INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH (IAR) SAMARU website: Director: Dr A. M. Falaki website: Director: Dr A. M. Falaki Dep. Director: Prof E. Amans
MISSION STATEMENT: To generate, disseminate and impart improved agricultural technologies for enhanced crop production and utilization for self-sufficiency in food, raw materials and for export
INTRODUCTION IAR established in 1922 to conduct research for all the important crops grown in then entire Northern Region Affiliated to Ahmadu Bello University in 1962
RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE Large research farms >200ha Equipped laboratories: Soil Science Crop Protection Agronomy Product Development Plant Science Faculty of Agriculture
Outstations: Kano - Sudan savanna Kadawa - Large scale irrigation Hadejia Jama’are River Basin Talata Mafara - Large scale irrigation Sokoto Rima River basin
Staff strength Academic: 63, – 20 Professors, – 71 Principal Research Fellow Technicians: 92 Administration and finance:49 Others: Senior 92 Junior 604
IAR Mandates Genetic improvement Of :
Mandates cntd. Agricultural Extension
Mandates cnd. Farming Systems research in North West agro-ecological zone Training stakeholders and students of Faculty of Agriculture at all levels Design, development and fabrication of agricultural implements and equipment Provision of laboratory and other technical services Collaboration with relevant institutes and organizations
Research organization Multi-disciplinary - involving breeders, Agronomists, Agric. Engineers, Soil scientists, Food scientists, Plant protectionists, Agric. Economists & Rural sociologists Research Programs: Cereals, Fibres, Legumes & Oilseeds, Artemisia(Horticulture), Product development (Food Science), Agric. Mechanization, Irrigation Support Units: Extension, Monitoring & Evaluation, Data processing, Publications & information, Library
SOME RESEARCH OUTPUTS Cowpea – 14 varieties Cotton – 13 varieties Groundnut – 27 varieties Maize – > 40 varieties Sorghum – > 49 varieties Other crops: millet -7, wheat -8, tomato -20 varieties
RESEARCH OUTPUTS Cntd. Recommendations on cultural operations and post-harvest technologies Agricultural machineries (prototypes ready for commercialization) Commercializable food products and technologies
Harvesting and Threshing Maize sheller/dehusker
Onion storage rack Storage
TitleN0. Proposed N0. Achieved Collaboratin g Institute Remarks Diagnostic survey 10All NARIs in North West Not conducted due to lack of fund MTRM 843 All NARIs/Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in North West Not conducted due to lack of fund Joint Scientific Field Evaluation 11NAERLS and other NARIs and agencies Report of the APS conducted being awaited Field days77--
TitleN0. Proposed N0. Achieved Collaboratin g Institute Remarks Zonal REFILS Workshop 42-- Pre-season training 10NAERLS Zonal Steering Committee Meeting 20FMA&RD (NPFS), AETA, NGOs and ADPs in North West In-house Review Meeting/Croppin g Scheme 11-- Zonal Technical Committee Meeting 20All NARIs and ADPs in North West Nat Ag Ext Rev and Planning Meeting 11-- EXTN SUPPORT ACTIVITIES…... CONT’D
EXTN SUPPORT ACTIVITIES CONT’D TitleNo ProposedNo AchievedCollaboratorsRemarks Adopted Village44ARCN- Training Workshop 11NAERLS- Agric Research & Training Fair ---- Research Institute Field day 11-- World food day11-- Wet & dry season evaluation(zc) 11NAERLS and other NARIs and agencies - National Agric Shows 33-IAR took the 1 st position at this year’s national agric show
B. TECH DEVELOPMENT S/NoTechnology Recently Developed Year of ReleaseLevel of Adoption Identified Areas Requiring Improvements 1Sorghum: : 2 hybrid varieties (SSV98001 and SSV98002) 2011Yet to be determined Yet to be identified 2Maize: : 13 Hybrid and OP varieties (SAMMAZ 17, SAMMAZ 18, SAMMAZ 19, etc ) 2011Yet to be determined Yet to be identified 3Sunflower: 4 varieties (SAMSUN 1- 4) 2011Yet to be determined Yet to be identified 4Groundnut: 3 varieties2011Yet to be determined Yet to be identified
C. EXTN PUBLICATIONS - NONE D. RADIO PROGS – NONE E. TV PROGRAMMES- NONE TitleCategory of traineesNo of trainees CollaboratorsDurati on Pre -season training OFAR officers/technicians27 NAERLS and NPFS4 days F.TRAINING WORKSHOP
G. ADOPTED VILLAGE TitleNo Proposed No established Technologies PromotedRemarks 1. Jaja Adopted village 11 -Maize, sorghum and cowpea production technologies -Economic tree orchard establishment and management 2. Tudun muntsira Adopted village 11As in1 3. GGSS, Samaru Adopted school 11 As in1 4. GDSS, Bomo 11 As in1
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