frankfurt C. Dritsa (preliminary) Study of MIMOSA-18: Thicker sensor, beam test at Desy (June 2007)
Radiation hardness Study of pixel designs Study of dedicated production processes Cryogenic detector operation Study of the ST-BICMOS 0.25µm process (MIMOSA-21) Features: Lowly doped (50 Ω cm) substrate for sensors Allows depleting a bigger part of the volume => Faster charge collection Deep N-Well implantation Faster charge collection Higher capacity (how much higher?) Higher dark current (how much higher?) Higher noise ? Ionising radiation hardness? N-Well Deep N-Well Standard N-Well diode. Diffusing electron may miss it. N-Well Deep N-Well Deep N-Well diode. Expect faster collection time. Signal electron starting point Possible trajectory 10 µm pitch
Radiation hardness Study of pixel designs Study of dedicated production processes Cryogenic detector operation N-Well Deep N-Well Deep N-Well So far: Chips without epitaxial layer => Study diode properties Chips with epitaxial layer are under design Preliminary results (at 20°C, t Int = 40 ms => unfavorable conditions): Leakage current : 0.5 fA (OK) Noise : 19 ENC (still OK) (No shot noise): 15 ENC (OK) CCE: Not Available Leakage current : 0.5 fA (OK) Noise : 19 ENC (still OK) (No shot noise): 15 ENC (OK) CCE: Not Available Both pixels show satisfactory noise performances combined with extraordinary low leakage current. Next step: Address radiation hardness. Build chips with epi-layer Lower layer is missing! Study of the ST-BICMOS 0.25µm process (MIMOSA-21) Lower layer is missing!
Recombination destroys the signal Efficient approach for depleted N-doped detectors. BUT: MAPS are P-doped and undepleted. Radiation hardness Study of pixel designs Study of dedicated production processes Cryogenic detector operation Cryogenic detector operation: Passivate signal traps by cooling
Radiation hardness Study of pixel designs Study of dedicated production processes Cryogenic detector operation Cryogenic detector operation: Passivate signal traps by cooling MIMOSA-18 (?) Support, LN 2 cooled Support, “water” room temperature Mimosa – Readout board PCB Vias for thermal contact Challenges: Build a test system Chip operation at very low temperature => Isolate with vacuum Operate readout board at warmer temperatures (reduce problems) Transfer signals out of vacuum Preliminary concept Input is welcome
Radiation hardness Study of pixel designs Study of dedicated production processes Cryogenic detector operation Cryogenic detector operation: Passivate signal traps by cooling A vacuum vessel is being build at Frankfurt. Mission: Cryogenic MAPS operation Test of MVD components under vacuum conditions. Volume sufficient to test full detector stations Status: First vacuum tests are ongoing. Experiments located in the device are still under design.
Thinning and material budget Thinning of Chips Feasibility studies on thin support structures CVD – Diamond (50 – 100 µm) Printed Circuits (Al, 3 µm) MIMOTel (50 µm) Contact Project goal: Build a super thin ladder of MAPS detectors with ~ 0.1 % X 0 Project partners: IPHC – Strasbourg (MAPS production and coordination) Diamond Materials, Freiburg (CVD- diamond production) IZM – Munich (Lithography, system integration and bonding) Operation Diamond Project is started but ambitious fundamental research. Risks are sizeable. Thickness of diamond aims to ILC, insufficient for our cooling requirements? (More about material budget: See talk of C. Müntz)
Summary and Conclusion: Fast column parallel architecture: - MIMOSA-16 beam tests demonstrated substantial improvements - First data sparsification chip is curently fabricated - Integrate sensors and data sparsification (MIMOSA-22+, in 2008) - FPGA board for studying interface MAPS to CBM-DAQ is under design Radiation tolerance issues: - Interesting fab. processes are under study (20µm, deep N-Well) - Cryogenic chip operation is under preparation Integration issues: - Design of MVD-Demonstrator is started at Frankfurt - Integration of CVD-Diamond + Silicon is under investigation by Strasbourg and partners.
Radiation hardness Study of pixel designs Study of dedicated production processes Cryogenic detector operation Study of MIMOSA-18, MIMOSA-19 Smaller pixels with modified structure Standard pixel (Mimosa-18) Hit and diff. e - Collecting diode Mimosa – 19 pixel Status: MIMOSA-18 is running in Strasbourg and Frankfurt MIMOSA-19 produced, tests under preparation Irradiation is done Better charge collection? More charge/pixel? Higher capacity/lower gain Higher noise? Higher dark current? MIMOSA-18 (Standard – pixel, 10 µm pitch) MIMOSA-19 (Particular diode, 12 µm pitch)
General Status Strasbourg: Tests of the chips produced in 2006 are ongoing (MIMOSA-16 to MIMOSA-21 + ADCs) Chip design activities focus on fast readout Specific prototypes are developed for radiation hardness issues R&D on very thin support structures has started Frankfurt: Equipment still being completed Preparation for tests on cryogenic chip operation First simple radiation hardness studies were performed; systematic studies under preparation (MIMOSA-18, MIMOSA-19) Intense R&D on MVD demonstrator