E-book on the library shelf: access and usage in the research process Liene Nikele, Chief Librarian, Collection Employment and Development Department, Library of the University of Latvia
Advantages and disadvantages of e-book + searchable; portable; can be printable; defy time; defy space; can be annotated; can be interactive. - print books easier to read; purchased e-book full text open time is limited (example 1 year credit); at the same time purchased e- book is available for a small group of users (some books need licenses). 4/15/ E-book is a text and image-based publication in digital form produced on, published by, and readable on computers or other digital devices (iPod, computer, mobile devices)
Informational support (print and electronic books) 4/15/ increase number of titles vastly increase in the proportion of e-resources
E-book access of Library UL E-books databases: EBSCO eBook Academic Collection – e-book selection of multidisciplinary science. Dawsonera – e-books platform for books purchased by UL library on various scientific fields. Both databases can be read-online, download, copy (Dawsonera) and send to e- mail (EBSCO) Databases may be accessed from any computer connected to internet by submitting LANET username and password. 4/15/2014 4
Dawsonera e-book accessibility Read Online - with possibility to print or copy 5% from books and to use different interactive possibilities (annotated text, add a comment etc.); Download - PDF with book access to one week, without possibility copy or print. 4/15/2014 5
Purchased Dawsonera e-books Titles Nature sciences Social sciences Humanities sciences99523 Computing sciences Total: /15/2014 6
Our activities in popularization of e-books Consulting about e-resources: databases, e-journal and e-books; List of purchased e-books all sciences is available in UL portal; Database training - where librarians inform users how to find information in all databases (including specially information about Dawsonera purchased e-books). 4/15/2014 7
8 Usage of purchased Dawsonera e-books TitlesUsage Average usage of 1 title Number of students (in 1/10/2013) Nature sciences ~ Social sciences ~ Humanities sciences 23711~ Computing sciences 39430~ Total:
Purchased titlesUnused titles Nature sciences1531 Social sciences31817 Humanities sciences232 Computing sciences394 Total: /15/ Usage of purchased Dawsonera e-books
Question Who is responsible for major usage of e-books in the future? Librarians Academic personal 4/15/
Recommendations Librarians: improve the list of new e-books in the web page of UL by adding illustrative materials; banner with information about new e-books, which is refreshed two times a month; poster about new e-books on information desk in all branches of library; improve database training and inform more where and how to find information about Dawsonera e-books; add QR code (on the back) to all regular books which have e-version. Academic personal should be involved in promotion of e-books popularization for books they suggested. 4/15/
Information resources: Gardiner, Eileen and Ronald G. Musto. The Electronic Book / In Suarez, Michael Felix and H. R. Woudhuysen. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, p Pastore, Michael. 30 Benefits of Ebooks Access: Number of students in the faculties of the 2013th on 1st October. Access: The LU Library's document „LU Library's plan of the strategic activities for the LU Strategic Plan's Realization During the years” Access: / / 4/15/
Thank you for your attention! 4/15/