How to Use the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog )
Hayden Catalog Home Page To get the best search results, go to BROWSE THE CATALOG
Browse the Online Catalog Choose from titles, authors, and subjects for your search. Make sure Hayden is highlighted
Type the author’s LAST NAME, then first name.
Search by SUBJECT for a topic or genre Examples of specific subjects: nutrition, cooking, nursing, abuse, auto repair, health, drugs, child abuse, pregnancy, death, murder, etc. Examples of GENRE subjects: fiction, mystery, horror, science fiction, action, fantasy, biography, adventure, realistic
Search by KEYWORD if you only remember one word or know how to spell one word.
Click on the title for more detailed information.
Item Status- Available, Overdue, Checked Out
Now that you’re an expert at using our OPAC, go out and discover the world in books! Still need help or have questions? Please remember that the Hayden Library staff is always happy to help you!