Prof. Sin-Min Lee Department of Computer Science
30,000 BCTally systemsAfrica & Europe 8,500 BC Prime systemAfrica 1000 BCAbacusChina & Babylon History of abacus The abacus' history started ca years ago in Madagaskar. There to count the amount of soldiers, every soldier had to pass a narrow passage. For each passing soldier a little stone was put into a groove. When ten stones were in that groove they were removed and one stone was put into the next groove.
Counting soldiers
Mutation of grooves and stones
Ancient Computing History The Abacus Mechanical aid used for counting and making quick calculations. Still in use around the world. Find out more about the Abacus in Resources.
The Abacus How did people keep track of numbers before pen and paper were widely available? How does addition and subtraction work if you don't have a handy written form for your numbers? Say you can't read or write, but you can count - how do you add, subtract, multiply, or divide large numbers? The answer to all these questions is... the abacus!
Why does the abacus exist? It is difficult to imagine counting without numbers, but there was a time when written numbers did not exist. The earliest counting device was the human hand and its fingers. Then, as larger quantities (larger than ten human- fingers could represent) were counted, various natural items like pebbles and twigs were used to help count. Merchants who traded goods not only needed a way to count goods they bought and sold, but also to calculate the cost of those goods. Until numbers were invented, counting devices were used to make everyday calculations.
Russian Abacus The abacus is an ancient tool used for counting. The simple design uses a set of framed rods and a series of beads that are moved back and forth across the rods to count. c_abacus3.htm
Development of soroban In 607 the japanese regent Shotoku Taishi made a cultural approach to China. The chinese suan-pan comes to Japan and became optimized by Taishi by removing one of the upper balls. Since 1940 the new soroban with only four lower balls is used.
Roman abacus
Calculating on tables This structure was found on tables, boards and on kerchiefs.
Gelosia procedure of writing calculation · 456 =
Napier Bones
Calculating with Napier Bones · 8 =2191
History of “Computers” Abacus---Approximately 3000 BC Calculators s Punched Card Devices s First Electronic Computers s Mainframes s Minicomputers s Microcomputers s Microcomputer Systems s Internet s
Early Computing History Invented the first mechanical calculator. The Pascaline used cogs and gears to solve math equations. Blaise Pascal
Charles Babbage the "Father of Computing" ( )
Charles Babbage - “Father of the Computer” Designed the Difference Engine for the purposes of computing the entries in navigational and other tables (even received the first government grant for computer research) Designed the Analytical Engine that had the basic components of a modern computer. Unfortunately due to poor documentation most of his ideas were lost.
The World’s First Programmer? Ada Augusta King, Countess of Lovelace, translates Menabrea's pamphlet on the Analytical Engine, adding her own notes, and becomes the world's first programmer Babbage continues working on the 2nd version of the Difference Machine and draws plans for it. In 1991 the Science Museum in Kensington, England build the 2nd version (using 19th century technology).
Mechanical Calculators Joseph Jacquard First “programmable” machine. Used punched cards (binary instructions) to automate weaving loom. Punched cards were a staple of early and modern computer programming.
Electronic Computer Systems Used vacuum tubes in electronic circuits. Used punch cards to input and externally store data. Up to 4K of memory. Programming in machine language and assembly language. Required a compiler. First Generation:
A History of Computing 1500Mechanical calculatorLeonardo da Vinci 1621Slide ruleWilliam Oughtred 1642Arithmetic MachineBlaise Pascal 1822Difference EngineCharles Babbage 1830Analytical EngineCharles Babbage 1831Computer programLady Ada Lovelace 1936Z1 ComputerKonrad Zuse 1936Turing MachineAlan Turing 1938Boolean CircuitsClaude Shannon
First Generation: World’s first electronic digital computer. Used to produce WWII ballistic firing tables for the U.S. Defense Department. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) Check out the ENIAC exhibit.
ENIAC - background Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer Eckert and Mauchly University of Pennsylvania Trajectory tables for weapons Started 1943 Finished 1946 –Too late for war effort Used until 1955
ENIAC - details Decimal (not binary) 20 accumulators of 10 digits Programmed manually by switches 18,000 vacuum tubes 30 tons 15,000 square feet 140 kW power consumption 5,000 additions per second
Computerized Warfare The Colossus built in England by a team led by Alan Turing, was a special purpose computer used to break the German code ULTRA encrypted using the ENIGMA machines. Breaking the German code was one the the keys to the success of the D-Day invasion The Harvard Mark I (and later II, III and IV) were general purposed electromechanical calculators (sponsored by the US Navy) to compute artillery and navigation tables - the same purpose as intended by Babbage for the Difference Engine.
The von Neumann Computer John von Neumann joined the ENIAC project. The idea of storing programs as numbers was proposed von Neumann wrote a memo proposing a stored-program computer called EDVAC. Goldstine distributed the memo, put von Neumann’s name on it and omitted Eckert’s and Mauchly’s names. Most computer historians agree the von Neumann received far more credit than he deserved. The most prestigious award in the field of Computer Architecture is the Eckert-Mauchly award.
A History of Computing 1943COLOSSUSAlan Turing 1945von Neumann MachineJohn von Neumann 1946ENIACJ. Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly, University of Pennsylvania 1947TransistorWilliam Shockley, John Bardeen & Walter Brattain, Bell Laboratories 1951UNIVACRemington Rand Corporation 1953IBM 701 EDPMIBM Corporation 1954FORTRANJohn Backus 1958Integrated CircuitJack Kilby & Robert Noyce, Texas Instruments 1964Mouse & Graphical User InterfaceDouglas Engelbart, Stanford University
1956 IBM 350 RAMAC Second Generation: Visit the Computing History Timeline in Resources. Used transistors, developed by Bell Labs. Up to 32K of memory. Programming in computer languages, such as FORTRAN and COBOL.
Third Generation: Used integrated circuits. Up to 3 million bytes of memory. Lower cost, smaller size, and increasing processor speed.
1971, Intel develops 4004, the first microprocessor chip. Altair sold in 1975, the first personal computer. It is a kit that must be assembled. Apple Computer is formed in 1976 and sells 50 Apple I. Advances increase memory size, storage space, and processing speeds. Fourth Generation: 1972-Now Microcomputer Revolution Begins.
Personal computers or PCs. Usually cost about $2,000 or less. Process over 1 billion operations per second. “Stand-alone” or connected to other computers as a network system. Fourth Generation: 1972-Now Microcomputers TEA
The 1970s (2nd half) Cray-1. First Super Computer announced Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak produced the Apple II that was assembled and complete with its own keyboard and monitor.
The IBM PC Introduced IBM entered the field in with the IBM "PC" and supported by the DOS operating system developed under an agreement that gave Microsoft all the profits in exchange for the development costs having been borne by Microsoft. The PC’s microprocessor was the Intel Computer chosen as Man of the Year by Time magazine.
Cray’s Supercomputers From 1976 until it was purchased by SGI (Silicon Graphics) in 1995, Seymour Cray and his company were the leaders in the field of supercomputers. Shown is the CRAY X-MP with 4 processors.
Tim Berners-Lee Developed HTML and the World Wide Web (WWW) was born. 1990’s Connecting the World
Marc Andreessen An original developer of Mosaic, the first browser software able to read HTML. Co-founder of Netscape Communications. 1990’s Connecting the World
Technologies of the Future Advanced robotics commonplace Smart houses Wearable computers Holodeck virtual reality Truly individualized education Check out Dave Moursund’s view of education in the year 2015, one of the Resources. The 21st Century
Only recently focused on computers. Internet current primary trend. –Communication with colleagues. –Lesson plan preparation. –Student resources. –Access research and best practices for teaching. 05:34.0 TEA
What’s Computer Architecture? The attributes of a [computing] system as seen by the programmer, i.e., the conceptual structure and functional behavior, as distinct from the organization of the data flows and controls the logic design, and the physical implementation. Amdahl, Blaaw, and Brooks, 1964 SOFTWARE
von Neumann/Turing Stored Program concept Main memory storing programs and data ALU operating on binary data Control unit interpreting instructions from memory and executing Input and output equipment operated by control unit Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies –IAS Completed 1952
A History of Computing 1969ARPAnetUCLA, Stanford, UC Santa Barbara & University of Utah 1969UNIXKen Thompson & Dennis Ritchie, Bell Laboratories 1971 Roy Tomlinson, BBN 1972TelnetJon Postel, BBN 1973CDennis Ritchie & Brian Kernighan, Bell Laboratories 1973EthernetRobert Metcalfe, Harvard University/Xerox PARC 1973FTPAlex McKenzie, BBN 1974TCPVint Cerf & Robert Kahn 1975Microsoft CorporationBill Gates & Paul Allen 1976Apple ComputerSteve Wozniak & Steve Jobs 1976Apple IApple Computer
1978UsenetTom Truscott, Jim Ellis & Steve Bellovin 1981IBM PCIBM Corporation 1981MS-DOSMicrosoft Corporation 1982TCP/IPARPA 1983LisaApple Computer 1984DNSJon Postel 1984MacintoshApple Computer 1985WindowsMicrosoft Corporation 1986NeXT ComputerSteve Jobs 1987PerlLarry Wall 1989 BSD NR1University of California at Berkeley
A History of Computing 1989 HTTP & HTMLTim Breners-Lee, CERN 1991LinuxLinus Torvald 1991PythonGuido van Rossum 1993MosaicMarc Andreessen 1994 Netscape Corporation Marc Andreessen & Jim Clarke 1999G4Apple Computer 2001OS XApple Computer
Chapter 1. Number Base
William George Horner Born: 1786 in Bristol, England Died: 22 Sept 1837 in Bath, England Horner's only significant contribution to mathematics was Horner's method for solving algebraic equations. It was submitted to the Royal Society on 1 July 1819 and was published in the same year in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.Royal Society Some years earlier Ruffini had described a similar method which had won him the gold medal offered by the Italian Mathematical Society for Science who had asked for improved methods for numerical solutions to equations. However neither Ruffini nor Horner was the first to discover this method as it was known to Zhu Shijie 500 years earlier.Ruffini Italian Mathematical Society for ScienceRuffiniZhu Shijie
Ch'in Chiu-Shao is a thirteenth century Chinese sage who around 1247 AD composed the nine sections of mathematics. He also developed a scheme for the solution of numerical equations. The difference between Ch'in Chiu-Shao and Horner's is that Ch'in Chiu-Shao uses Horner's method of synthetic division in reverse order No one noticed that the Chinese had this knowledge for a long time until Wang Ling and Joseph Needham's paper on 1. "Horner's Method in Chinese Mathematics “ 2.F Cajori, Horner's Method of Approximation Anticipated by Ruffini, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 17 (1911),
霍納法 「霍納法」( Horner's method )是求 高次方程的近 似值的一種方法,在 1819 年,英國數學家霍納( )於英國皇家 學會宣讀了論文「用連續迫近方法解 所有的數字方程的新方法」,從中提出了霍納法。 這與 中國著名數學家秦九韶熟練運用的「增乘開方法」( 1247 )實質上是一致的,但比 中國遲五至六百年。因此 ,霍納法又可稱為秦九韶法。