Technology in the Bellingham School District
Bellingham School District Network §Connectivity §Communication §Research Practice Responsible Use
Connectivity Insert network.gif here
Electronic Mail Use it as a primary tool for communication with others: teachers, group members, friends. 80/20 rule. ! Messages are not entirely secure
§Files and communications may be reviewed to maintain system integrity §Users should not expect that files stored on district servers will be private Cautionary Note
What is Ethical Use? §Know and model district rules concerning student use of and Internet §Know that you need a license for every kind of software on the computers. §Know and model the board policy on copyrighted materials. Responsible Use
Student Responsibilities §General school rules apply §Understand District and School rules l harassment, language l passwords, privacy l copyright l appropriate use of resources §Independent student use permitted upon submission of permission forms
The Following Behaviors are Not Permitted On the BSD Network
Using the network for: §Assisting a campaign for election §Commercial purposes §Promoting, supporting or celebrating religion or religious institutions
Using obscene language Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures Harassing, insulting or attacking others
Engaging in practices that threaten the network Loading files that may introduce a virus. Hacking into network files. Circumventing network security.
Trespassing in others’ folders, documents or files Using others’ passwords Pretending to be someone other than yourself on the network.
Intentionally wasting limited resources: Chain Letters Greetings to large groups Sending graphics and.exe files Playing games from home or on the internet Downloading or forwarding games
Violating copyright laws Installing software on any school computer. Copying information from someone else’s work without giving credit to the source.
Research RESEARCH CYCLE Questioning Planning Gathering Sorting Synthesizing Evaluating
The network is our means of communication and research. It is up to each one of us to help maintain and preserve the integrity and efficiency of the network.
The End Always Log Off Properly Select “Close all Files and logon as a new user” (fourth choice) Clean up around your computer.