Case study - Chuchloma FMU, Kostroma region, Russia Chumachenko S.I., Moscow State Forest University Korotkov V.N., All-Russian Research Institute for Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry
Moscow Kostroma Russkii Les Experimental Forestry Chuchloma FMU Russia
Task 3.1Application of models to case studies Chuchloma FMU Kostroma region Area 245,000 ha 10 districts Information system contains detailed information on strata
Sludnoe district, ha Dominant tree species
Age class distribution Growing stock: 38% Birch 28% Spruce 19% Pine 15% Aspen
Area of stands by dominant tree species, ha
Monodominant stands
Area of stands with different number of tree species
Area of stands with different part of spruce, ha
Tree stands with 50% of Spruce ha 20% of spruce stands Volume of tree species, %
Current forest management practice Purpose of thinnings (cleaning cuttings) is improve tree species composition, increase of part of coniferous tree species (pine and spruce) Mixed stands with coniferous species are object of thinnings Pure birch and aspen stands have never been as object of thinnings