Reorganization of Agricultural Research Late Shri C. Subramaniam took over food and Agri. Ministry in June Re-organised ICAR in 1965 giving autonomy. Establishment of SAUs on the pattern of land grant collage of USA National demostrations of dwarf varieties proposed by Dr. Swaminathan – - 1 ha plot with fertilizer and irrigation – supervision of a scientist -100 demonstrations conducted in and large demonstration at IARI farm
Bulk Import of Seeds from Mexico 250 Tons of Sonora 64 and Lerma Rojo 64A – for multiplication on state Agri. frams for distribution to farmers The success of the demonstrations created demand for more seeds. Decision to import 18,000 tons of seeds from Mexico. Three scientists – S.M. Sikka, S.P. Kohli and U.S. Kang sent to Mexico in 1966 Seeds distributed among farmers in – 400,000 ha. Area covered. 3 million ha shown in
AICRIP on Wheat Dr. A.B. Joshi, Dean PG school becomes DDG and coordinated of AICRIP on Wheat S.P. Kohli becomes first coordinator AICRIP on Wheat is one of the largest coordinate program more than; plant breeders -80 Agronomists -71 Pathologists -19 Physiologists -20 Entomologists -14 Nematologists and 24 quality testing specialists 57 cooperating centers.
Quality Enhancement of Semi-Dwarf Wheat Varieties Semi-Dwarf varieties from Mexico where red in colour The advance generation breeding lines sent by Borlaug were evaluated at Punjab, Pant Nagar and Kanpur against rusts. S227, S307, S308 and S331 – promising with acceptable grain quality. S227 – was segregating for brown rust resistance 3 independence selections – HD 1593 at IARI, Kalyan 227 at PAU and Sona 227 at Pant Nagar Genetically identical, therefore, released as Kalyan Sona S308 – segregated for shattering ; IARI and G.B. Pant University selected HD 1553 and RR 21; both released as Sonalika. Swaminathan altered red colour Sonora 64 to Amber coloured through mutation and named Sharbati Sonora
Semidwarf Varieties of Wheat
V.S. Mathur – The most successful wheat breeder Semi-dwarf wheat varieties – 81 to 85 cm height due to Rht1 and Rht2 Dwarf varieties of Mathur – 62 – 65 cm height Released as Hira and Moti – resistant to lodging under very high dose of fertilizer Could not become popular May be relevant in present day condition
Response of Tall and Dwarf Varieties to N
Wide inter-regional variations in yield StateFoodgrain yield, (t/ha) 1.Punjab4.0 2Tamil Nadu2.6 3West Bengal2.5 4Uttar Pradesh2.1 5Bihar1.7 6Orissa1.4 7Madhya Pradesh1.2 Focus on high potential eastern & central region for immediate yield gains
Reduction in yield gap has been the main approach for increasing wheat production Source: IARI/ ICAR network
Yield Enhancement of Wheat in Punjab