New Parents’ Welcome Evening 12 th September Keeping Safe (Anti-Bullying / E Safety / Safeguarding) 2.School’s Approach to Learning 3.Cheese & Wine (Dining Room)
Ofsted (July 2013) ‘The behaviour and safety of students are outstanding’ ‘Students are kind, helpful and respectful towards one another. They say that bullying, in any form, is simply not tolerated, either by staff or by the students themselves, and that they are committed to ‘looking after each other’ ‘Students have a very secure awareness of how to keep themselves safe. They say that they feel completely safe in school. Staff provide high quality care and support for all those who need it’
Anti-Bullying The school’s anti-bullying policy: We are a ‘telling’ school? What are our responsibilities? It is compulsory for schools to have measures in place to encourage good behaviour and respect for others on the part of pupils, and to prevent all forms of bullying.
Government guidance ‘Let’s fight it together’ (DfE DVD and resource pack)
E (Online) Safety What your child is doing online? Socialising Under 13s and Facebook Gaming Talking to people Sharing Searching for content Mobile Phone Use
E (Online) Safety Conversation Starters Teaching each other / Agreeing boundaries / Video clips Risks a child might face Cyberbullying / Grooming / Inappropriate websites / Losing control of data / Online reputation / Overuse & Addiction / Hacking
E (Online) Safety CEOP – Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency Parents’ and Carers’ Guide Keeping up with the Joneses Age related information sites (11-16 year olds) Thinkuknow?
E (Online) Safety Students can report any concerns via: Parents/Carers can find more information at: Other examples (Facebook safety):
Safeguarding at PHS Who is on the premises? (Lanyards) Is your child here? (Absence call) Where does your child go for help? (House Team office) What if we can’t help? (External Agencies) PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Education lessons) at PHS
School’s Approach to Learning Our Vision Lesson Methods and Structures Assessment Perceptions of Learning (Learn2)
Lesson Methods and Structures ‘The Learning Cycle’ Activation DemonstrationConsolidation Connection
Assessment Involvement of Students (self and peer assessment) Use of Mark Schemes (Levels at KS3) Formative Assessment (Marking Stamp which includes Effort; Attainment; What Went Well; Even Better If; My Response) Progress Check Summary (Targets)
Assessment Wednesday 13 th November 2013: Progress Check issued Thursday 30 th January 2014 (4.30 – 7.00pm): Year 8 (Invited) Parents Evening Friday 28 th February 2014: Progress Check issued Thursday 26 th June 2014: Year 8 Reports issued w/b 30 th June 2014: House Parent-Tutor Evenings
Homework Effort Grades: A Outstanding Effort B Very Good Effort C Good Effort D Unsatisfactory Effort E Poor Effort Smaller, frequent learning tasks linked to particular subject lessons Longer extended learning tasks (ELTs) for completion over a half term.
Learn2 – What is it? Ethos and main messages: Learning Environment; Learning Styles (VAK); Attributes of good learners; Team Work: Roles and Role Models; Individual roles within a Team; Role of Rewards & Sanctions; Role of the Learning Cycle; The 5 Rs
Supporting Home Learning ‘Learning’ Conversations (Talking about learning) Healthy Body, Healthy Mind (Drink water; eat fruit; sleep properly – no electronic devices to hand) Learning Environment Motivation
Learning Conversations What did you do today? vs What did you learn today?
Learning Conversations Learn2 based around the 5Rs don’t think things through (reasoning) give up easily (resilient) don’t know how to find things out (resourceful) blame others for their failings (responsibility) make the same mistakes (reflective)
Learn2 - What is it? A successful, resilient learner will: persist with challenges and never give up always have a positive attitude and cope with setbacks stay involved and not be easily be distracted set themselves targets and keep practising until they are achieved See the ‘Student Planner’ for more information
Motivation School Based Reward Programmes House Points Commendation (5 HP) Outstanding Achievement Award (10 HP) Tutor Award Bronze/Silver/Gold Award Support available within School Tutor Subject Teachers Head of House