Cucurbita (Squash) Plant Anatomy James Craig
Red Warty Thing Strawberry BACKGROUND: Herbatious dicotyledon Appears to be one of the first domesticated species. The oldest remains have been found in Mexico, 8750 BC Brought to Europe in the 1500's by Spanish and French Explorers. Thousands of varieties of squash Blue Hubbard Chirimen Galeux d'Eysines Black Futsu Patisson Strie
Primary Vein Secondary Vein Tertiary Vein Leaf: Dorsiventral Net Venation pattern 2 layers of palisade cells Spongy Mesophyll Palisade Cells Vein Cotyledon
Adaxial Abaxial Stomata Cotyledon Leaf Peels Wavy/Crenulated Cells Stomata: Raised Anomocytic (no subsidiary cells)
Paradermal section Epidermis Palisade Cells
Open System Bicollateral Very small amount of 2ndary growth which is limited to the vascular bundle 2ndary Phloem occurs only in the external phloem Stem Vascular Bundle: 10X (Toluidine Blue-O) Internal Phloem Perivascular Fibers Parenchyma Xylem Darkly Stained Companion Cells External Phloem Vascular Cambium Stem 2ndary growth 10x
Angular Collenchyma Epidermis Perivascular Fibers Transverse Stem: 20X Toluidine Blue-O
Stem Longitudinal Section: 10x Sieve Plates Xylem Phloem Toluidine Blue-O Methylene Blue Sieve Plate
Stem To Root Transition: Toluidine Blue-O 4x 10x 4x 10x Pith cavity Tetrarch
Adventitious Root Vascular Vein Toluidine Blue-O 4x Root Hair Zone Differentiation Zone 4x
Root Cap Central Cylinder Cortex Quiescent Center Apical Initials 10x Wholemount Rhizodermis Protoderm
Apical Meristem 20X Leaf Primordia approximately 10 total Apical Meristem
Multicellular Uniseriate Trichomes Secretory Trichomes Stalked Capitate Head Capitate Head
Oil Droplet Pollen Grains 20x (Toluidine Blue-O) Apertures Exine
Flower Multicellular Uniseriate Trichomes (Toluidine Blue-O) Yellow/Orange Pigment 20x 10x
Cucurbitis Fruit Cross-section 4X (Toluidine Blue-O) Primary Vascular Bundles 20x Lenticel Periderm Filling Tissue Phellogen
Bibliography Exercise 1: the stem - variation in structure. Harvest Moon Farms & Seed Company. Cucurbitis. I. Agbagwa and B. Ndukwu. The value of morpho-anatomical features in the systematics of Cucurbita L. (Cucurbitaceae) species in Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 3 pp , October 2004 Katherine Esau. Plant Anatomy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York Richard Crang & Andry Vassilyev. Plant Anatomy. McGraw Hill Companies Inc. 2003