Animal Classification. Animals  Animals are spilt into two major groups:  Vertebrates  Invertebrates.


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Presentation transcript:

Animal Classification

Animals  Animals are spilt into two major groups:  Vertebrates  Invertebrates

Invertebrates  These are animals without a backbone  There are eight groups of invertebrates  Sponges  Cnidarians  Flatworms  Roundworms  Annelids  Molluscs  Arthropods  Echinoderms

Sponges   Live in water   5, ,000 known species   Eats by sweeping water into pores   Simplest animal- No nervous system, tissues or organs   Reproduce sexually and asexually   Sessile – stay in one place   Asymmetrical symmetry

Cnidarians   Live in water   Approx. 9,000 known species   Tentacles have stinging cells   Simple muscles and nerves   Digestive tract with one entrance and exit   Radial symmetry

Flatworms   Lives on moist land, water and parasitic   Approx. 12,000 known species   Simple nervous system   Digestive tract with one entrance and exit   Reproduce sexually and asexually   Simplest bilateral symmetrical animal

Roundworms   Lives on moist land, water, and in a host   Approx. 20,000 known species   Simple nervous system   Simple body plan   Complete digestive tract with two ends   Bilateral symmetry

Annelids   Lives on moist land and in water   Approx. 20,000 known species   Segmented body   Well-developed organ systems   Complete digestive tract with two ends   Bilateral symmetry

Molluscs   Lives on land and in water   Approx. 100,000 known species   Most have a shell   Muscular “foot” used to slide, dig or jump   Complete digestive tract with two ends   Bilateral symmetry

Arthropods   Lives on land and in water   Most abundant phylum > 1 million   Segmented bodies   Hard exoskeleton   Well-developed nervous system   Complete digestive tract with two ends   Bilateral Symmetry   There are four group of arthropods:  Insects  Crustaceans  Centipedes & Millipedes  Arachnids

Arthropods - Arachnid  Have four pairs of legs.  Have bodies divided into two sections

Arthropods – Centipedes & Millipedes  Have long thin bodies and pairs of legs on each of their many body sections

Arthropods - Crustacean  Have five-seven pairs of legs  First pair often used as pincers  Bodies covered in shell

Arthropods - Insects  Have three pairs of legs  Bodies divided into three sections  Often have wings

Echinoderms   Live in the water (Ocean)   Approx. 6,000 known species   Endoskeleton usually covered with spines   Complete digestive tract with two ends   Radial Symmetry

Vertebrates  These are animals with a backbone.  There are five groups of vertebrates:  Fish  Amphibians  Reptiles  Birds  Mammals

Fish  Lives in water  30,000-40,000 known species  Gills for breathing  Fins  Scales on body  Ectotherms  Bilateral Symmetry

Amphibians  Live in water and on land.  Approx.7000 known species  Breath with lungs and through skin  Metamorphosis (young live in water, adults live on land)  Ectotherm  Bilateral Symmetry

Reptiles  Live on land  Approx.10,000 known species  Thick skin  Covered with scales  Lungs  Lays eggs with shells  Ectotherm  Bilateral Symmetry

Birds  Live on land  Approx.10,000 know species  Beak, feathers, wings  Lungs  Hollow bones  Lays eggs with hard shell  Endotherms  Bilateral Symmetry

Mammals  Live on land and in water  Approx.5,500 know species  Mammary glands  Hair all over body  Large brains  Specialized teeth  Lungs  Endotherms  Bilateral Symmetry

Riddles  I live in the water  I have simple muscles and nerves  I have radial symmetry  What am I? A Cnidarian

Include 3-4 facts about the phylum/class (do not use invertebrate/vertebrate) Writing your Riddles 2 parts to an answer: Name the phylum/className the phylum/class Tell if it is a vertebrate or invertebrateTell if it is a vertebrate or invertebrate Solving others’ Riddles