Forest Action Plan and EU Forestry Strategy after 2011 Hilkka Summa European Commission DG Agriculture and Rural Development
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 2 The EU has no specific competence in forestry - Forest policy is in the competence of the Member - many forest related policies in shared competence Council Resolution on a Forestry Strategy for the European Union (1998) Establishes a framework for forest-related actions in support of sustainable forest Management Court of justice (1999): forest protection based on Art. 175 of the Treaty
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden Treaties on the European Community: No specific approach to forests or forestry Forestry Action Programme Afforestation Forest protection; SFC 1992 New forest protection regulations; Strengthened forestry measures in agriculture EU Forestry Strategy EU Forest Action Plan
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 4 EU Forestry Strategy Overall principles Sustainable forest management (SFM) Multifunctional role of forests Key elements EU-level actions based on subsidiarity Implementation of international commitments through national forest programmes Commercial functions to be guided by market forces The need to improve co-ordination and cooperation on forest-related issues Role of biodiversity, protection of forest ecosystems Forests as carbon sinks; encouragement of the use of wood Common measures affecting forests to be in line with the aims and recommendations of the strategy
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 5 Communication on the implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy (2005): Basic principles and elements still valid Newly emerging policy context to be considered - Economic challenges for SFM: globalisation and increased societal demands - Need to strengthen coherence between EU policies and co- ordination between the Commission and the MS - Need to review and strengthen consultative structures in forestry - Global importance of forests for sustainable development More coherent and pro-active approach needed => The Council encouraged setting up an EU Forest Action Plan
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 6 EU Forest Action Plan (FAP) – 2006 Four objectives: Competitiveness Maintain and enhance biodiversity Contribute to quality of life Improve coordination Developed in co-operation between MS, stakeholders and the Commission 18 key actions for the period Implementation by the Commission and the MS, coordinated by the Standing Forestry Committee Mid-term review of implementation in 2009 Final evaluation and report to the Council and the European Parliament by end 2012
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 7 Carried out by EFI Some key findings: Implementation has been efficient multi-annual Work Programme prioritizations However questions about impact and visibility only two years of implementation – difficult to show effects impact on measures and initiatives at EU and national level questionnable reach-out to other sectors could be better The EU FAP is on track: it does contribute to a more coordinated approach for forest-related actions in the EU e.g.structured information flow and regular communication through the work of SFC, AGFC, ISG Mid-term evaluation of the FAP
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 8 EU level involvement in forest policy is currently based on instruments for voluntary co-operation Challenges: FAP not widely known outside the forest administrations; potential for leverage to other sectors not fully utilised National or sub-national measures do not connect with the EU FAP No systematic reporting of MS activities on internal or international commitments The need for a coherent and proactive approach to the forest sector has not changed The Strategy and the FAP are soft instruments – what can be achieved depends on the interests, position and activity of forest administrations Challenges of the voluntary approach to forest policy
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 9 Update of the EU Forestry Strategy? New FAP post 2011? Mid term evaluation of the FAP: Discussions on follow up should be started SFC Work programme for the implementation of the FAP 2010/2011 Need for a Working Group of the Standing Forestry Committee on the future of the strategy and the FAP (-> end 2010 / beginning 2011) White Paper on Adaptation to climate change (April 2009): Need to update the EU forestry strategy on climate related aspects Future of the voluntary instruments?
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 10 Depends on a number of parallel discussions: Follow-up to be given to the Green Paper on Forest protection and information: results of public consultation and response of the EP expected this autumn LULUCF accounting methods and possible integration into EU climate commitments Initiative for a Legally Binding Agreement on forests (LBA) on the Pan–European level (MCPFE/Forest Europe) Basic principles and elements continue to prevail: - SFM and multifunctional role of forests still the common denominator - new challenges not well covered by existing instruments? - what are the best instruments to ensure implementation?? Future of the EU Forestry Strategy?
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 11 Three scenarios: Green Paper followed by EU legislation on forest protection and/or information Separate Forestry Strategy and/or action plan superfluous Harmonised implementation, strong coordination Balance would tip from SFM to protection? Legislation delayed/opposed – renewed voluntary instruments: =>New strategy and voluntary commitments (OMC) =>Weaker impact/harmonisation =>Easier to accomodate varying interests and objectives Both tracks in parallel =>Need to differentiate between purposes =>Administrative burden =>Risk of polarisation of competent bodies
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 12 Documents Council Resolution of on a forestry strategy for the European Union (1999/C 56/01) Communication on the implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy, COM(2005) 84 final EU Forest Action Plan, COM(2006) 302 final White Paper Adapting to climate change: Towards a European Framework for Action, COM(2009)147 final Forest strategy-related information
EFI Annual Conference 15 September 2010, Dresden 13 Thank you for your attention