MHS Student Council
Executive Board (Student Body) Class Officers Class Representatives Student Body
MHS StuCo Executive Board Student Body Officers President Vice President Treasurer Recording and Corresponding Secretary 5 Appointed Positions
Student Body Officers Members of the Student Leadership Council Governing Body of Memorial High (members consist of all club officers) Make all events for the school year for student council Are committee chairs for all events Must be able to meet weekly during activity Must be able to meet bi-monthly for Meetings Attends Summer leadership camp last week of July Plans and are leaders of the MHS leadership camp at the start of August
Executive Positions President Plans agendas for meetings Plans Freshmen Orientation Is co-chair to each committee Plans Back to School Co-Chair for Homecoming Dance Co-Chair to the Carnival Meets with advisor at least twice weekly Head of meetings (exec & regular) Vice President Able to run meetings if President cannot be in attendance Chair of Dance for HoCo Chooses and implements Philanthropy Treasurer Meet with Mr. Becker daily or weekly to count and deposit money Keep track of StuCo budget Choose fundraising project for year Co-Chair to the Carnival/Festival
Executive Positions Recording Sec Records minutes at meetings s minutes to advisor Corresponds with supporters of StuCo Co-Chair to School Service Project Co-Chair of Carnival Corresponding Sec. Keeps track of Point System Keeps track of attendance at meetings Co-Chair to Parade Co-Chair to Service Project Maintains the website of Student Council
Executive Positions (Appointed) Parlimentarian Makes sure that meetings are held in a correct manner Co-Chair to School Service Project Standards Chair Helps Corresponding Sec. with keeping track of points Co-Chair to Philanthropy project Co Historians Takes pictures and videos of activities Puts together Informational video of MHS Co-Chairs to Carnival Publicity Chair Works on stallion Stalls Publicizes all activites Works on website
Class Officers Class Officers (4 per class) President Vice President Treasurer Secretary
Class Officer Responsibilities Create Ideas for Class Fundraisers for Prom Meet with the class officer Principals to implement fundraisers Serve on the Student Leadership Council Serve on Student Council Committees as Sub Chair or Co-Chairs Be a link between the Executive Board and the Representatives
Representatives Serve on Committees throughout the school year Act as a liaison between Officers and Students at MHS Be the voice of MHS for spirit and service Decide what legacy the class will leave for MHS Bring one item each semester to the meeting from student body
How to Run for Student Council Attend Informational Meeting Sign in at this meeting Go to the MHS website and click on the Student Council link
How to Run for StuCo