TTCN-3 & Conformance Testing Anitha Krishnamoorthy
History of TTCN TTCN: Tree and Tabular Combined Notation Versions 1 and 2 developed by ISO SC21 WG3 ( ) as part of the widely-used ISO/IEC 9646 conformance testing standard ISO/IEC and ITU-T X.292 Updates/maintenance by ETSI in TR (TTCN-2++) Version 3 developed by ETSI TC MTS ( )
TTCN-3 TTCN-3 Core Language ASN.1 Types&Values Other Types&Values 2 Other Types&Values n Tabular Format MSC Format Presentation Format n Presentation Format 3
TTCN-3 Core Major Elements of TTCN-3 Built-in and user-defined generic data types Actual test data transmitted/received during testing Definition of the components and communication ports that are used to build various testing configurations Specification of the dynamic test system behaviour Test Behaviour Test System Architecture Test Data Data Types
TTCN –3 Modules Modules are the building blocks of all TTCN-3 specifications A test suite is a module A module has a definition part and a control part Modules can be parameterized Modules can import definitions from other modules Modules may have attributes Module Attributes Module Control Module Definitions
Major Capabilities of TTCN-3 Dynamic concurrent testing configurations Various communication mechanisms (synch and asynch) Data and signature templates with powerful matching mechanisms Specification of encoding information Display and user-defined attributes Assignment and handling of test verdicts Harmonized with ASN.1 Different presentation formats
What is new in TTCN-3 Operations for synchronous and asynchronous communications Ability to specify encoding information and other attributes Assignment and handling of test verdicts Test suite parameterization and test case selection mechanism Combined use of TTCN-3 with ASN.1 Different presentation formats A precise execution algorithm
Types of Testing TTCN-3 can perform Fault Tolerance Stress Regression Concurrent FunctionalUnitSystemProduct Configuration Interoperability Integration Interface
Types of Testing TTCN-3 can perform Fault Tolerance Stress Regression Concurrent Functional Unit System Product ConfigurationInteroperabilityIntegrationInterface
Types of Testing TTCN-3 can perform Fault Tolerance StressRegressionConcurrent Functional Unit System Product Configuration Interoperability Integration Interface
Conformance Testing Definition of Conformance testing assessment of the extent to which an implementation conforms to a specification Conformance Requirement Static and Dynamic conformance requirement Objective of conformance testing Different implementations can interoperate Applications of Conformance testing Base specification or to a profile
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