Watch the video and then…answer, Why did the Puritans leave England?video EQ: Why did the Puritans leave England?
Objectives and Scales: Students will be able to summarize Plymouth as early British settlements in North America with 80% accuracy. What goal are we tackling today from our LGS?
We have been celebrating it since children…but can you explain it’s historical origins? The Separatists (called such because they separated themselves from the Church of England) were Puritans. In 1620, they left England and created the 2 nd successful colony in the New World. Why did they leave England? They came on the Mayflower and were headed to Jamestown, Virginia. A storm blew them off course and they ended up in uncharted territory off the coast of Massachusetts. They called their colony Plymouth after the company that had funded their trip, The Plymouth Company of London
Before they got off the ship William Bradford and the men aboard the ship created the Mayflower Compact-the second step toward representative government. It provided laws and rules to govern the colony fairly, all 41 men signed it They landed in August of 1620, too late to plant for a harvest Their first winter ( ), was rough..only 60 of the original 102 settlers survived Surprisingly, the majority of the survivors were children
The following spring, the children needed help The Chief of the local Wampanoag Tribe, Massasoit invited the settlers to live with him and his tribesmen It was here that Squanto taught the young Pilgrims to farm, fish, and how to survive in the foreign land They Pilgrims find success in planting their first harvest in 1621 To celebrate their good fortune(surviving) and the help from the Wampanoag's they held a large communal dinner or Thanksgiving to commemorate their survival The colony of Plymouth had a peaceful settlement with the Wampanoag for 30 years. Later it was made a National Holiday by president Abraham Lincoln in 1863 after Sarah J. Hale had campaigned for years to have the nation observe the holiday. She argued it would be a "great Union Festival of America."
Illustrated Comic Strip You will need to dialogue(the story) and illustrate a comic strip that summarizes the history of Plymouth Fold your paper first in half (length wise) then in thirds to get a total of 6 squares It will have a total of six comic squares The story must be complete before you start your illustrations Illustrations here The history “story”