The Patient Safety Collaborative Programme World Stop Pressure Ulcers Day Fiona Thow 20 November 2014Network
Responding to Francis and Berwick “The most important single change in the NHS in response to this report would be for it to become, more than ever before, a system devoted to continual learning and improvement of patient care, top to bottom and end to end.” Berwick Report, August 2013
For NHS staff and clinicians: Participate actively in the improvement of systems of care Acquire the skills to do so Speak up when things go wrong Involve patients as active partners and co- producers in their own care
Patients as leaders and true partners Co- producing the safety programme
“Following Don Berwick’s recommendation, NHS England will establish a new Patient Safety Collaborative Programme across England to spread best practice, build skills and capabilities in patient safety and improvement science, and to focus on actions that can make the biggest difference to patients in every part of the country. They will be supported to systematically tackle the leading causes of harm to patients. The programme will start in April 2014.” The government’s response to Francis, November 2013 Responding to Francis and Berwick
AHSN footprint 2-5m population Locally owned and run Majority of funding devolved to support local improvement programme activity National support for; change packages/ interventions; knowledge sharing; consistent measurement; networks/communities. Patient safety collaboratives #saferNHS
A Different kind of Collaborative Locally driven and led Designed in partnership Provide support, co-ordination & rapid spread and adoption Developing capacity & capability for QI & Safety
Framework for Operational Excellence ©Alan Frankel and IHI 2013 A system devoted to continual learning and improvement
Using the principles of the Safety Framework Patients, families and carers involved in agreeing and designing priorities Focusing on creating the right culture Creating a system that continues to learn Using appropriate quality and safety improvement methodology Measurement & Leadership are key !
Progress to date NHS England Public Board signalled support for the programme Design Day held for 120 experts on 15 January 2014 NHS England funding allocation process finalised Governance structures and processes agreed with AHSNs Collaborative Programme Board established Patient Safety Leads group convened 1:1 meetings with AHSN’s Baseline data packs in development Establishing links to other initiatives National Launch Day - 14 th October Operational model & initial “cluster groups” agreed
Collaborative priorities - proposals
The ‘operational model’
Cluster groups Primary focus: leadership, measurement and quality improvement and safety capability Medicines Optimisation, AKI, Mental Health, Pressure Ulcers, deterioration of the patient (Incl. sepsis) Group focus on topic specific improvement Bringing expertise together with practical application Peer support and problem solving Accelerate and share learning across the NHS
Pressure Ulcers 5 AHSNs have identified it as a priority area Interest in working in care homes, community and supporting people in their own homes Developing skills and training resources for care homes Linking it to work on hydration, falls and AKI Plans are still being developed – cluster group input, master classes, sharing good practice, resources
Key principles Build on existing good work Establish ‘how’ to implement current evidence Test and refine new ways of working – where evidence may be lacking Influence levers and drivers in the system to support safer care Align initiatives – making safety everyone’s business Staff and patients – tools, skills and support Aim for large scale and transformational change Share learning across the NHS
NHS IQ Role – what we have heard A small national supporting / coordinating function Build on pockets of excellence and communities of interest Developing joint approaches with partners to: Measurement - expert group, baseline metric development and national aggregation Leadership & Culture - expert group Capability building programme - workshops Programme evaluation & ROI Partner with patients and carers Provide QI and programme support materials and guidance Co-produce - avoid duplication and share best practice and resources Do only what adds value nationally - help align work, connect and join up the dots
#saferNHS Improving health outcomes across England by providing improvement and change expertise.