NEW HORIZONS Approaching films made outside Hollywood
WHY? The focus films chosen all have young people’s experiences at the centre of the narrative We think and hope they offer different kinds of thought- provoking yet enjoyable narratives. Some of the settings may be unfamiliar to your students but the problems or situations which face the characters may not. The focus film is intended to allow students to discuss the film industry in other parts of the world, how film language is used to convey atmosphere and emotion but also to allow students to learn more about people and places, to discuss the films issues.
THE LIST Students will be expected to study at least one of the following films in depth:- Tsotsi South Africa/UK 2005 Whale Rider New Zealand/Germany 2002 Devil’s Backbone Spain/Mexico 2001 Amelie France/Germany 2001 Goodbye Lenin Germany/ 2003 Spirited Away Japan 2001 Yasmin UK/ Germany 2004 Ratcatcher UK/France 1999 Ghosts UK 2006 Bend it like Beckham UK 2002
Students should explore- The differences and similarities between films made in mainstream Hollywood and those made in other parts of the world. The social and historical context of a selection of the close study films. The characters, narratives, themes and issues raised within the non Hollywood close study films. The ways in which people, places, events and issues are represented. The organisations which produce the films and the audiences who respond to them. Their own response to the film and the forms in which this critical response may be expressed
Industry approach British film v Hollywood Difficulties defining ‘Australian’, ‘British’, ‘Brazilian’ Student knowledge/experience/expectations of films from particular countries
TSOTSI What do you learn about Tsotsi from the voice- over? What is the purpose of the word collage? Try to note down as many of the words as you can which make up the collage while you watch. Note down any images that you find particularly interesting. Are any images repeated? If so why do you think this has happened? What sorts of music or sound is used within the trailer? Do these set up any expectations or create a specific kind of atmosphere?
Genre approach You could choose to analyse films from a similar genre –within the list, or including another similar film. Comedy – Goodbye Lenin & Amelie Drama – Yasmin & Ghosts Spirited Away & Howl’s Moving Castle The Devil’s Backbone & Pan’s Labyrinth
Issues approach Some of the films included have similar themes, in some ways they are all similar as they all involve young people as main characters. Whale Rider & Bend It Like Beckham Amelie & Spirited Away Themes and issues are key areas of study.
Representation As well as being a key concept, considering how people and places are represented is key to student’s understanding of issues within a film. It is important that student’s make links between representation, audience and who made the film. Links should also be made between representation and social and historical context
Summary Chose films that you think your students will be moved or amused by, as well as yourself. Focus on themes and issues within a social and historical context. Make comparison’s with student’s experiences. Allow debate and discussion Use available resources.