Culture Lecture 9
2 Buddhist Monks in Myanmar English Punk Rocker Culture varies around the world
What is Culture? A system of norms and values shared among a group of people and, when taken together, constitute a design for living.
Acculturation Acculturation is the process of adjusting and adapting to a specific culture other than one’s own. It is one of the keys to success in international operations.
High- versus Low-Context Cultures High-context culture context is at least as important as what is actually said what is not being said can carry more meaning than what is said focuses on group development Japan and Saudi Arabia are examples Low-context culture most of the information is contained explicitly in words what is said is more important that what is not said focuses on individual development The U.S. is an example
HIGH CONTEXT CULTURE Humor High context cultures (and co-cultures) provide many opportunities for humor. However, a high context culture’s jokes will not translate well to someone of a different culture. A lower context joke comes from a (possibly apocryphal) interaction between IBM and a Japanese hardware manufacturer. IBM requested parts from a trial project, with the specification “We will accept three defective parts per ten thousand.” The Japanese manufactured the parts, and sent them with a note: “We, the Japanese people, had a hard time understanding North American business practices. But the three defective parts per 10,000 have been separately manufactured and have been included in the consignment. Hope this pleases you.”apocryphalIBMJapanese The humor is inherent in the narrative, instead of from a common background.
ELEMENTS OF CULTURE Language (verbal and nonverbal) Religion Values and Attitudes Material Elements Manners and Customs Aesthetics EducationSocial Institutions
Language Blunders Braniff Airlines’ English-language slogan “Fly in Leather” was translated into “Fly Naked” in Spanish. If a British promises something “by the end of the day” this does not mean within 24 hours but rather when they have completed the job. Electrolux’s theme for vacuum cleaners was-nothing sucks like an Electrolux, it was taken in United Kingdom but it was a slang in U.S. Lucky Gold star adaptation into Arabic was carried without considering Arabic writes from right to left. When Pepsico advertised Pepsi in Taiwan with the ad "Come Alive With Pepsi" they had no idea that it would be translated into Chinese as "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead”
Nonverbal language Distinctions must be made in five key topics: Time Space Material Possessions Colour Body language
Personal Space in the U.S. Intimate distance18” Personal distance18” to 4’ Social distance4’ to 8’ Public distance8’ to 10’ Adapted from Figure 7–3: Personal Space Categories for Those in the United States
Mixed Signals "Okay" " Vulgar gesture " "It's a secret" "Very nosey" " Crazy " " Very clever "
World Religions Christianity Islam Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Judaism Shinto Origin of Human Values Origin of Human Values
Religion and Economic Implications Christianity –“”Protestant Work Ethic” and “The Spirit of Capitalism””. Islam – Favors market-based systems. –No payment or receipt of interest. Hinduism – Asceticism may have an impact. –Caste system plays a role. Confucianism –Loyalty, reciprocal obligations, and honesty in dealings.
Aesthetics Colour Numbers Music Painting Dance Drama Architecture
Changed its logo in Saudi Arabia
Nike Logos are usually not chosen at random but rather for the message they convey, though sometimes mistakes seem to happen.mistakes seem to happen Logos can easily offend people, certainly those who have a very broad definition of blasphemy. This is the Arabic script for "Allah."
Burger King had to change the logo of an ice-cream cone because, according to "offended" Muslims it could be read as "Allah." change the logo
CULTURAL FACTS IKEA advertisement that showed people from varying ethnic groups, and some in traditional dress and some in Western dress. Diversity was used as a positioning tool by Gulf Air in a local and worldwide print campaign. Print advertisements ran in global media, such as The Economist magazine, and featured a photograph of smiling Gulf Air employees representing many different ethnic groups.
Hofstede model of culture : Four Dimensions Individualism/Collective Index (IDV) Power Distance Index (PDI) Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) Masculinity/Femininity Index (MAS)
Hofstede Framework Individualism vs. collectivism PowerdistancePowerdistance Uncertainty avoidance Masculinity vs. femininity
Four dimensions POWER DISTANCE –Power distance dimension focused on how a society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capital. HIGH-India, Columbia, Hongkong, Portugal, Singapore LOW –America, Australia, Canada Germany Britain. INDIVIDUALISM –This dimension focus on the relationship between the individuals and his or her fellows. HIGH-United states, Canada, Britain,Australia Denmark, Sweden Low-Pakistan, Indonesia, Japan, Columbia, Korea
Four Dimensions UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE- This dimension measured the extent to which different culture accepted ambiguous situation and tolerating uncertainty. HIGH-JAPAN,KOREA, GREECE,URUGUAY LOW-SWEDEN,INDIA,USA,DENMARK MASCULINITY VERSUS FEMININITY –This dimension looked at the relationship between gender and work roles. MASCULINITY –JAPAN, MEXICO, ITALY, INDIA FEMININITY- SWEDEN,DENMARK