Navsarjan Trust Schools Gujarat Maulik Nagri January 2013
Agenda Background Our Involvement Student Count Proposal Observations during site visit – Pictures QED Update – Pictures
Background Navsarjan founded in 1989 Goal: provide quality education to Dalit children facing harsh discrimination in government schools 3 active schools near Ahmedabad, Gujarat Estimated total cost per child INR ~1000 per month in – Includes lodging and boarding Navsarjan has consistently increased student count from to Link:
Our Involvement Site visits in April 2007, January 2009, May 2010 and May 2012 Asha-Boston set up a scholarship program to encourage enrollment of female students Parents willing to pay for boys’ education, but do not encourage their daughters for education Marriage for girls at an early age very common
Student Count in Student count fell to 322 in from 400 in – Drop in students due to space constraints, expectations of better facilities, change in sanitation – Total student count up 142 (or 49%) from to – Girl student count up 50 (or 128%) from to Long-term target to enroll 40% girls in student population
Proposal Navsarjan requested: INR 18,75,000 or ~$34,000 – INR 800 per month TIMES 10 months TIMES 250 students – Historically, Asha has subsidized education of female students and very needy male students Our proposal: Annual installment of INR 800,000 or ~$15,000 – INR 800 per month TIMES 10 months TIMES 100 students – 1 st semi-annual installment of INR 400,000 or ~$7,500 FOR CURRENT DISCUSSION – 2 nd semi-annual installment of INR 400,000 or ~$7,300 – “Quality in Education” Funding ~$1,200 – Project Specific Donations ~$2,810
Observations during May 2012 Site Visit Visited school at Sami and interviewed teachers, students and parents Navsarjan residential schools do “more with less” – 3 multi-functional: rooms; classroom during day; lodge at night – Human waste is re-used as fertilizer for gardens – Consistently raised student count in the past 4 academic years Schools are well-managed – School management and school staff very motivated – Sami school generally clean and well-organized – Students have a daily schedule and are taught essential life skills – Cook and Caretaker live on premises Students interviews reveal confidence and enthusiasm in them Parents interview reveal enthusiasm to send children to school
Site Visit Pictures
Other Status Updates Completed 2 nd floor in Sami School Big foreign grant rolling off in September 2012 Plans for : – Hired on-site wardens for 2 schools – Add 9 th standard to all the 3 schools – Build science labs in 3 schools – Short-term Vocational Courses: Bakery, Medical Assistant – Focus on teacher training Long-Term Plans – Build second floor at 2 other schools – Add 10 th standard to all 3 schools – Focus on redesigning curriculum – Construct a 4 th school – Plan to add vocational classes at Navsarjan’s vocational schools Potential collaboration with IIM-Ahmedabad Courses: Bee Keeping, Growing Mushrooms, Papier mache, Creating Wooden Toys, Wormi- compost, Create furniture
QEd Update Asha awarded Navsarjan grant to expand “Chhotte Bhim” drama competition under the “Quality of Education” [QEd] initiative Navsarjan holds “Chhotte Bhim” drama competition for both: – 3 residential schools Finals hled in April 2012 – Bhimshalas (after school programs) Covered 1,200 children from 68 villages 1st round held in September 2011, Semi-finals in February 2012, and Finals in May 2012 Site visit covered Final Navsarjan used the QEd grant to: – Print more pamphlets; – Design costumes for the drama competition; and – Provide medals. Advantages of “Chhotte Bhim” drama competition: – Promotes reading efficiency and creativity – Higher engagement and retention in students – Drama competition becomes a uniting force in the community Incidentally, Navsarjan had come with 3 ideas for the QeD Grant – Drama Competition (nominated by Asha-Boston) – Science Labs – Educational Toys
“Chhotte Bhim” Drama Competition