Student Technology Use Policy
School Rules Technology use in school is for learning only. All personal electronics must be kept put away out of sight and turned off during school hours unless you are specifically instructed to utilize them by your teacher.
Consequences Failure to follow school technology rules will result in electronics being confiscated and sent to the office. Repeat offenses will result in loss of technology privileges and further disciplinary action.
Q and A Q. Can I use my phone in the hall between classes? A. No. Cell phones and other personal electronics must be kept off and out of sight unless your teacher specifically instructs you to use it.
Q and A Q. What if I want to take pictures of something in class? A. Students may not take photos or video during class unless the teacher specifically says otherwise. You may be breaking the law if you take, store or post pictures of others online without their consent.
Q and A Q. Can I take pictures of the assignment board? A. Yes. Photos of the assignment board must not also include other students or the teacher without their consent.
Q and A Q. Can I download games on my iPad as long as the rating is ok? A. No games are allowed on Troy School District iPads. The only apps you are allowed to download are either listed in the TSD catalog or come from your teacher.
Q and A Q. Can I go on Snapchat or Twitter after I finish my work? A. No. Social media is off limits for students during school hours.
Q and A Q. Can I just put my phone or iPad in my lap instead of in my backpack or pocket during class? It is too hard to get it out all the time. A. No. Electronics must be completely put away when not in use. Some teachers may have a special place to put iPads in the room.
Q and A Q. Why do I have to keep my phone turned off if I know some of my teachers let me use it to read or listen to music while I work? A. You need specific permission to get any electronics out each time you use them. Don’t assume your teacher is ok with something just because you did it once before.
When you see this sign it means all iPads must be put away.
This sign means iPads may only be used for specific activities directed by your teacher.
This sign means you may use your iPad for anything educational. You don’t need to follow along or wait for directions.
Examples Red – Testing time, a lesson that does not involve technology. Yellow – An activity the whole class is doing together. Students must only work on specific tasks given by the teacher. Green – Checking grades or assignments for other classes after work is complete, unguided research or projects. Any time students don’t need to wait for specific directions and they are allowed to be on their iPads.