Desert By: Cack Tess
Facts About the Desert Receives less than 10 in. of rain per year Animals and Plants help each other live Very hot Poor soil
Animals That Live In The Desert Gila monster Lizards Coyotes Snakes
Plants Plants must be able to collect and store water in order to live in the desert Their roots are shallow so they can collect water easily
Saguaro Cactus Can live to be 200 years old Can grow very tall Animals live and hide in the trunk of the cactus It has to 75 years old to grow an arm
Cactus Hotel Provides food, water, shelter, and a place to hide Woodpeckers makes holes in the trunk Animals use burrows to hide and make their nests.
Fun Facts The temperature of the desert can go from very hot in the daytime to very cold in the evening. 1/3 of the Earth is a desert Cactus fruit have 2,000 seeds inside
Comprehension Questions How much rainfall does the desert receive? Name two animals that live in the desert. What is special about the roots of desert plants? How old is cactus before it grows an arm? Name three ways that a cactus helps animals.
Works Cited Lizard
By: Cack Tess Mrs. Burke’s Class 2005 The End! By: Cack Tess Mrs. Burke’s Class 2005