Network for a European Forest Information Service WP 4 Data preparation and data provision
Objectives n to identify a limited number of datasets for input to the EFIS n to prepare metadata records for Internet-, PC based datasets n to provide and prepare actual sample datasets available through the EFIS system
Identify a limited number of datasets
Metadata preparation for identified datasets
Sample datasets available through the EFIS system (1) Relational Internet database Adding an attribute manually
Sample datasets available through the EFIS system (2) Linking large data files in csv. format
Adding GIS data sets Sample datasets available through the EFIS system (3)
Data processing and visualisation - some results
Methodology Metadata n n Dublin Core (DC) metadata elements (15+) n n Use of keyword lists from WP2 n n Adding metadata to entry form (Resource Discovery component of EFIS) Data sets n n Preparation of data according to given guidelines for linkage to EFIS
Items to clarify Availability of the data n (1) public, (2) consortium only, (3) data agreement needed n Other? Datasets n Detailed description of the data needed n Do the data have a corresponding map (maps) (where applicable)? n Linkage to EFIS Other items?
Partners n n European Forest Institute 6 n n Dresden University of Technology – Forest Biometrics and Computer Sciences 1 n n Finnish Forest Research Institute 2 n n Inventaire Forestier National 2 n n Danish Forest and Lanscape Reseach Institute – Dept. of Forestry 1.5 n n Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet – Dept. of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics 2 n n Regione DellUmbria – Servizio Programmazione Forestale 2 n n Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali 2 n n Centre Tecnologic Forestal de Catalunya – Forest Policy and Rural Development Dept 2 TOTAL: 20.5 TOTAL: 20.5 Input in MM
Deliverables and milestones Deliverables n D6: Metadata record for each provided dataset n D7: Readily prepared sample datasets Milestones n Meeting for data provider group (12) n Comprehensive set of metadata records for various types of forest data (Month 18) n Prepared sample datasets from NEFIS partners (Month 21)
Looking forward to getting this project on the road !!