Honey Island Elementary School PBS Behavior Philosophy At Honey Island Elementary School, we focus on developing positive behaviors which will be most conducive to learning. We expect everyone to take personal responsibility for the attitudes they choose each day. Positive behavior is fed, nourished, and exchanged by being there for each other. Everyone is given opportunities to model, role play, and practice expected behaviors. We regularly look for opportunities to make each other’s day by acknowledging each other, not only for what they achieve but for who they are. They are free to have fun and experiment with new ideas and feel safe to make mistakes that lead to effective learning. All people in this environment are committed to coaching each other to live a shared vision each day! Our Guidelines for Success “The FISH Philosophy” Be There Make Their Day Choose Your Attitude Have Fun
Honey Island Elementary School PBS School Wide Expectations Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation Success All students will be taught expectations through the CHAMPs model. CHAMPs boards are posted throughout the school.
Honey Island Elementary School PBS School Wide Expectations
Each Teacher will have a CHAMPs board, expectations, goals, and consequences posted in the classroom.
Minor Problem behaviors include low intensity problem behaviors that are violations of behavioral expectations but are not of sufficient intensity to warrant an office discipline referral. Major Problem behaviors include high intensity problem behaviors listed on the state behavior form and defined for our school’s purposes on the attached form and need immediate administration assistance.
MAJOR BEHAVIORSHONEY ISLAND ELEMENTARY DESCRIPTIONDEFINITION 01Willful disobedienceRefusing to follow numerous directives causing a disruption in the learning environment. 02Treats authority with disrespectVerbal or bodily gestures towards authority with the intent to be disrespectful 04Uses profane/obscene languageUsing inappropriate language toward someone with the intent to be hurtful. 05Guilty immoral/vicious practiceDangerously aggressive physical or sexual behaviors, Ex: Threats of Violence or Self Injury 06Guilty of conduct/habits injurious to others (BULLYING ONLY) Habitually showing aggression towards a student in an unwanted, provoked, hurtful verbal or physical action. 08Uses/possesses tobaccoBrings cigarettes or dip to school 09Uses/possesses alcoholic beveragesBrings alcohol to school 10Disturbs the school and habitually violates any rule. The Last Step of Teacher Classroom Plan under Consequences, used when a student has to be sent to the office, post parent conference.
11Cuts, defaces, or injures school building/vandalism Substantial destruction or disfigurement of school property 12Writes profane/obscene language or draws obscene pictures Evidence of writing or drawings with profane or obscene language or pictures. 13Possesses weapons prohibited under federal law, section 921:Title 18 of US code. Brings a real weapon to school prohibited by law, Ex: a real gun 14Possesses firearms, knives, or other implements, not prohibited by federal law. In possession of knives (real or look alike), look alike guns, fireworks, or objects capable of causing severe bodily harm 16Instigates or participates in fights while under school supervision Action involving serious physical contact where injury occurs, (ex: hitting, punching, scratching, hair pulling, kicking, …) 18Leaves school premises or classroom without permission Leaves the classroom or school grounds without permission with the intent not to return. 20Guilty of StealingTakes an item of value that belonged to someone with the intent to keep it. 21Other serious offensesAny serious, harmful incident resulting in the need for intervention not previously classified. MAJOR BEHAVIORSHONEY ISLAND ELEMENTARY DESCRIPTIONDEFINITION
Honey Island Elementary School PBS Incentive Programs CHAMPOs: As part of our CHAMPs behavior management model CHAMPO boards are used. Each classroom has a 25 square CHAMPO board displayed. When students show they are following the class CHAMPs board for expectations the teacher calls a CHAMPO moment. A number is pulled and that square is marked. Classes celebrate for each row completed, like Bingo. The school also has a CHAMPO board of 100 squares. The class turns in a form when their entire 25 square board is filled. A number is pulled for the school board on WHIE TV. Once the school board is filled a school wide celebration will occur. II. GOOD NEWS CALLS: Teachers will submit Good News forms of students needing a special boost for the day. Once the form is turned in an administrator will make a personal call home commending that student for good behavior. III. BUZZ BUCKS PROGRAM: Buzz Bucks will be given to students who demonstrate appropriate positive behavior and follow school expectations. These are posted throughout the school on CHAMPs boards. Teachers and staff members should let the student know why he/she has earned the Buzz Buck. Students can not ask for a Buzz Buck. Only one Buzz Buck can be given each time a positive behavior is rewarded. Buzz Bucks can be redeemed once a week on a designated day for prizes at the Honey Hive Store. Prizes can be viewed in the 100 hallway in the glass window display. Buzz Bucks must be spent by the end of the 9 weeks. Colors change each nine weeks. A Buzz Buck drawing is held quarterly with all of the Buzz Bucks cashed in that quarter. Students should write their first and last name on all Buzz Bucks. Buzz Bucks can not be shared or given away. Lost Buzz Bucks are not refundable Teachers can not use Buzz Bucks as a monetary system to pay for privileges or items. IV. COOL KIDS CLUB: To promote a positive school-wide atmosphere at Honey Island Elementary School, the “Cool Kids Club” will be implemented. The entire student body will participate in this program. In order to qualify for the “Cool Kids Club”, the following criteria must be met on a quarterly basis. Students must maintain EXCELLENT behavior resulting in no behavior reflections or office referrals. The names of students who qualify will be turned in to the office quarterly to be posted on our school board. All students who qualify will be treated to something special and will be acknowledged for their outstanding efforts.
Honey Island Elementary PBS Team Responsibilities Develop/Review the school-wide PBS action plan Monitor Behavior Data Hold meetings to: –analyze existing data –make changes if needed –problem-solve solutions to critical issues –outline actions for the development of a plan Maintain communication with staff and facilitator Evaluate progress Report outcomes to facilitator & district Celebrate successes Checklist for teachers before referring to the SAT team: Contact previous teacher for information and suggestions Review of student’s office folder for behavior history All suggested actions have been tried and documented and proven ineffective A plan for improvement has been developed during a teacher/parent conference has been proven ineffective