Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany Integrated Application of TTCN Dieter Hogrefe
2 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep. 2003
3 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Peculiarities of Communication Software (Protocols) vs. other types Software 1)Establishment of states (connection, interface, process) -> state oriented modelling 2)Precisely defined and standardized message formats 3)The software has to interwork with a large amount of (unknown) implementations 4)Distribution
4 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Consequences from the peculiarities 1)Existence of detailed specifications (Internet Draft, ETSI Standard, ITU-T Standard, Proprietary, …) Base Standards and Test Specifications 2)Specialized (state oriented) specification languages and methods have been developed 3)Testing against reference implementations (protocol testers 4)Testing by Interop events, e.g. IPv6 Event, Mandelieu, Sep.
5 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Specialized specification languages, methods and tools 1)Languages: SDL, MSC, TTCN, ASN.1, (UML in the future?) 2)Methods: - State based modelling - State based verification (e.g. state space exploration) - Systematic test case development based on specialized methodology (ISO 9646, UIO, …) 3)Tools: Telelogic TAU, Solinet SAFIRE, DANET, DaVinci, TestingTech, …
6 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Testing Language Testing and Test Control Notation Versions 1 and 2 developed by ISO SC21 WG3 ( ) as part of the widely-used ISO/IEC 9646 conformance testing standard –ISO/IEC (edition 2) and ITU-T X.292 Version 3 developed by ETSI TC MTS ( ) –Specialist Task Forces STF 133 & STF 156
7 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Testing Language One test notation for many testing applications Cheaper education and training costs Facilitates the application of a common methodology Easier maintenance of test suites Off-the-shelf tools Universally understood syntax and operational semantics Tests concentrate on the meaning of the test Constant maintenance of the language
8 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Motivation for developing Modernization –technology has changed since TTCN was first developed Wider scope of application –should be applicable to many kinds of test applications not just conformance (development, system, integration, iop …) Harmonization –should be the first choice for test specifiers, implementors and users both for standardized test suites... –… and as a generic solution in industrial product development
9 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Testing Language –Kinds of testing to which TTCN-3 could be applied - Conformance- Interoperability - Configuration- Compatibility - Performance- Stress - Robustness- Integration - Functional- Load - Reliability- Fault tolerance - Scalability- Degraded mode - Unit- Product - Development- Design - Interface- System
10 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Main Capabilities of Dynamic concurrent testing configurations Various communication mechanisms (synch and asynch) Data and signature templates with powerful matching mechanisms Specification of encoding information Display and user-defined attributes Test suite parameterization Test case control and selection mechanisms Assignment and handling of test verdicts Harmonized with ASN.1 Different presentation formats Well-defined syntax, static semantics and operational semantics
11 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Core Language Presentation Format 3 Presentation Format n TTCN-3 Core Language Text format Graphical Format Tabular Format Core format is a text based language Core can be viewed as text or in various presentation formats Tabular format for conformance testing Other standardized formats in the future Proprietary formats Graphical format for visual overview
12 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Use with other Languages TTCN-3 Core Language Other types & Values 2 Other types & Values n ASN.1 Types & Values TTCN can be integrated with other 'type and value' systems Harmonization possible with other type and value systems (possibly from proprietary languages) Fully harmonized with ASN.1 (1997)
13 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Major Elements of Test Behaviour Test System Architecture Built-in and user-defined generic data types (e.g., to define messages, service primitives, information elements, PDUs) TTCN-3 Core Test Data Data Types Specification of the dynamic test system behaviour Definition of the components and communication ports that are used to build various testing configurations Actual test data transmitted/received during testing
14 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Example Core (Text) function PO49901(integer FL) runs on MyMTC { L0.send(A_RL3(FL,CREF1,16)); TAC.start; alt { [] L0.receive(A_RC1((FL+1) mod 2)) { TAC.cancel; verdict.set(pass) } [] TAC.timeout { verdict.set(inconc) } [] any.receive { verdict.set(fail) } END_PTC1()// postamble as function call }
15 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Example Tabular
16 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Example Graphical
17 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Use of for OSP Open Settlement Protocol (OSP) –EP TIPHON XML-based protocol –uses TTCN-3 Core Language
18 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Use of for SIP Tests IETF Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) –RFC 3261 –EP TIPHON SIP Profile Work was done by STF196 in EP TIPHON –Nokia, Ericsson, GMD Fokus (Testing Tech), ACACIA, FSCOM, GN Nettest –work due to finish December 2003 –executable tests running TTCN-3 will be used by 3GPP for SIP tests in 2004
19 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Use of for IP Tests ETSI has work items on developing test suites for IPv6 Core IPv6 Security IPv4-to-v6 Transition Currently under review by DG Enterprise at the Commission for funds from the eEurope initiative WIs for SIGTRAN M3UA, SCTP will be opened in October
20 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Methodology
21 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Methodology
22 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Methodology UML testing profile –TTCN-3 compatible –JUnit compatible UML-TTCN-3 profile?
23 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Goals of the UML Testing Profile Definition of a testing profile to capture all information that would be needed by different test processes –To allow black-box testing (i.e. at UML interfaces) of computational models in UML A testing profile based upon UML 2.0 –That enables the test definition and generation of structural (static) and behavioral (dynamic) aspects of UML models, and –That is capable of inter-operation with existing test technologies for black-box testing Define –Test purposes for computational UML models, which should be related to relevant system interfaces –Test components, test configurations and test system interfaces –Test cases in an implementation independent manner
24 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Roots of the Testing Profile Protocol Testing like TTCN-3 Software Testing like JUnit, TET, etc. MSC-2000UML 1.xSDL-2000MSC-2000 UML 2.0 Graphical Format of TTCN-3 UML Testing Profile Test control Wildcards Defaults Test components Arbiter Validation actions Data pools
25 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Concepts of the Testing Profile Test architecture –Test structure, test components and test configuration Test data –Data and templates used in test procedures Test behavior –Dynamic aspects of test procedures Test time –Time quantified definition of test procedures
26 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Implementations under Development Eclipse Project Hyades on an Open Source Trace and Test Framework –The test part is based on the U2TP standalone metamodel Telelogic Tau G2 –The test part is based on the U2TP profile Microsoft Visual Studio ITEA Project on Advanced Test Methods and Tools TTmedal
27 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep In Summary U2TP UML Testing Profile provides specification means for test artifacts of systems from various domains Enhances UML with concepts like test configuration, test components, SUT, verdict and default Seamlessly integrates into UML: being based on UML metamodel, using UML syntax Adopted at OMG Technical Meeting, Paris, June
28 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep The End
29 Telematics group University of Göttingen, Germany SG17 workshop, Sep Questions and Answers