Nadi, Fiji, September 2009 Standards and Innovation -Carrying NGN Traffic Siva Ramamoorthy, Group Director, Tejas Networks ITU-T FORUM ON IMPLEMENTATION OF WTSA-08 DECISIONS AND WORKSHOP ON BRIDGING THE STANDARDIZATION GAP (Nadi, Fiji, September 2009)
Nadi, Fiji, September Agenda- Key Hypothesis Standards Help Innovation Innovation creates enormous Opportunities for Nations- especially emerging Nations Case Study – with Carrier Ethernet and NGN Networks Call to Action
Nadi, Fiji, September Global Telecom Industry - Observations Huge Growth in Internet and pressure on Backhaul Significant price pressure Networks are standards-based- very similar requirements globally Use of global telecom standards is breaking country/carrier/vendor equation Emerging markets are driving growth Low tele-density, large unserved population, large geographies Needs Latest technology, high quality and lowest prices
Nadi, Fiji, September Global Telecom Industry - Observations Emerging Economies leap frog technology Operators are outsourcing their networks increasingly Move towards Converged Networks Greater Focus on Government to Citizen services
Nadi, Fiji, September Large opportunity for Innovation Using Standards Big Local Market Product/IP Talent Standards Early Role models IP Supportive Supply Chain
Nadi, Fiji, September Innovation Using Standards Re usable HW Building Blocks Open Source Democratization of Knowledge Standards Eco System of Innovation Large Opportunity to Innovate
Nadi, Fiji, September Why is it Important for emerging economies Leapfrog technology Lost Capex Low Opex Best of breed technology Enabling local employment Technology Index Moves up Larger Range of Providers Interoping with each other
Nadi, Fiji, September 2009 Case in Point Applying Standards and Innovation to NGN Traffic
Nadi, Fiji, September The Internet Continues to explode Source: Jupiter Research Online Population will grow to 1.6 billion Plus in the next 3-4 years
Nadi, Fiji, September Carrier Challenges Should I have single infrastructure for residential and business customers ? How do I provide more stringent SLA, Fault Management, Performance Monitoring? How do I keep the cost (CAPEX and OPEX) under check ? How to Cope up with the growth in backhaul bandwidth requirements ? What is the best way to transport ? Transport Capacity Time
Nadi, Fiji, September Transport Technologies Trends Carrier- Ethernet over NG-SDH 100% Data 100% Voice Legacy PTTBasic Data over conventional Networks Next-Generation Networks Future Evolution Legacy SDH ATM over SDH Carrier- Ethernet over NG-SDH Carrier- Ethernet over Fiber (With Synchronization With Circuit-emulation) Ethernet over NG-SDH
Nadi, Fiji, September Carrier Ethernet- a Good Case in Point of Standards Ethernet history 1976 – Invented by Metcalfe & Boggs as LAN transport technology. Published paper: Ethernet: Distributed Packet-Switching for Local Computer Networks; CSMA/CD defined the DIX (DEC, Intel, Xerox) "blue book" Ethernet specification was published IEEE 802.3, the Ethernet standard published – 10 Mbps – 100 Mbps – 98 Gig E 2001–5 10 Gigabit Ethernet LAN over fiber Definition of CE as a Service Standard
Nadi, Fiji, September Carrier Ethernet Defined Carrier Ethernet is a ubiquitous, standardized, carrier-class SERVICE defined by five attributes that distinguish Carrier Ethernet from familiar LAN based Ethernet It brings the compelling business benefit of the Ethernet cost model to achieve significant savings Carrier Ethernet Scalability Standardized Services Service Management Quality of Service Reliability Carrier Ethernet Attributes Source: MEF
Nadi, Fiji, September Which technology for backhaul? Point-to-point connections from Access to Controller Sub-50ms protection for voice User-defined work and protect paths Fast and automated Fault- detection and isolation QoS for various traffic-profiles (Data, Voice, Video) Statistical Multiplexing Hierarchical QoS to distinguish between Control and Data traffic Dynamic Protection (no user- defined work and protect paths) Any-to-any connectivity with multicast-support Hierarchy is built-in PBB+ERPS for connection-less protection, Shortest Path Bridging Fundamental feature of Ethernet Natively provided through 802.1p Fundamental feature of Ethernet Traffic-Engineered (user-defined) point-to-point connections through PBB-TE IEEE G.8031 and G.8032 for Sub- 50ms protection Option for NMS-provisioned paths IEEE and ITU-T: CFM-OAM, EthOAM, EFM-OAM Carrier- Ethernet
Nadi, Fiji, September Which Technology for Backhaul? Bandwidth in-efficient provisioned circuits 50-ms protection bandwidth efficiency (sharing) No OAM, no Traffic- engineering Flat network SDH/SONET Legacy Ethernet Bandwidth efficient Carrier-grade OAM Sub-50ms protected P-to-P and MP-to-MP Carrier-Ethernet Transport Carrier-Ethernet Transport for NGN Backhaul Sophisticated Carrier grade Ethernet transport solution Carrier grade management and reliability Evolve gracefully, keep revenues ahead of costs Lower Operations and training costs
Nadi, Fiji, September Summary- Standards and Innovation Large Opportunity for emerging Economies Provides for a way to leap frog technology A large eco system of Providers of solutions and products with Standards Reuse of Known Hardware and Software Technology Building blocks
Nadi, Fiji, September Summary – Trickle Up Innovation "The dominant logic holds that innovation comes from the U.S., goes to Europe and Japan, then gravitates to poor countries," says C.K. Prahalad, a strategy professor at the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business and author of The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits. "But now we're starting to see a reversal of that flow."
Nadi, Fiji, September Summary – Trickle Up Innovation GEs MAC 800 ECG Machine Developed for India and China Xerox (XRX) hires "innovation managers" to hunt for inventions/products from Indian startups to adapt for North AmericaXRX Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) research lab in India to migrate Web-interface applications for mobile phones in Asia and Africa to developed marketsHPQ Nestle – Maggi Noodles into New Zealand/ Australia
Nadi, Fiji, September Thank You SIVA RAMAMOORTHY