2440: 211 Interactive Web Programming Expressions & Operators
2 Expressions Literal value or variable or combination of literal values, variables, operators, and other expressions that can be evaluated to produce a result Literal – value such as literal string or a number Operands – variables and literals in an expression Operator – symbols used in expressions to manipulate operands E.g. addition (+), multiplication (*), etc Variable – named memory location for storing data
Expressions & Operators3 Variables A named memory location for storing data Identifier – names used for variables, functions, and objects Rules for naming a variable include the following: First letter must be a letter or an underscore (_) The other characters can be letters, numbers, or underscore (_) Spaces cannot be included Reserved words (keywords) cannot be used
Expressions & Operators4 JavaScript Keywords abstractdoifprotectedtry booleandoubleimplementspublictypeof breakelseimportreturnvar byteenuminshortvoid caseexportinstanceofstaticvolatile catchextendsintsuperwhile charfalseinterfaceswitchwith classfinallongsynchronized constfinallynativethis continuefloatnewthrow debuggerfornullthrows defaultfunctionpackagetransient deletegotoprivatetrue
Expressions & Operators5 Variable Declaration Creating a variable for usage The keyword var is used to declare variables, although not required E.g. var name;
Expressions & Operators6 Variable Assignment Storing data in a variable Data is stored with the assignment operator (=) E.g. name = “John Doe”;
Expressions & Operators7 Variable Initialization Declaring and assigning data to a variable at the same time E.g. var name = “John Doe”;
Expressions & Operators8 Data Types Category of information stored in a variable JavaScript supports the following data types: Numeric – any positive or negative number Integer numbers – whole numbers Floating-point numbers – exponents or decimal numbers Boolean – logical value of true or false String – text values like “Hello” enclosed in either double (“) or single quotes (‘) Null – an empty value Undefined – variables with no assigned value, not declared, or does not exist Reference – for functions, objects and arrays JavaScript is loosely typed – does not require the data type declaration Strongly typed languages – require data type declaration for variables
Expressions & Operators9 Operators Symbols used in expressions to manipulate operands E.g. addition (+), multiplication (*), etc JavaScript operators are unary or binary Unary – requires a single operand Binary – requires an operand before and after the operator JavaScript operator types include: Arithmetic – used for mathematical calculations Assignment – assigns values to variables Comparison – compares operands and returns a Boolean value Logical – used for boolean operations String – used on strings Special – used for various purposes
Expressions & Operators10 Arithmetic Operators Used to perform mathematical calculations Can be binary or unary Binary – requires two operands Unary – requires a single operand Below are the arithmetic binary operators OperatorNameDescription +Addition Adds two operands -Subtraction Subtracts one operand from another *Multiplication Multiplies two operands /Division Divides one operand by another %Modulus Divides one operand by another and returns the remainder
Expressions & Operators11 Arithmetic Operators… Below are the arithmetic unary operators The increment and decrement unary operators can be used as prefix or postfix operators Prefix – placed before a variable Variable is increased by one before value is used E.g. ++myVariable, --myVariable Postfix – placed after a variable Variable is increased by one after value is used E.g. myVariable++, myVariable-- OperatorNameDescription ++Increment Increases an operand by a value of one --Decrement Decreases an operand by a value of one -Negation Returns the opposite value (negative or positive) of an operand
Expressions & Operators12 Assignment Operators Used for assigning a value to a variable Below are the assignment operators OperatorDescriptionExample Equivalent to = Assigns the value of the expression on right to the expression on the left x = y += Adds two expressions x += y x = x + y -= Subtracts the expression on the right from the expression on the left x -= y x = x - y *= Multiplies two expressions x *= y x = x * y /= Divides the expression on the left by the expression on the right x /= y x = x / y %= Calculates the remainder from dividing the expression on the right from the expression on the left x %= y x = x % y
Expressions & Operators13 Comparison Operators Used to compare two operands for a returned value of true or false Below are the comparison operators OperatorNameDescription ==Equal Returns true if the operands are equal === Strict equal Returns true if the operands are equal and of the same type != Not equal Returns true if the operands are not equal !== Strict not equal Returns true if the operands are not equal or not of the same type > Greater than Returns true if the left operand is greater than the right operand >= Greater than or equal Returns true if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand < Less than Returns true if the left operand is less than the right operand <= Less than or equal Returns true if the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand
Expressions & Operators14 Conditional Operator Executes one of two expressions, based on the results of a conditional expression Syntax: condition ? expression1 : expression2 If the condition is true, expression1 executes, else expression2 executes E.g. document.write(4<5 ? ”Correct!” : ”Incorrect”);
Expressions & Operators15 Logical Operators Used for comparing two Boolean operands for equality Below are the JavaScript logical operators OperatorNameDescriptions &&And Returns true if both the left and right operand return a value of true ||Or Returns true if either the left or right operand or both return a value of true !Not Returns true if an expression is false
Expressions & Operators16 String Operators Used on strings Two string operators used in JavaScript are: + and += Concatenation operator (+) – used to combine two strings E.g. “Hello “ + “World” Compound assignment operator (+=) – used to combine strings E.g. var greeting = “Hello “; greeting += “everyone”;
Expressions & Operators17 String Escape Sequences Combining the backslash (\) with other special characters for a special purpose Several of the escape sequences are only recognized inside the tag Below are some of the JavaScript escape sequences Escape Sequence Character \t Horizontal tab \bBackspace \n New line \v Vertical tab \’ Single quote \” Double quote \\Backslash
Expressions & Operators18 Special JavaScript Operators CharacterNameMeaning // Double forward slashes Marks the beginning of a comment ( ) Opening and closing parenthesis Used in a method header { } Opening and closing braces Encloses a group of statements “ “ Double quotation marks Encloses a string of characters ‘ ‘ Single quotation marks Encloses a single character ;Semicolon Marks the end of a programming statement /* */ Forward slash and asterisk Marks the beginning and ending of a comment
Expressions & Operators19 Operator Precedence The order in which operations in an expression are evaluated When operators are in the same precedence group, the order is determined by associativity (left-to-right or right-to-left) Associativity – the order in which operators of equal precedence execute