Empowering Education1 Product Presentation
Empowering Education2 Plan-It Vision Pointer App-Manager Surf-Lock Protect-On On-Sight Print-Limit Products in grey are planned to be launched in 2006 GenevaLogic Products
Empowering Education3 Teach Share screens with everyone in the classroom, start programs, or visit web sites on student computer to keep the whole class learning together. Supervise Keep an eye on student web browsing and watch over student progress to help individuals and improve class time on task. Control Control student PCs and focus student attention by locking the keyboards, mice and blanking student screens during lessons or discussions.
Empowering Education4 Monitor student computer activity Observe an individual student screen or all student computer screens remotely from the teacher’s computer. Supervise web browsing Keep an eye on where your students surf the web during class. Screen sharing Share the teacher’s computer screen with one student, a group of students or the entire class. Allows all students to easily follow presentations. Remote control of classroom machines Take control of any student computer from the teacher’s machine to help with a difficult problem or to intervene. Blank screens and lock computers Blank student screens to focus the attention of the students to the front of the room and lock student keyboards and mice during class to prevent web surfing and during presentations and lessons. Shut down machines remotely Use the Shutdown feature to log off, reboot or shut down all student computers at the end of class. File distribution and collection Distribute and collect files, tests, forms or any other attachments to or from a student, group of students or the entire class. Automatic deletion or collection after a predetermined time interval Open applications and web sites remotely Start applications remotely on student computers to ensure that all students are in the same place at the same time. Virtual Teacher Let any student become a virtual teacher by sharing their screen with the rest of the class. Share great examples of student work.
Empowering Education5
Empowering Education6 Vision Keypad Get instant one-touch access to Vision’s most important features with the optional keypad. Simply plug the keypad to a standard keyboard and the PC. No driver installation and no additional slot in the PC required.
Empowering Education7 Annotate Captivate your audience with over 20 annotation tools during classroom presentations. Pointer’s annotations float on top of any program you are already using. Present Pointer is more than just an annotation tool. Use it to zoom in and magnify any part of your screen to show details, or hide areas of the teacher’s computer. Capture Use Pointer’s snapshot tool to capture images of student screens. Also, take snapshots of the teacher’s screen to save for later use in lesson materials.
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Empowering Education9 Preparation Prepare your lessons in the comfort of your own home. Using your personal Plan-It, you can save all data in compressed form and can then open your lesson including all documents at school. Administration Organize and manage the various content for your teaching. Compile the required documents, transparencies, pictures and web pages and structure your lessons any way you like. Scheduling Stipulate the time required for your lessons, topics and individual sequences. The time expired and still remaining is automatically being displayed to you throughout the lesson. Multiple choice Generate personalized multiple choice tests in order to assess your pupils’ learning success or to determine the existing level of their knowledge. Updating Teaching material, once prepared, is readily available and can be exchanged with other teachers or made available in compact form.
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Empowering Education11 Block Turn browsing off from the teacher’s computer with a single click. Stop student web surfing instantly for a single student or the entire class. Prevent Remove the temptation of web surfing during important lessons and discussions. Offer Internet access as a reward to students without disrupting the class. Compatible Surf-Lock is compatible with and prevents browsing using any browser and works great in classrooms where Vision is installed.
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Empowering Education13 Launch Open files and start applications on every student computer at once, or assist individual students by launching applications for them remotely. Add new applications to the launch list with ease. Kiosk Focus student computer activity on teacher-selected applications with kiosk mode. No distractions – no games or chat – students can only work in the application chosen by the teacher. Great for tests. Close Remotely shut down all applications running on student computers with one click. End unwanted computer activity instantly. Clear all student computers at once in preparation for the next part of the lesson or the next class period.
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Empowering Education15 Save Reduce the amount of paper and toner used in your school by up to 75%, saving hundreds or even thousands of dollars from your school budget. Control Set print quotas and limitations on users to control the amount of printing and encourage the responsible use of valuable school resources. Monitor View detailed reports that show how printers are being used, how much each user prints, and which print jobs cost the school the most money.
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Empowering Education17 Restore Restore all student computers to their original configuration with a quick restart. No more frustrating down time on student machines. Prevent Roll back virus damage and unwanted user changes on any machine. A simple restart and the computers are back to normal with no damage, downloads, or games. Control Turn protection on and off, reboot, or change settings remotely on multiple PCs from a teacher or administrator’s computer. No more running around to turn security off.
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Empowering Education19 Education Suite
Empowering Education20 Portland/USA Madiswil/Switzerland Beijing/China GenevaLogic is based in Switzerland, USA and China and is present in more than 40 countries